// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Property.cpp: Implements methods for classes that works with IMAPIProp.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "edkafx.h"
#include "property.h"
#include "propdef.h" // Include only here! Contains static declarations.
#include "ErrCpp.h"
#include "property.chk"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

CProperty::CProperty() :
m_idlPropIDs( PropIDs, ARRAY_CNT( PropIDs)),
m_idlPropTypes( PropTypes, ARRAY_CNT( PropTypes))
m_bUnsigned = TRUE; // Default treatment of int and long to unsigned.
m_sDblFmt = "%10.2g"; // Default format for printing doubles.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the default sign format for int and long. Used by szGetPrValue() when
// caller does not provide a parameter.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BOOL CProperty::bSetUnsigned( BOOL bUnsigned)
BOOL bOldVal = m_bUnsigned;
m_bUnsigned = bUnsigned;
return( bOldVal);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the default format used for doubles and floats. This would be in
// printf() format.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

CString CProperty::SetDblFmt( LPSTR pszDblFmt)
CString sRetVal = m_sDblFmt;
m_sDblFmt = pszDblFmt;
return( m_sDblFmt);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Frees the property list array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CProperty::Free(
ULONG cValues, // Count of new properties.
LPSPropValue pProps) // Ptr to list of new properties.
MAPIFREEBUFFER( m_pFirstProp); // Free old list of properties.
Init( cValues, pProps); // Initialize list with new properties.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the properties using an IMAPIProp interface.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CProperty::GetProps(
IMAPIProp* imapiProp, // MAPI interface to access properties with.
LPSPropTagArray pta, // Ptr to property tag array.
ULONG ulFlags) // Optional flags, default to zero.
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CProperty::GetProps()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_CProperty_GetProps( imapiProp, pta, ulFlags);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);


// Get the properties using MAPI.
hr = imapiProp->GetProps( pta, ulFlags, &m_cValues, &m_pFirstProp);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Setup to transverse through list of properties.
m_pLastProp = m_pFirstProp + (m_cValues - 1);

return( NOERROR);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set current property to the next property.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CProperty::Next()
if( m_pCurProp == NULL)
m_pCurProp = m_pFirstProp;
else if( m_pCurProp == m_pLastProp)
m_pCurProp = NULL;
m_pCurProp ++;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the current property ID as a ULONG.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ULONG CProperty::ulGetPrID()
ASSERTERROR( m_pCurProp != NULL, "m_pCurProp is NULL!");
if( m_pCurProp == NULL)
return( 0);

return( PROP_ID(m_pCurProp->ulPropTag));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the current property TYPE as a ULONG.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ULONG CProperty::ulGetPrType()
ASSERTERROR( m_pCurProp != NULL, "m_pCurProp is NULL!");
if( m_pCurProp == NULL)
return( 0);

return(PROP_TYPE( m_pCurProp->ulPropTag));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the current property VALUE as a union _PV as defined in MAPI.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

UPropVal CProperty::upvGetPrValue()
UPropVal upv;
upv.ul = 0; // On error return this property value.

ASSERTERROR( m_pCurProp != NULL, "m_pCurProp is NULL!");
if( m_pCurProp == NULL)
return( upv);

return( m_pCurProp->Value);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the current property VALUE as a formated CString. Pass TRUE to treat
// ints or longs as unsigned, FALSE otherwise. If no params passed in we
// default to a value that may be set through bSetUnsigned().
// NOTE: A number of the possible property types don't have a conversion at
// this time.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

CString CProperty::szGetPrValue( BOOL bUnsigned)
int ii;
unsigned ui;
double dbl;
char chBuf[4];
CString sRetVal;
FILETIME LocalFT = {0};
SYSTEMTIME st = {0};
UPropVal upv = upvGetPrValue();

if( bUnsigned == -1)
bUnsigned = m_bUnsigned;

switch( ulGetPrType())
case PT_I2:
if( bUnsigned)
ui = (unsigned) upv.i; // Convert to short unsigned to regular unsigned.
sRetVal.Format( "%u", ui);
ii = upv.i; // Convert to short int to regular int.
sRetVal.Format( "%d", ii);

