// --convrept.cpp------------------------------------------------
// CIPMConvert source code for IPM reports.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1986-1996. All rights reserved.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
#include "edk.h"
#include "tagnames.h"
#include "msgemit.h"
#include "convcls.h"
#include "convrept.chk"
// DESCRIPTION: Parses [non]delivery report-specific tag and data lines
// and constructs RCPT TO recipient list from them
// INPUT: none
// OUTPUT: pnRecipients -- number of [non]recipients
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CIPMConvert::HrParseReportSpecific(
OUT ULONG * pnRecipients) // # of [non]recipients
LPTSTR lpTag = NULL; // tag string
LPTSTR lpData = NULL; // data string
ULONG cbRead = 0; // # bytes read
LPSPropValue lpsRecipProps = NULL; // property value array pointer
ULONG nRecipProps = 0; // number of property values in array
ULONG cbEid = 0; // number of bytes in entry identifier
LPENTRYID lpEid = NULL; // entry identifier
ULONG cbName = 0; // # bytes in email address
DWORD cbSize = 0; // sizeof of property value array
LARGE_INTEGER sRetreat = {0}; // # of bytes to back up
LONGLONGcbRetreat=0;// # of bytes to back up
// report RCPT TO recipient list property indices
// These properties are common to both delivery reports
// and non-delivery reports.
const UINT iEmailAddr = 0; // email address
const UINT iRecipType = 1; // recipient type
const UINT iName = 2; // display name
const UINT iEID = 3; // recipient entry identifier
const UINT iAddrType = 4; // address type
const UINT iRecipNumber = 5; // recipient number
const UINT iReportTime = 6; // time report was generated
// NDR-specific non-recipient properties
const UINT iReportText = 7; // report text
const UINT iDiagCode = 8; // NDR diagnostic code
const UINT iReasonCode = 9; // NDR reason code
// # of NDR non-recipient properties
const ULONG nNDRRecipProps = 10;
// DR-specific recipient properties
const UINT iDeliverTime = 7; // DR delivery time
// # of DR recipient properties
const ULONG nDRRecipProps = 8;
// consistency checking
ASSERTERROR(!FBadUnknown(m_lpStream), "Bad m_lpStream");
ASSERTERROR((m_MsgType == mtNDR || m_MsgType == mtDR),
"Bad m_MsgType");
ASSERTERROR(!FBadUnknown(m_lpAB), "Bad m_lpAB");
ASSERTERROR(!IsBadStringPtr(m_lpszAddrType, INFINITE),
"Bad lpszAddrType");
// Check the input parameters.
hr = CHK_CIPMConvert_HrParseReportSpecific(pnRecipients);
if ( FAILED(hr) )
// initialize the output parameter
*pnRecipients = 0;
// Initialize number of recipient properties
if ( m_MsgType == mtNDR ) // non-delivery report
nRecipProps = nNDRRecipProps;
else // delivery report
nRecipProps = nDRRecipProps;
// Handle recipient data per [non]recipient.
while ( TRUE )
// Free MAPI buffers
// Parse the "Your message was not delivered to" tag and data
// or the "Your message was successfully delivered to" tag and data
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // # bytes read
&lpTag, // tag pointer
&lpData); // data pointer
// Check for end of file condition
if ( hr == EDK_E_END_OF_FILE )
// Have reached the end of the file, This
// is not an error.
if ( FAILED(hr) )
// general failure
goto cleanup;
// Check the tag read against the tag expected
if ( ( (m_MsgType == mtNDR) &&
(lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagNotSentTo) != 0) ) ||
( (m_MsgType == mtDR) &&
(lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagSentTo) != 0) ) )
// doing TNEF decoding, we have read ahead too far.
