// Admin.C ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to support Exchange Admin Configuration Extension Dialogs for C
// programs. This does the majority of the handshaking necessary.
// (See ExAdmin.CPP for C++ support)
// This module is intended to be a generic MAIN source file for creating an
// Exchange Administration DLL. You could take this file and include it in your
// project as starting place for your DLL.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "edk.h"
#include "retcode.h"
#include "admin.h"
#include "admin.chk"
BOOL bReadOnly = FALSE; // The mode is read only if TRUE.
ADMIN_AdministratorFunction* pAdminFunctions; // Admin functions available to you.
ADMIN_ObjectInfo* pAdminObjectInfo; // Admin server name and other useful DNs.
// Eported Function. Called when DLL is first loaded.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL APIENTRY LibMain( // Returns TRUE if DLL has been initialized.
IN HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // Handle to this DLL instance
IN DWORD dwReason, // Reason DLL is being initialized.
IN LPVOID lpContext) // Context (not used)
// Set global instance variable.
hDLLInst = hinstDLL;
// Initialize the C Run Time DLL.
if( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH || dwReason == DLL_THREAD_ATTACH )
if( _CRT_INIT( hinstDLL, dwReason, lpContext) == FALSE)
return( FALSE);
return( TRUE);
// This function initializes the property sheet info and returns it to admin.
// Since this piece of code is written to be a generic MAIN source file for
// creating an Exchange Administration DLL we use global data defined outside
// of this module to contain the information about the property sheet dialogs.
// You will need to make sure your code contains the following two globals:
// 1) ADMIN_SheetInfo rgSheetInfo[] Array of info about your
// property sheets.
// 2) int cSheetInfo = ARRAY_CNT( rgSheetInfo); The count of property sheets
// in the array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL PASCAL bInitSheet( // RETURNS: TRUE if initialization OK
IN ADMIN_ObjectInfo* poi, // Computer name & DN.
IN ULONG fFlags, // Tells us if it is read only or not.
OUT ADMIN_SheetInfo** ppSheetInfo, // Property sheet description array
OUT UINT* pcsi, // Number of property sheets
OUT VOID** ppNotUsed) // Local data
int iSheet = 0;
DEBUGPUBLIC( "bInitSheet()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_bInitSheet( poi, fFlags, ppSheetInfo, pcsi, ppNotUsed)))
return( FALSE);
// Remember these for later usage.
pAdminObjectInfo = poi;
bReadOnly = (fFlags & fxfReadOnly) > 0;
// Initialize Admin property sheet info array.
for( iSheet = 0; iSheet < cSheetInfo; iSheet++)
{ // Update each array item with info we know about.
rgSheetInfo[ iSheet].hInstance = hDLLInst;
// Set return values.
*pcsi = cSheetInfo;
*ppSheetInfo = rgSheetInfo;
*ppNotUsed = NULL;
return( TRUE);
// Admin calls this when the property sheet dialog box is about to be removed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PASCAL DeinitSheet(
IN VOID* pNotUsed) // Extension data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL PASCAL bInstallExtension(ADMIN_ObjectInfo * poi)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL PASCAL bDeinstallExtension(ADMIN_ObjectInfo * poi)
// This is called once per standard property sheet. Not at all for our property
// sheets. If you want to disable some or all of the standard property sheets
// then return FALSE for those default property sheets.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL PASCAL bShowPage( UINT iddAdminPage)
BOOL bRet = TRUE; // Show the standard property sheet.
return( bRet);
// This function is called once durring initialization. Return -1 to cause the
// first standard property sheet to be displayed. Or return the index of one of
// our property sheets to have it come up first.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT PASCAL iStartPage( void)
int i = -1; // Default to the first standard property sheet.
return( i);
// Exported function. This is the first function called by admin after the DLL
// has been initialized.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IN ADMIN_AdministratorConnections* pAdminConnections, // Global Administrator Connections
IN ADMIN_AdministratorFunction* pAdminFuncs, // Global admin function
OUT ADMIN_ExtensionFunction** ppExtensionFunction)// Global Extension function
DEBUGPUBLIC( "ADMIN_Initialize()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_ADMIN_Initialize( pAdminConnections, pAdminFuncs, ppExtensionFunction)))
// We need to keep a global copy of admin's function pointers.
pAdminFunctions = pAdminFuncs;
// Tell admin where it can find the rest of our functions that it needs.
