* OLE-Specific installation-time functions that should be performed
* once when the application is first added to the system.
* Note that there are embedded strings in this file. We do not use
* strings from the application wide source in rgpsz since we want this
* module to be reusable in installation programs.
* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp. 1992-1994 All Rights Reserved
* Win32 version, January 1994


#include <windows.h>
#include "cosmo.h"
#include "oleinst.h"

* FRegDBInstall
* Purpose:
* Handles any installations the applciation must handle for the
* registration database. In this application, we just set up to
* call FOLEInstall that handles the OLE specific strings.
* Parameters:
* None
* Return Value:
* BOOL TRUE if installation succeeded, FALSE otherwise.

char szPath[CCHPATHMAX];

* Fill the REGINSTALL structure for calling FOLEServerInstall.
* Must do this after the strings are loaded since we use strings
* from the stringtable.
ri.pszServerName =(LPSTR)rgpsz[IDS_FULLNAME];
ri.pszServerClass =(LPSTR)rgpsz[IDS_CLASSCOSMO];
ri.pszHandlerPath =(LPSTR)NULL;
ri.pszExt =(LPSTR)rgpsz[IDS_DOTEXT];
ri.pszSetFormats =(LPSTR)rgpsz[IDS_NATIVE];
ri.fExecute =FALSE;

//Get the module path

if (NULL==hMod)
return FALSE;

GetModuleFileName(hMod, szPath, CCHPATHMAX);

ri.pszServerPath =(LPSTR)szPath;

//Fill the array of pointers to verbs.

ri.ppszVerbs =rgszVerbs;
ri.cVerbs =OBJVERB_MAX;

return FOLEServerInstall(&ri);

* FOLEServerInstall
* Purpose:
* Registers the server application and it's editable data types
* with the registration database through the SHELL.DLL functions.
* This function will register the server in the database if it
* is not there already.
* Limitations:
* FOLEServerInstall supports only a single class of data.
* Parameters:
* pszServer LPSTR name of the server.
* pszData LPSTR name of the data edited by the server.
* Return Value:
* BOOL TRUE if registration took place or the application
* was already registered, FALSE otherwise.

char szKey[128];
char szTemp[20];
DWORD dw=128;
LONG lRet;
UINT iVerb;
LPSTR *ppsz;

//Check if this server is already around.
lRet=RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpRI->pszServerClass, szKey, &dw);

return TRUE;

* Add various strings to the registration database:
* 1. English-readable class name.
* 2. Simple class name.
* 3. Full path to the server executable.
* 4. Full path to the handler DLL, if available.
* 5. Verbs
* 6. Any formats supported through OleSetData and OleRequestData.
* 7. Full application path if the server supports StdExecute.

//Validate essential strings
if (NULL==lpRI->pszServerClass)
return FALSE;

if (NULL==lpRI->pszServerName)
return FALSE;

if (NULL==lpRI->pszServerPath)
return FALSE;

if (NULL==lpRI->pszExt)
return FALSE;

if (NULL==lpRI->ppszVerbs || 0==lpRI->cVerbs)
return FALSE;

//1. English class name. Subkey is ""
FKeyCreate(lpRI->pszServerClass, rgpsz[IDS_EMPTY], lpRI->pszServerName);

//2. Simple class name associated with the file extension. Subkey is ""
FKeyCreate(lpRI->pszExt, rgpsz[IDS_EMPTY], lpRI->pszServerClass);

* The server path, handler path, and verbs are all part of
* the \\classname\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\ key. Before
* creating any of the keys, create a string with the class
* name embedded.
wsprintf(szKey, "%s\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\", lpRI->pszServerClass);

//3. Server path, append "server" onto szKey.
FKeyCreate(szKey, "server", lpRI->pszServerPath);

//4. Add the handler path, if one exists, appening "handler" on szKey.
if (NULL!=lpRI->pszHandlerPath)
FKeyCreate(szKey, "handler", lpRI->pszHandlerPath);

//5. Add each verb. Append to szKey "verb\\n" where n is a simple count.

for (iVerb=0; iVerb < lpRI->cVerbs; iVerb++)
//Create key and skip to next verb.
wsprintf(szTemp, "verb\\%d", iVerb);
FKeyCreate(szKey, szTemp, *ppsz++);

//6. Add the strings for formats, to "SetDataFormats" and "RequestDataFormats"
if (NULL!=lpRI->pszSetFormats)
FKeyCreate(szKey, "SetDataFormats", lpRI->pszSetFormats);

if (NULL!=lpRI->pszSetFormats)
FKeyCreate(szKey, "RequestDataFormats", lpRI->pszRequestFormats);

//7. Add the StdExecute string, appending the server path.
if (lpRI->fExecute)
wsprintf(szKey, "%s\\protocol\\StdExecute\\", lpRI->pszServerClass);
FKeyCreate(szKey, "server", lpRI->pszServerPath);

return TRUE;

* FKeyCreate
* Purpose:
* Short function to simplify the key creation process, centralizing
* calls to RegCreateKey, RegSetValue, and RegCloseKey. If the RegSetValue
* fails, the key is deleted with RegDeleteKey.
* Parameters:
* pszKey LPSTR to keyname.
* pszSubKey LPSTR to last word in keyname. This parameter is
* separate to enable calling RegDeleteKey on error.
* pszValue LPSTR to value to associate with keyname.
* Return Value:
* BOOL TRUE if registration succeeded, FALSE otherwise.

BOOL PASCAL FKeyCreate(LPSTR pszKey, LPSTR pszSubKey, LPSTR pszValue)
char szKey[128];
HKEY hKey;
UINT cch;
LONG lRet;


lstrcpy(szKey, pszKey);
lstrcat(szKey, pszSubKey);

lRet=RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szKey, &hKey);

return FALSE;

lRet=RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szKey, REG_SZ, pszValue, cch);

//Delete key if we could not set a value.
RegDeleteKey(hKey, pszSubKey);
return FALSE;


return FALSE;

return TRUE;