// Back up to where we were before.
if ( m_fTNEFEncode == TRUE )
cbRetreat = ((LONGLONG) (-1)) * cbRead;
sRetreat.LowPart = LOWLONG(cbRetreat);
sRetreat.HighPart = HILONG(cbRetreat);
hr = m_lpStream->Seek(
sRetreat, // negative offset
STREAM_SEEK_CUR, // from current position
NULL); // don't care
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// This is not an error.
break; // we are done
} // end if doing TNEF decoding
else // not doing TNEF decoding
// general error
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
} // end if tag is not what we expect
// Allocate memory for this recipient's properties.
// (Must do dynamic allocation, as IMessage::ModifyRecipients
// may reallocate property array buffer.).
cbSize = sizeof(SPropValue) * nRecipProps; // sizeof property value array
hr = MAPIAllocateBuffer(
cbSize, // # bytes to allocate
(VOID **) &lpsRecipProps); // pointer to array pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Initialize property value array
lpsRecipProps, // buffer
cbSize); // size of buffer
// save data for this non-recipient in the RCPT TO recipient property array.
// Allocate additional memory for the e-mail address.
cbName = cbStrLen(lpData);
hr = MAPIAllocateMore(
cbName, // # additional bytes
lpsRecipProps, // original buffer
(VOID **) &(lpsRecipProps[iEmailAddr].Value.LPSZ)); // email address buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Set up properties for this recipient.
// Set up the e-mail address
lpsRecipProps[iEmailAddr].ulPropTag = PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS; // e-mail address
// Set up the recipient type
lpsRecipProps[iRecipType].ulPropTag = PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE; // recipient type
lpsRecipProps[iRecipType].Value.l = MAPI_TO;
// Allocate more memory for display name
hr = MAPIAllocateMore(
(VOID **) &(lpsRecipProps[iName].Value.LPSZ)); // display name buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
lpsRecipProps[iName].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME; // display name
// Create an entry identifier for this "one off" address
hr = m_lpAB->CreateOneOff(
(LPTSTR) m_lpszAddrType, // PR_ADDRTYPE
0, // flags
&cbEid, // #bytes in entry ID
&lpEid); // entry identifier
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Allocate more memory for entry identifier
hr = MAPIAllocateMore(
cbEid, // # bytes to add
(VOID **) &(lpsRecipProps[iEID].Value.bin.lpb)); // entry identifier buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
lpsRecipProps[iEID].ulPropTag = PR_ENTRYID; // entry identifier
lpsRecipProps[iEID].Value.bin.cb = cbEid;
lpsRecipProps[iEID].Value.bin.lpb, // destination buffer
lpEid, // source buffer
cbEid); // count bytes
// Allocate more memory for address type
hr = MAPIAllocateMore(
cbStrLen(m_lpszAddrType), // # bytes to add
(VOID **) &(lpsRecipProps[iAddrType].Value.LPSZ)); // address type buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
lpsRecipProps[iAddrType].ulPropTag = PR_ADDRTYPE;
lpsRecipProps[iRecipNumber].ulPropTag = PR_RECIPIENT_NUMBER;
lpsRecipProps[iRecipNumber].Value.l = -1;
// Allocate additional memory for the report time.
hr = MAPIAllocateMore(
sizeof(FILETIME), // # bytes to add
(VOID **) &(lpsRecipProps[iReportTime].Value.ft)); // address type buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Report time
lpsRecipProps[iReportTime].ulPropTag = PR_REPORT_TIME;
// Determine and fill in the report time
hr = HrParseDateTimeString(
m_rgszData[iDate], // date time string
&(lpsRecipProps[iReportTime].Value.ft)); // file time pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
// Use a default value.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &(lpsRecipProps[iReportTime].Value.ft));
// Free tag and data string
// Handle NDR-specific properties
if ( m_MsgType == mtNDR )
// Parse "for the following reason" tag and data line.
