// --convcls.h-------------------------------------------------------------- 
// IPM to 822 conversion class header file.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All rights reserved.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef _CONVCLS_H
#define _CONVCLS_H

// $--MESSAGE_TYPE-----------------------------------------------
// Report type enumeration
// -------------------------------------------------------------
mtNone, // no type
mtIPM, // IPM message
mtNDR, // non-delivery report
mtDR, // delivery report
mtNRN, // non-read notification
mtRN // read notification

// $--CIPMConvert------------------------------------------------------------
// IPM message to 822-style stream converter class
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

class CIPMConvert

CIPMConvert(); // constructor
~CIPMConvert(); // destructor

// Initializes conversion class instance
HRESULT HrInitialize(
IN LPCWSTR lpwszMsgClass, // message class
IN BOOL bTNEFEnc, // TNEF encode attachments flag
IN LPADRBOOK lpAddrBook, // address book pointer
IN LPMESSAGE lpMessage, // message to convert
IN LPSTREAM lpStream); // stream to write output to

// IPM message or report to 822-style converter
HRESULT HrConvert();


// methods

// TNEF encodes everything below the envelope. Only
// converts the envelope to the "822-style" header.
HRESULT HrContentToTnef();

// converts an ENVELOPE.IPM message
HRESULT HrIPMTo822Format();

// converts a REPORT.IPM message
HRESULT HrReportTo822Format();

// Converts the message's or notification's envelope
HRESULT HrConvertEnvelope();

// Retrieves and stores envelope's properties.
HRESULT HrEnvelopeGetProps();

// Converts the message's content
HRESULT HrConvertContent();

// Converts the message's attachments
HRESULT HrConvertAttachments();

// Converts REPORT.[N]DR delivery/non-delivery report envelope
HRESULT HrConvertReport();

// Opens the envelope's content.
HRESULT HrOpenContent();

// Retrieves and stores properties requested
HRESULT HrRetrieveProps(
IN LPMAPIPROP lpObj, // MAPI object to retrieve properties from
IN LPSPropTagArray lpPropTags, // pointer to property tags
OUT LPSPropValue * lppPropVals);// pointer to property value array

// Determines and sets the report type
IN LPCWSTR lpwszMessageClass); // message class

// Handles NDR non-recipient table
HRESULT HrConvertNonRecipients();

// Handle DR recipient table
HRESULT HrConvertRecipients();

// Handle RN & NRN report content
HRESULT HrConvertNotifyContent();

// Checks to see if conversion class has been initialized
BOOL fCheckInit(); // RETURNS: BOOL

// "Resets" the class after a conversion is completed.

// data members
// Currently, converter only supports one conversion per thread.
LPCWSTR m_lpwszMsgClass; // mesage class
LPMESSAGE m_lpEnvelope; // message's envelope
LPMESSAGE m_lpContent; // message's content (the original message)
LPSTREAM m_lpStream; // stream currently writing to
BOOL m_fTNEFEncode; // TNEF encoding flag
LPADRBOOK m_lpAB; // address book pointer
LPATTACH m_lpAttach; // envelope attachment pointer

LPSPropValue m_lpEnvProps; // message envelope properties pointer
LPSPropValue m_lpCntProps; // message content properties pointer

MESSAGE_TYPE m_MsgType; // message type
