<head><title>Chet's Damage Assessment</title><head>
<body background="Cldshalf.jpg" BGCOLOR=ffffcc TEXT="#000000">
<h1>Chet's Damage Assessment</h1>
<h3>System Configuration</h3>
' Print system configuration
vSelections = Array("CPUs", "Memory", "HardDrives", "Monitors", "VideoBoards", "CDROMs", "SoundCards", "Printers", "Modems")
for i = 0 to ubound(vSelections)
' Figure out the cost
pricesql = "select sum(unitprice) from products where "
pricesql = pricesql & "productname = '" & request.form(vSelections(0)) & "'"
for i = 1 to ubound(vSelections)
pricesql = pricesql & " or productname = '" & request.form(vSelections(i)) & "'"
set price = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
price.open pricesql, "dsn=compsales;uid=admin;pwd=;", 1
<h3>Damage : <%=price(0)%>$ </h3>
<hr size=4>
<font face="MS SANS SERIF" size=1>
The data mentioned herein is totally fictitious and is in no way intended to represent any
real data, unless otherwise noted.
<img src="ie_anim.gif" width="88" height="31" align=right alt="ie">