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // # bytes read
&lpTag, // tag pointer
&lpData); // data pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Check the tag read against the one expected
if ( lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagReason) != 0 )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Allocate more memory for the report text
hr = MAPIAllocateMore(
cbStrLen(lpData), // # bytes to add
(VOID **) &(lpsRecipProps[iReportText].Value.LPSZ)); // address type buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
lpsRecipProps[iReportText].ulPropTag = PR_REPORT_TEXT;
lpsRecipProps[iReportText].Value.LPSZ, // buffer
lpData); // value
// Free tag and data strings
// Parse the "Diagnostic code" tag and data line
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // # bytes read
&lpTag, // tag pointer
&lpData); // data pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Check the tag read against the one expected
if ( lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagDiagCode) != 0 )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// save data in the RCPT TO recipient property array.
lpsRecipProps[iDiagCode].ulPropTag = PR_NDR_DIAG_CODE;
lpsRecipProps[iDiagCode].Value.l = atol(lpData);
// Free tag and data strings
// Parse the "NDR code" tag and data line.
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // # bytes read
&lpTag, // tag pointer
&lpData); // data pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Check tag read against one expected
if ( lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagNDRCode) != 0 )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// save data in the RCPT TO recipient property array.
lpsRecipProps[iReasonCode].ulPropTag = PR_NDR_REASON_CODE;
lpsRecipProps[iReasonCode].Value.l = atol(lpData);
// Free tag and data string
} // end if have an NDR
// Handle DR specific properties
// Read in the "at" tag and data
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // # bytes read
&lpTag, // tag pointer
&lpData); // data pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Check the tag read against the one expected
if ( lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagAtTime) != 0 )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Allocate additional memory for the delivery time.
hr = MAPIAllocateMore(
sizeof(FILETIME), // # bytes to add
(VOID **) &(lpsRecipProps[iDeliverTime].Value.ft));
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Determine and set the delivery time.
lpsRecipProps[iDeliverTime].ulPropTag = PR_DELIVER_TIME;
hr = HrParseDateTimeString(
lpData, // date time string
&(lpsRecipProps[iDeliverTime].Value.ft)); // file time pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
// Use a default value.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &(lpsRecipProps[iDeliverTime].Value.ft));
// Free tag and data string
} // end if have a DR
// Add the property array to the RCPT TO recipient list.
if ( m_lpReportToList == NULL )
// Create the recipient list
hr = HrMAPICreateAddressList(
nRecipProps, // # of properties for address
lpsRecipProps, // recipient properties
&m_lpReportToList); // target address list pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
} // end if recipient list doesn't exist
// Append to the recipient list
hr = HrMAPIAppendAddressList(
nRecipProps, // # of properties for address
lpsRecipProps, // recipient properties
&m_lpReportToList); // target address list pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
} // end if recipient list does exist
// increment [non]recipient count
// Process next [non]recipient
} // end while
// we are done.
// Free MAPI buffers
// HrMAPICreateAddressList makes a duplicate of the
// property value array passed into it. Thus, free
// property value array here.
// DESCRIPTION: Sets delivery and non-delivery report properties.
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CIPMConvert::HrSetReportProps()
ULONG ulImportance = 0; // importance value
ULONG ulPriority = 0; // priority value
LPSPropProblemArray lpsProblems = NULL; // problem array pointer
ULONG nReportProps = 0; // # of report properties
ULONG cbDestEid = 0; // # dest entry ID bytes
LPENTRYID lpDestEid = NULL; // destination entry ID
LPTSTR lpszSubjectPrefix = NULL; // subject prefix
LPTSTR lpszNormSubject = NULL; // normalized subject
SYSTEMTIME st = {0}; // current system time
FILETIME ftArrival = {0}; // arrival time
FILETIME ftSubmit = {0}; // submission time
LPTSTR lpDestAddr = NULL; // destination address
// property value array indices
const UINT iClassVal = 0;
const UINT iImportanceVal = 1;
const UINT iPriorityVal = 2;
const UINT iSubjectVal = 3;
const UINT iDestNameVal = 4;
const UINT iDestEidVal = 5;
const UINT iSubjectXIDVal = 6;
const UINT iSubPrefixVal = 7;
const UINT iNormSubjectVal = 8;
const UINT iDeleteVal = 9;
const UINT iArrivalTimeVal = 10;
const UINT iOrigSubmitVal = 11;
const UINT iReportReqVal = 12;
const UINTiContentRetVal=13;
// minimum number of report properties
const ULONG nMinRptProps = 14;
// maximum # of report properties.
