ADO Active Server Pages Sample 
This sample demonstrates the use of ADO in Microsoft Active Server Pages. In this sample, data for PC components is stored in cmpsales.mdb. The sample application lets web clients browse through the components and obtain a price quote for their selected PC configuration.

1. This sample requires Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0 and Microsoft Active Server Pages. You can download these from
2. Create an ODBC system DSN compsales that points to the sample data in cmpsales.mdb.
3. Copy the .asp, .jpg and .gif files of this sample to some directory on the web server machine with read and execute access.
4. Open cmpsales.asp in your web browser with the address : http://<machine name>/<virtual directory>/cmpsales.asp where <machine name> and <virtual directory> are your machine name and the virtual directory pointing to location of the sample files copied in Step 3.