#include "stdafx.h" 
#include "initguid.h"
#include <txdtc.h>

// CIResourceManagerSink class implementation:

m_cRefs = 0;// Initialize the reference
// count.
} // CIResourceManagerSink::CIResourceManagerSink()

// Do nothing.
} // CIResourceManagerSink::~CIResourceManagerSink()

STDMETHODIMP CIResourceManagerSink::QueryInterface(REFIID i_iid, LPVOID *ppv)
*ppv = 0;// Initialize interface pointer.

if (IID_IUnknown == i_iid || IID_IResourceManagerSink == i_iid)
{// IID supported return interface.
*ppv = this;
} // if

if (0 == *ppv)// Check for null interface pointer.
return ResultFromScode (E_NOINTERFACE);
// Neither IUnknown nor
// IResourceManagerSink supported--
// so return no interface.
} // if

((LPUNKNOWN) *ppv)->AddRef();// Interface is supported. Increment
// its usage count.

return S_OK;

} // CIResourceManagerSink::QueryInterface()

STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) CIResourceManagerSink::AddRef(void)

return ++m_cRefs;// Increment interface usage count.

} // CIResourceManagerSink::AddRef()

STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) CIResourceManagerSink::Release(void)

--m_cRefs;// Decrement usage reference count.

if (0 != m_cRefs)// Is anyone using the interface?
{// The interface is in use.
return m_cRefs;// Return the number of references.
} // if

delete this;// Interface not in use -- delete!

return 0;// Zero references returned.

} // CIResourceManagerSink::Release()

//TMDown should trigger a recover. It is called when DTC goes down
//we should go into recovery mode.
STDMETHODIMP CIResourceManagerSink::TMDown(void)
return S_OK;

} // CIResourceManagerSink::TMDown()