// EdkUtCpp.CPP----------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Implements methods for a class that supplies a list of id's and strings
// which can be found by ID.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "edk.h"
#include "EdkUtCpp.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CONSTRUCTOR: Pass in a pointer to an array of IDList and it's number of items.
// Use ARRAY_CNT( IDListArray) to get this.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

PIDList pIDList, // Pointer to array of IDList.
UINT nCnt) // Number of items in the list.
m_pIDList = pIDList;
m_nCnt = nCnt;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find an ID in the pIDList and return it's string.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

const LPSTR CIDList::Find( // Returns the string found or a not found message string.
ULONG ulID) // ID to search for.
if( m_pIDList)
PIDList pIDList = m_pIDList;
UINT nCnt = m_nCnt;
while( nCnt)
if( pIDList->ulID == ulID)
return( pIDList->pszValue); // Found the item we were looking for.
pIDList ++;
nCnt --;

// NOTE: If you change this format you must also change the declration
// of m_chNotFound to reflect the maximum size.
sprintf( m_chNotFound, "(ID: 0x%lX not found)", ulID);
return( m_chNotFound);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------