* Cosmo Chapter 14
* Implementation of the CCosmoClient class that just makes sure
* we get a CCosmoDoc on doc creation and that we initialize fully.
* Copyright (c)1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
* Kraig Brockschmidt, Software Design Engineer
* Microsoft Systems Developer Relations
* Internet :
* Compuserve: >

#include "cosmo.h"

* CCosmoClient::CCosmoClient
* CCosmoClient::~CCosmoClient
* Constructor Parameters:
* hInst HINSTANCE of the application.

CCosmoClient::CCosmoClient(HINSTANCE hInst)
: CClient(hInst)


* CCosmoClient::CreateCDocument
* Purpose:
* Constructs a new document specific to the application.
* Parameters:
* None
* Return Value:
* PCDocument Pointer to the new document object.

PCDocument CCosmoClient::CreateCDocument(void)
return (PCDocument)(new CCosmoDoc(m_hInst, m_pFR));

* CCosmoClient::NewDocument
* Purpose:
* Small override of the CClient::NewDocument that we have just
* to check the initial line selection on new document creation.
* Parameters:
* fVisible BOOL indicating if the document is to be
* visible or not.
* pAdv PCDocumentAdviseSink to set with the new
* document for notifications. Can be NULL.
* Return Value:
* PCDocument Pointer to the new document object.

PCDocument CCosmoClient::NewDocument(BOOL fVisible
, PCDocumentAdviseSink pAdv)
PCDocument pDoc;

//Perform default NewDocument first
pDoc=CClient::NewDocument(fVisible, pAdv);

//We know that m_pFR is actually a CCosmoFrame, so type is safe.

return pDoc;