*ppExtensionFunction = &extensionFunctions;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// =============================================================================
// Miscelaneous support functions. The above functions are required by admin.,
// the functions listed below are not.
// =============================================================================
// Loads the extension data from Exchange Admin into an array of property values.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrLoadExtData(
IN HWND hDlg, // Handle of property sheet dialog.
IN LPTSTR lpszExtDataName, // Name of extension data to retrieve.
OUT ULONG* lpcExtProps, // Ptr to receive count of ext data properties.
OUT LPSPropValue* lppExtProps) // Ptr to ptr to extension data properties.
UINT cTemp = 0;
ULONG cRawExtData = 0; // Count of raw extension data blob.
LPBYTE lpbRawExtData = NULL; // Ptr to raw extension data blob.
LPWSTR lpwszExtDataName = NULL; // Ptr to mapi allocated WIDE extension data name.
//hr = CHK_HrLoadExtData( lpszExtDataName, lpcExtProps, lppExtProps);
//if( FAILED( hr))
//RETURN( hr);
// Make sure the property count starts at zero.
*lpcExtProps = 0;
// Convert extension data name string to a wide string
// which is required by Exchange Admin.
hr = HrStrToStrW( lpszExtDataName, &lpwszExtDataName);
if( FAILED( hr))
goto cleanup;
// Ask Exchange Admin the size of the buffer needed to hold the data.
rc = pAdminFunctions->pfnGetObjectDataSize( hDlg, lpwszExtDataName, &cTemp);
if( RC_FAILED( rc))
hr = HR_LOG( E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Convert UINT to a ULONG.
cRawExtData = cTemp;
// Allocate a buffer to hold the extension data returned from Exchange Admin.
hr = MAPIAllocateBuffer( cRawExtData, (LPVOID*) &lpbRawExtData);
if( FAILED( hr))
hr = HR_LOG( E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Get the extension data from Exchange Admin.
rc = pAdminFunctions->pfnGetObjectData( hDlg, lpwszExtDataName, lpbRawExtData, cRawExtData);
if( RC_FAILED(rc))
hr = HR_LOG( E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Unpack the Exchange Admin data into a MAPI style property value array.
hr = HrCfgUnpackData( cRawExtData, lpbRawExtData, NULL, lpcExtProps, lppExtProps);
if( FAILED( hr))
goto cleanup;
MAPIFREEBUFFER( lpwszExtDataName);
RETURN( hr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Saves the extension data into an Exchange Admin buffer. Admin will not
// commit this data until the user presses the Apply or OK button. However the
// changed data is then available to other property sheets.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrSaveExtData(
IN HWND hDlg, // Handle of property sheet dialog.
IN LPTSTR lpszExtDataName, // Name of extension data to save.
IN ULONG cExtProps, // Count of ext data properties.
IN LPSPropValue lpExtProps, // Ptr to extension data properties.
IN BOOL bNew) // Indicates the blob is new.
ULONG cExtData = 0;
LPBYTE lpbExtData = NULL;
// Validate the data to save.
if( cExtProps != 0 && !TEST_READ_PTR( lpExtProps, sizeof( SPropValue) * cExtProps))
hr = HR_LOG( E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Pack the configuration data from a MAPI style property value array
// into a format that Exchange Admin will be able to save.
hr = HrCfgPackData( lpszExtDataName, cExtProps, lpExtProps, &cExtData, &lpbExtData);
if( FAILED( hr))
goto cleanup;
// Set the extension data using Exchange Admin.
rc = pAdminFunctions->pfnSetObjectData( hDlg, lpbExtData, cExtData, bNew);
if( RC_FAILED(rc))
hr = HR_LOG( E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
RETURN( hr);
// Use this function to create child dialog box templates. It will ensure that
// the correct language and fonts are used.
// To display the dialog use DialogBoxIndirect() which is a Windows SDK
// function.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrLoadDialogTemplate(
IN UINT iddDialog, // Resource ID of dialog.
OUT HGLOBAL* phDlgTemplate) // Ptr to var to store handle in.
if( !pAdminFunctions->pfnLoadDialogResource( hDLLInst, iddDialog,
LANGIDFROMLCID(pAdminObjectInfo->lcid), (LPBYTE*) phDlgTemplate))
hr = HR_LOG( E_FAIL);
RETURN( hr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------