// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BinArray.cpp: Implements methods that wraps the MAPI SBinaryArray structure.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "edkafx.h"
#include "BinArray.h"
#include "BinArray.chk"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// $--CBinArray::CBinArray()----------------------------------------------------
// CONSTRUCTOR: Start off with an empty array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBinArray::CBinArray( ULONG AllocUnits)
m_SBA.cValues = 0;
m_SBA.lpbin = NULL;
m_Size = 0;
m_AllocUnits = AllocUnits;
m_pCurBin = NULL;
// $--CBinArray::~CBinArray()---------------------------------------------------
// DESTRUCTOR: Free all allocated memory.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ULONG cValues = m_SBA.cValues;
LPSBinary pBin = m_SBA.lpbin;
if( cValues)
ASSERTERROR( pBin != NULL, "m_SBA.lpbin should point to something.");
while( cValues)
{ // Delete each byte array pointer.
if( pBin->lpb)
delete [] pBin->lpb;
// Move pointer to next one.
cValues --;
pBin ++;
// Clear this just incase someone else was hanging on to a pointer to it.
m_SBA.cValues = 0;
m_SBA.lpbin = NULL;
// $--CBinArray::HrAdd()--------------------------------------------------------
// Add binary data to the array. Returns TRUE if data was added.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CBinArray::bAdd(
ULONG cb, // Count of byte array passed in.
LPBYTE pBytes) // Ptr to array of bytes.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CBinArray::bAdd()\n");
if( FAILED( CHK_CBinArray_bAdd( cb, pBytes)))
return( FALSE);
if( m_SBA.cValues > m_Size)
HR_LOG( E_FAIL); // Corruption of m_SBA.cValues, it's too large.
return( FALSE);
// Have we filled the existing array?
if( m_SBA.cValues == m_Size)
{ // YES, so expand it.
if( !bExpand())
return( FALSE);
// Allocate memory to hold binary data.
m_pCurBin->lpb = new BYTE[ cb];
if( !m_pCurBin->lpb)
return( FALSE);
// Make a copy of binary data.
m_pCurBin->cb = cb;
memcpy( m_pCurBin->lpb, pBytes, cb);
// Increment the count and the current pointer.
m_SBA.cValues ++;
m_pCurBin ++;
return( TRUE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expand the array by m_AllocUnits.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CBinArray::bExpand()
ULONG OldSize = m_Size;
if( !CDynamicArray< SBinary>::bExpand( m_AllocUnits))
return( FALSE);
// Adjust working pointers.
m_SBA.lpbin = m_ptr;
m_pCurBin = m_ptr + OldSize;
return( TRUE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------