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
case PT_LONG:
if( bUnsigned)
sRetVal.Format( "%lu", upv.ul);
sRetVal.Format( "%ld", upv.l);

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
case PT_R4:
dbl = upv.flt;
sRetVal.Format( m_sDblFmt, dbl);

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sRetVal.Format( m_sDblFmt, upv.dbl);

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if( upv.b)
sRetVal = "TRUE";
sRetVal = "FALSE";

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if( FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &upv.ft, &LocalFT))
if( FileTimeToSystemTime( &LocalFT, &st))
sRetVal.Format( "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d %.2d/%.2d/%.2d",
st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond,
st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wYear);

sRetVal.Format( "Error %lu converting file time to local or system time.", GetLastError());

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
case PT_STRING8:
sRetVal.Format( "%s", upv.lpszA);

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sRetVal.Format( "CB:%d 0x", upv.bin.cb); // Format the count.

// Make sure we don't format more than 100 bytes.
if( upv.bin.cb > 100)
ii = 100;
ii = upv.bin.cb;

// Loop to format into hex digits.
pByte = upv.bin.lpb;
while( ii)
{ // Format a single byte into a hex value and add to sRetVal.
ui = *pByte;
sprintf( chBuf, "%.2x", ui);
sRetVal += chBuf;

// Next byte.
pByte ++;
ii --;

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
case PT_ERROR:
CHRESULT hr = upv.err;
sRetVal.Format( "Error %s [%.8lx]", hr.Msg(), hr);

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sRetVal = szGetPrType();
sRetVal += " has no conversion at this time.";
return( sRetVal);

// $--CProperty::Init()---------------------------------------------------------
// Initializes property counters and pointers.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CProperty::Init( ULONG cValues, LPSPropValue pProps)
m_cValues = cValues;
m_pFirstProp = pProps;
m_pLastProp = m_pFirstProp + (m_cValues - 1);
m_pCurProp = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

m_pRowSet = NULL; // No property row set.
m_ulCurRowIndex = PR_ROW_SET_END; // No current row.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Frees the rows of properties then initializes the base class values since we
// don't want it trying to free a single row of properties that no longer exists.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CPropertyRows::Free()
if( !m_pRowSet)

FreeProws( m_pRowSet);
m_pRowSet = NULL;
m_ulCurRowIndex = PR_ROW_SET_END; // No current row.

Init( 0, NULL);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets a row of properties from a MAPI table.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HRESULT CPropertyRows::HrGetTblRows( // RETURNS: return code
LPMAPITABLE lpTable, // Ptr to a mapi table.
ULONG cMaxNRows) // Max.# of rows to return
DEBUGPUBLIC( "CPropertyRows::HrGetTblRows()\n");
CHRESULT hr = CHK_CPropertyRows_HrGetTblRows( lpTable, cMaxNRows);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Free last row set before trying to get another.

// Get the next list of messages in the folder
hr = lpTable->QueryRows( cMaxNRows, 0L, &m_pRowSet);
if( FAILED( hr))
RETURN( hr);

// Make sure we received a valid pointer.
if( !m_pRowSet)

// Have we reached the end of the row list?
if( m_pRowSet->cRows == 0)
RETURN( EDK_E_END_OF_FILE); // YES, since no rows found return EDK_E_END_OF_FILE.


return( NOERROR);

// $--CPropertyRows::SetCurRow()------------------------------------------------
// Set currency to either the first or the next row of properties.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CPropertyRows::SetCurRow( BOOL bFirst) // TRUE sets to first row, FALSE sets to next row.
if( !m_pRowSet)
return; // There is no row set.

// Were we requested to set to the first row, or were we at the end of the row list?
if( bFirst || m_ulCurRowIndex == PR_ROW_SET_END)
m_ulCurRowIndex = 0; // YES, so set to first row.
m_ulCurRowIndex ++; // NO, so set to the next row.

if( bAtEndOfRows())
m_ulCurRowIndex = PR_ROW_SET_END;

// Initialize base class so that it's first and current property
// point to the first one in this row.
Init( m_pRowSet->aRow[ m_ulCurRowIndex].cValues, m_pRowSet->aRow[ m_ulCurRowIndex].lpProps);
First(); // First property of this row.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------