// Note: There may not be any trace information or any X message
// identifier information. Thus, the maximum number of
// properties is three more than the minimum number of properties.
const ULONG nMaxRptProps = nMinRptProps + 3;
// Property value array
SPropValue rgReportProps[nMaxRptProps] = {0};
// index of email address in the envelope recipient address
// list property value array.
const UINT iEmailAddr = 0; // email address
// consistency checking
ASSERTERROR(!FBadUnknown(m_lpEnvelope), "Bad m_lpEnvelope");
ASSERTERROR((m_MsgType == mtNDR || m_MsgType == mtDR),
"Bad m_MsgType");
ASSERTERROR((!IsBadReadPtr(m_lpRcptToList, sizeof(ADRLIST))),
"Bad m_lpRcptToList");
// Initialize number of report properties to be the minimum
// number of report properties.
nReportProps = nMinRptProps;
// Fill in the properties to be set.
rgReportProps[iClassVal].ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_CLASS;
rgReportProps[iClassVal].Value.LPSZ = m_rgszData[iClass];
// Retrieve importance value.
hr = HrParseImportanceString(
m_rgszData[iImportance], // importance string
&ulImportance); // importance value
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
rgReportProps[iImportanceVal].ulPropTag = PR_IMPORTANCE;
rgReportProps[iImportanceVal].Value.l = ulImportance;
// Retrieve priority value
hr = HrParsePriorityString(
m_rgszData[iPriority], // priority string
&ulPriority); // priority value
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
rgReportProps[iPriorityVal].ulPropTag = PR_PRIORITY;
rgReportProps[iPriorityVal].Value.l = ulPriority;
rgReportProps[iSubjectVal].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
rgReportProps[iSubjectVal].Value.LPSZ = m_rgszData[iSubject];
// Retrieve the report destination name.
// The report destination name is actually in the
// "RCPT TO" line, which was stored in the m_lpRcptToList.
lpDestAddr = m_lpRcptToList->aEntries[0].rgPropVals[iEmailAddr].Value.LPSZ;
rgReportProps[iDestNameVal].ulPropTag = PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_NAME;
rgReportProps[iDestNameVal].Value.LPSZ = lpDestAddr;
// Create an entry identifier for this "one off" address
hr = m_lpAB->CreateOneOff(
lpDestAddr, // name
(LPTSTR) m_lpszAddrType, // address type
lpDestAddr, // address
0, // flags
&cbDestEid, // #bytes in entry ID
&lpDestEid); // entry identifier
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
rgReportProps[iDestEidVal].ulPropTag = PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_ENTRYID;
rgReportProps[iDestEidVal].Value.bin.cb = cbDestEid;
rgReportProps[iDestEidVal].Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE *) lpDestEid;
rgReportProps[iSubjectXIDVal].ulPropTag = PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID;
rgReportProps[iSubjectXIDVal].Value.bin.cb =
rgReportProps[iSubjectXIDVal].Value.bin.lpb =
(BYTE *) m_rgszData[iSubjectXID];
// Contruct subject prefix & normalized subject
// (Prefix is everything up to and including first colon.
// Normalized subject is everything else, except first space).
hr = HrEDKParseSubjectPrefix(
m_rgszData[iSubject], // subject text
&lpszSubjectPrefix, // prefix
&lpszNormSubject); // normalized subject
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
rgReportProps[iSubPrefixVal].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX;
rgReportProps[iSubPrefixVal].Value.LPSZ = lpszSubjectPrefix;
rgReportProps[iNormSubjectVal].ulPropTag = PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT;
rgReportProps[iNormSubjectVal].Value.LPSZ = lpszNormSubject;
rgReportProps[iDeleteVal].ulPropTag = PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT;
rgReportProps[iDeleteVal].Value.b = TRUE;
// Determine the arrival time. This is the current time!
