OLE Automation Sample 


The SPoly2 sample draws polygons. The only way to make SPoly2 draw a polygon
is to use its programmability interface.

One OLE automation object is exposed by Spoly2: spoly.application.
The object spoly2.application is associated with SPoly's main application
window. It controls drawing polygons and clearing the display.


SPoly2 implements IDispatch for spoly.application by using INTERFACEDATA,
DispGetIDsOfNames, and DispInvoke.

Methods defined on spoly2.application

Name Description

Draw Draw the polygon.
Reset Delete all points from the polygon.
AddPoint(X, Y) Add a point with coordinates (x,y) to the
EnumPoints as VT_ENUM Return a collection of the polygon's points.
GetXOrigin as short Get the X origin of the polygon.
SetXOrigin(x as short) Set the X origin of the polygon.
GetYOrigin as short Get the Y origin of the polygon.
SetYOrigin(y as short) Set the Y origin of the polygon.
GetWidth as short Get the line width of the polygon.
SetWidth(width as short) Set the line width of the polygon.

Shortcomings of this sample

Many items in this sample should be properties. Instead, they are
implemented as methods. Anything which behaves like an attribute of the
object should be a property.

This is not a good example of how to implement a collection.