* Template IPersistFile interface implementation.
* Copyright (c)1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
* Kraig Brockschmidt, Software Design Engineer
* Microsoft Systems Developer Relations
* Internet : kraigb@microsoft.com
* Compuserve: >INTERNET:kraigb@microsoft.com

#include "iperfile.h"

* CImpIPersistFile:CImpIPersistFile
* CImpIPersistFile::~CImpIPersistFile
* Constructor Parameters:
* pObj LPVOID pointing to the object we live in.
* pUnkOuter LPUNKNOWN of the controlling unknown.

CImpIPersistFile::CImpIPersistFile(LPVOID pObj, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter)


* CImpIPersistFile::QueryInterface
* CImpIPersistFile::AddRef
* CImpIPersistFile::Release
* Purpose:
* Delegating IUnknown members for CImpIPersistFile.

STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::QueryInterface(REFIID riid
, LPVOID *ppv)
return m_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);

STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpIPersistFile::AddRef(void)
return m_pUnkOuter->AddRef();

STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpIPersistFile::Release(void)
return m_pUnkOuter->Release();

* CImpIPersistFile::GetClassID
* Purpose:
* Returns the CLSID of the file represented by this interface.
* Parameters:
* pClsID LPCLSID in which to store our CLSID.
* Return Value:
* HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value.

return NOERROR;

* CImpIPersistFile::IsDirty
* Purpose:
* Tells the caller if we have made changes to this object since
* it was loaded or initialized new.
* Parameters:
* None
* Return Value:
* HRESULT Contains S_OK if we ARE dirty, S_FALSE if
* NOT dirty.

STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::IsDirty(void)
return S_FALSE;

* CImpIPersistFile::Load
* Purpose:
* Asks the server to load the document for the given filename.
* Parameters:
* pszFile LPCSTR of the filename to load.
* grfMode DWORD flags to use when opening the file.
* Return Value:
* HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value.

STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::Load(LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD grfMode)
return E_NOTIMPL;

* CImpIPersistFile::Save
* Purpose:
* Instructs the server to write the current file into a new
* filename, possibly then using that filename as the current one.
* Parameters:
* pszFile LPCSTR of the file into which we save. If NULL,
* this means save the current file.
* fRemember BOOL indicating if we're to use this filename as
* the current file now (Save As instead of Save
* Copy As).
* Return Value:
* HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value.

STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::Save(LPCSTR pszFile, BOOL fRemember)
return E_NOTIMPL;

* CImpIPersistFile::SaveCompleted
* Purpose:
* Informs us that the operation that called Save is now finished
* and we can access the file again.
* Parameters:
* pszFile LPCSTR of the file in which we can start
* writing again.
* Return Value:
* HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value.

STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::SaveCompleted(LPCSTR pszFile)
return NOERROR;

* CImpIPersistFile::GetCurFile
* Purpose:
* Returns the current filename.
* Parameters:
* ppszFile LPTSTR * into which we store a pointer to
* the filename that should be allocated with the
* shared IMalloc.
* Return Value:
* HRESULT NOERROR or a general error value.

STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::GetCurFile(LPTSTR *ppszFile)
return E_NOTIMPL;