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftArrival);
rgReportProps[iArrivalTimeVal].ulPropTag = PR_ARRIVAL_TIME;
rgReportProps[iArrivalTimeVal].Value.ft = ftArrival;
// Determine the original submission time.
hr = HrParseDateTimeString(
m_rgszData[iDate], // date time string
&ftSubmit); // file time structure
if ( FAILED(hr) )
// Use a default value.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftSubmit);
rgReportProps[iOrigSubmitVal].ulPropTag = PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME;
rgReportProps[iOrigSubmitVal].Value.ft = ftSubmit;
// Set the appropriate report requested property
if ( m_MsgType == mtNDR ) // non-delivery report
rgReportProps[iReportReqVal].ulPropTag =
else // delivery report
rgReportProps[iReportReqVal].ulPropTag =
rgReportProps[iReportReqVal].Value.b = TRUE;
// Set the content return requested flag. In general, we should
// try to propagate the original message content with all delivery
// and non-delivery reports.
rgReportProps[iContentRetVal].ulPropTag = PR_CONTENT_RETURN_REQUESTED;
// Evaluates to TRUE if TNEFed content data is available and FALSE otherwise.
rgReportProps[iContentRetVal].Value.b = m_fTNEFEncode;
// Only fill in PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID if it is not null.
if ( *(m_rgszData[iXID]) != 0 )
// Fill in X-Message-ID
rgReportProps[nReportProps].ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID;
rgReportProps[nReportProps].Value.bin.cb =
rgReportProps[nReportProps].Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE *) m_rgszData[iXID];
// increment number of properties
// Set the trace information, if any.
if ( m_lpTraceInfo != NULL )
rgReportProps[nReportProps].ulPropTag = PR_TRACE_INFO;
rgReportProps[nReportProps].Value.bin.cb = CbTRACEINFO(m_lpTraceInfo);
rgReportProps[nReportProps].Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE *) m_lpTraceInfo;
// increment the property count
} // end if trace information
// Set the internal trace information, if any.
if ( m_lpIntTraceInfo != NULL )
rgReportProps[nReportProps].ulPropTag = PR_INTERNAL_TRACE_INFO;
rgReportProps[nReportProps].Value.bin.cb = CbINTTRACEINFO(m_lpIntTraceInfo);
rgReportProps[nReportProps].Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE *) m_lpIntTraceInfo;
// increment the property count
} // end if internal trace information
hr = HrSetTransHdr();
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Set the report properties.
hr = m_lpEnvelope->SetProps(
nReportProps, // # of properties
rgReportProps, // property value array
&lpsProblems); // property problem array poniter
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
lpsProblems = NULL; // so can safely release
goto cleanup;
if ( lpsProblems != NULL )
// some properties weren't accepted
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Set properties on report's recipient table.
hr = m_lpEnvelope->ModifyRecipients(
0, // flags
m_lpReportToList); // address list
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// we are done
// Free MAPI buffers
// DESCRIPTION: Parses read/non read notification-specific tag and data lines.
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CIPMConvert::HrParseNotificationSpecific()
LPTSTR lpTag = NULL; // tag string
ULONG cbRead = 0; // # bytes read
// consistency checking
ASSERTERROR(!FBadUnknown(m_lpStream), "Bad m_lpStream");
ASSERTERROR((m_MsgType == mtNRN || m_MsgType == mtRN),
"Bad m_MsgType");
// Parse the "Your message was [not] read by" tag and data.
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // # bytes read
&lpTag, // tag pointer
&(m_rgszData[iReadBy])); // data pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Check the tag read against the one expected.
if ( (m_MsgType == mtNRN) &&
(lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagNotReadBy) != 0) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
else if ( (m_MsgType == mtRN) &&
(lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagReadBy) != 0) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Free tag string
// Parse the "at" tag and data line.
