// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// PropDlg.cpp: Implementation of a class that displays a dialog to show a
// list of properties.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "edkafx.h"
#include "PropDlg.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CONSTRUCTOR: Takes an ptr to a CProperty interface object pointer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

CPropDlg::CPropDlg( CProperty* piProp) : CADialog(/*CPropDlg::IDD*/)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_piProp = piProp;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize the dialog using the properties listed in the CProperty object
// that we got a pointer to in the constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CPropDlg::OnInitDialog()
// Pay tribute to our ancestors.

// Connect the CListBox object to the appropriate control.
if( HrSubclassWindow( IDC_LIST_PROPS, m_lbProps) != NOERROR)
return( TRUE); // Could not find the list box window.

// Set the tab stops for the list box.
int nTabStops[] = { 130, 400};
m_lbProps.SetTabStops( ARRAY_CNT( nTabStops), nTabStops);
m_lbProps.SetHorizontalExtent( 1000);

if( !m_piProp)
return( TRUE);

// Get the first property.

// Fill list box with all properties.
while( !m_piProp->bAtEnd())
{ // Format string to add to list box.
CString sBuf = m_piProp->szGetPrID();
sBuf += "\t";
sBuf += m_piProp->szGetPrValue();

// Add formated string to list box.
m_lbProps.AddString( sBuf);

// Move on to the next property.

return TRUE; // Return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------