Attribute VB_Name = "ApptObjectRoutines"
Option Explicit
' Calls all scripts in this module
Function CallAllApptScripts()
Set gobjBase = objSetBaseObject
If gobjBase.LoggedOn = False Then
gobjBase.Logon profileName:="ryanw24"
End If
Set gobjSched = gobjBase.ScheduleSelected
'Create a simple task (desc. and notes)
' bCreateSimpleTask (1)
'Create a task with all fields filled (except contact and role)
' bCreateTaskAllFields (1)
'Create an 8K Task
bCreate8KAppt (1000)
'Create simple recurring task
' bCreateSimpleRecurTask (1)
'Create recurring task with all fields filled
'Create an 8K task
Set gobjSched = Nothing
Set gobjBase = Nothing
End Function
Function bCreate8KAppt(nNumber As Integer) As Boolean
Dim objTable As Object
Dim objItem As Object
Dim i As Integer
Dim szText As String
'Check to make sure nNumber was set
nNumber = IIf(nNumber = 0, 1, nNumber)
'Get the 8k of text
szText = szGetMuchText(8192)
'Create some simple tasks
Set objTable = objGetTable(SINGLE_APPOINTMENTS)
For i = 1 To nNumber
Set objItem = objTable.New
objItem.SetProperties Text:=("OLE: bCreate8KAppt " & Str$(i) & " " & Now() & szText), Notes:="Notes", _
BusyType:=CLng(1), _
Start:=(DateAdd("h", i, Now())), End:=(DateAdd("h", i + 1, Now()))
Set objItem = Nothing
Next i
Set objTable = Nothing
bCreate8KAppt = True
End Function