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // #bytes read
&lpTag, // tag string
&(m_rgszData[iNotifyTime])); // data buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// Check tag read against tag expected.
if ( lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagAtTime) != 0 )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Free tag string
// Handle non-read receipt-specific information.
if ( m_MsgType == mtNRN )
// Parse "Discard Code" tag and data
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // # bytes read
&lpTag, // tag string
&(m_rgszData[iDiscardCode])); // data buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// check tag read against one expected.
if ( lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagDiscCode) != 0 )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// free tag string
// Parse "Non-receipt code" tag and data
hr = HrParseTagAndData(
m_lpStream, // stream pointer
&cbRead, // # bytes read
&lpTag, // tag string
&(m_rgszData[iNonRcptCode])); // data buffer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
// check tag read against tag expected
if ( lstrcmp(lpTag, lpszTagNRNCode) != 0 )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Free tag string
} // end if NRN
// we are done
// Free MAPI buffers
// DESCRIPTION: Set content properties for read and non-read notifications
// INPUT: none
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CIPMConvert::HrSetNotifyCntProps()
LPSPropProblemArray lpsProblems = NULL; // property problems
FILETIME ftSubmit = {0}; // submission time struct
FILETIME ftReport = {0}; // report time struct
ULONG ulImportance = 0; // importance value
ULONG ulPriority = 0; // priority value
ULONG nNotifyProps = 0; // # of properties
ULONG cbEid = 0; // # bytes in entry ID
LPENTRYID lpEid = NULL; // entry identifier
LPTSTR lpszNormSubject = NULL; // normalized subject
LPTSTR lpszSubjectPrefix = NULL; // subject prefix
LPTSTR lpszFromAddr = NULL; // from address
ULONG cbParentKey = 0; // # bytes in binary parent key
// byte array for the binary parent key (PR_PARENT_KEY) property
BYTE rgbParentKey[ulMaxOutStringLen + 1] = {0};
// indices into the notification content's property value array
const UINT iClassVal = 0;
const UINT iFromAddrVal = 1;
const UINT iFromNameVal = 2;
const UINT iFromEidVal = 3;
const UINT iFromAddrTypeVal= 4;
const UINT iSubmitTimeVal = 5;
const UINT iImportanceVal = 6;
const UINT iPriorityVal = 7;
const UINT iSubjectVal = 8;
const UINT iReportTimeVal = 9;
const UINT iSubPrefixVal = 10;
const UINT iNormSubjectVal = 11;
const UINT iOrigSubjectVal = 12;
const UINT iOrigSubmitVal = 13;
const UINT iOrigDestNamVal = 14;
const UINT iOrigDestEidVal = 15;
const UINT iOrigDestAddrVal= 16;
const UINT iOrigDestATypVal= 17;
const UINT iSubjectXIDVal = 18;
const UINT iFromAddrVal2 = 19;
const UINT iFromNameVal2 = 20;
const UINT iFromEidVal2 = 21;
const UINT iFromAddrTypeVal2= 22;
// Properties unique to non-read notifications
const UINT iDiscardCodeVal = 23;
const UINT iNonRcptCodeVal = 24;
// The X-Message-Subject-ID property is not always
// present for read and non-read notifications.
// It's index will have to be computed.
// number of read notification content properties
const ULONG nRNNotifyProps = 23;
// number of non-read notification content properties
const ULONG nNRNNotifyProps = 25;
// Property value array
SPropValue rgNotifyProps[nNRNNotifyProps] = {0};
// consistency checking
ASSERTERROR((m_MsgType == mtNRN || m_MsgType == mtRN),
"Bad m_MsgType");
// If we are doing TNEF decoding, let TNEF
// extract the content properties.
if ( m_fTNEFEncode == TRUE )
goto cleanup;
// Initialize number of properties
if ( m_MsgType == mtNRN )
// non-read notification
nNotifyProps = nNRNNotifyProps;
// read notification
nNotifyProps = nRNNotifyProps;
// Set up notification content properties
rgNotifyProps[iClassVal].ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_CLASS;
rgNotifyProps[iClassVal].Value.LPSZ = m_rgszData[iClass];
// PR_SENDER_* and PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_* properties
lpszFromAddr = m_rgszData[iFrom];
rgNotifyProps[iFromAddrVal].ulPropTag = PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
rgNotifyProps[iFromAddrVal].Value.LPSZ = lpszFromAddr;
rgNotifyProps[iFromNameVal].ulPropTag = PR_SENDER_NAME;
rgNotifyProps[iFromNameVal].Value.LPSZ = lpszFromAddr;
// Create an entry identifier for this "one off" address
hr = m_lpAB->CreateOneOff(
lpszFromAddr, // name
(LPTSTR) m_lpszAddrType, // address type
lpszFromAddr, // address
0, // flags
&cbEid, // #bytes in entry ID
&lpEid); // entry identifier
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
rgNotifyProps[iFromEidVal].ulPropTag = PR_SENDER_ENTRYID;
rgNotifyProps[iFromEidVal].Value.bin.cb = cbEid;
rgNotifyProps[iFromEidVal].Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE *) lpEid;
rgNotifyProps[iFromAddrTypeVal].ulPropTag = PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE;
rgNotifyProps[iFromAddrTypeVal].Value.LPSZ = (LPTSTR) m_lpszAddrType;
rgNotifyProps[iFromAddrVal2].ulPropTag = PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
rgNotifyProps[iFromAddrVal2].Value.LPSZ = lpszFromAddr;
rgNotifyProps[iFromNameVal2].ulPropTag = PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME;
rgNotifyProps[iFromNameVal2].Value.LPSZ = lpszFromAddr;
rgNotifyProps[iFromEidVal2].ulPropTag = PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID;
rgNotifyProps[iFromEidVal2].Value.bin.cb = cbEid;
rgNotifyProps[iFromEidVal2].Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE *) lpEid;
rgNotifyProps[iFromAddrTypeVal2].ulPropTag = PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE;
rgNotifyProps[iFromAddrTypeVal2].Value.LPSZ = (LPTSTR) m_lpszAddrType;
// Parse client submit time.
hr = HrParseDateTimeString(
m_rgszData[iDate], // date time string
&ftSubmit); // file time structure
if ( FAILED(hr) )
// Use a default value.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftSubmit);
rgNotifyProps[iSubmitTimeVal].ulPropTag =
rgNotifyProps[iSubmitTimeVal].Value.ft = ftSubmit;
// Determine importance value.
hr = HrParseImportanceString(
m_rgszData[iImportance], // importance string
&ulImportance); // importance value
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
rgNotifyProps[iImportanceVal].ulPropTag = PR_IMPORTANCE;
rgNotifyProps[iImportanceVal].Value.l = ulImportance;
// Determine priority value.
hr = HrParsePriorityString(
m_rgszData[iPriority], // priority string
&ulPriority); // priority value
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
rgNotifyProps[iPriorityVal].ulPropTag = PR_PRIORITY;
rgNotifyProps[iPriorityVal].Value.l = ulPriority;
rgNotifyProps[iSubjectVal].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
rgNotifyProps[iSubjectVal].Value.LPSZ = m_rgszData[iSubject];
// Parse report time.
hr = HrParseDateTimeString(
m_rgszData[iNotifyTime], // date time string
&ftReport); // file time structure
if ( FAILED(hr) )
// Use a default value.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ftReport);
rgNotifyProps[iReportTimeVal].ulPropTag = PR_REPORT_TIME;
rgNotifyProps[iReportTimeVal].Value.ft = ftReport;
// Construct subject prefix
// The subject prefix is everything up until the first colon
// of the subject (and the next space, if any). The normalized
// subject is everything else.
hr = HrEDKParseSubjectPrefix(
m_rgszData[iSubject], // subject text
&lpszSubjectPrefix, // prefix
&lpszNormSubject); // normalized subject
if ( FAILED(hr) )
goto cleanup;
rgNotifyProps[iSubPrefixVal].ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX;
rgNotifyProps[iSubPrefixVal].Value.LPSZ = lpszSubjectPrefix;
rgNotifyProps[iNormSubjectVal].ulPropTag = PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT;
rgNotifyProps[iNormSubjectVal].Value.LPSZ = lpszNormSubject;
// Must set original subject after have computed normalized
// subject.
rgNotifyProps[iOrigSubjectVal].ulPropTag = PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT;
rgNotifyProps[iOrigSubjectVal].Value.LPSZ = lpszNormSubject;
rgNotifyProps[iOrigSubmitVal].ulPropTag = PR_ORIGINAL_SUBMIT_TIME;
rgNotifyProps[iOrigSubmitVal].Value.ft = ftSubmit;
// entry identifier, NOT a string!
// Must be filled in after original destination EID is determined
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestNamVal].ulPropTag =
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestNamVal].Value.bin.cb = cbEid;
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestNamVal].Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE *) lpEid;
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestEidVal].ulPropTag =
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestEidVal].Value.bin.cb = cbEid;
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestEidVal].Value.bin.lpb = (BYTE *) lpEid;
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestAddrVal].ulPropTag =
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestAddrVal].Value.LPSZ = lpszFromAddr;
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestATypVal].ulPropTag =
rgNotifyProps[iOrigDestATypVal].Value.LPSZ = (LPTSTR) m_lpszAddrType;
// Handle non-read notification specific properties.
if ( m_MsgType == mtNRN )
rgNotifyProps[iDiscardCodeVal].ulPropTag = PR_DISCARD_REASON;
rgNotifyProps[iDiscardCodeVal].Value.l = atol(m_rgszData[iDiscardCode]);
rgNotifyProps[iNonRcptCodeVal].ulPropTag = PR_NON_RECEIPT_REASON;
rgNotifyProps[iNonRcptCodeVal].Value.l = atol(m_rgszData[iNonRcptCode]);
// Read notifications use the PR_PARENT_KEY property to
// hold the IPM subject identifier.
// Determine the PR_PARENT_KEY.
ASSERTERROR(lstrlen(m_rgszData[iSubjectXID]) <= ulMaxOutStringLen,
"Bad m_rgszData[iSubjectXID]");
// compute # bytes of binary data expected
cbParentKey = lstrlen(m_rgszData[iSubjectXID])/2;
hr = ScBinFromHexBounded(
m_rgszData[iSubjectXID], // ASCII representation of binary key
rgbParentKey, // Binary parent key pointer
cbParentKey); // # bytes of binary data
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
rgNotifyProps[iSubjectXIDVal].ulPropTag = PR_PARENT_KEY;
rgNotifyProps[iSubjectXIDVal].Value.bin.cb = cbParentKey; // # bytes
rgNotifyProps[iSubjectXIDVal].Value.bin.lpb = rgbParentKey; // binary value
ASSERTERROR(!FBadUnknown(m_lpContent), "Bad m_lpContent");
// Set notification content properties.
hr = m_lpContent->SetProps(
nNotifyProps, // # of properties
rgNotifyProps, // array of property values
&lpsProblems); // problem array pointer
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
lpsProblems = NULL;
goto cleanup;
// Check for property problems
if ( lpsProblems )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// Modify content's recipient table
hr = m_lpContent->ModifyRecipients(
MODRECIP_ADD, // flags
m_lpContentRecips); // address list
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// save the changes to the message content
hr = m_lpContent->SaveChanges(
0); // we are done with the message content
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// save changes to the envelope attachment
hr = m_lpAttach->SaveChanges(
0); // we are done with the envelope attachment
if ( FAILED(hr) )
hr = HR_LOG(E_FAIL);
goto cleanup;
// we are done
// Free MAPI buffers