// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// SGWAdmin.h : header file
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1996. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef _SGWADMIN_H_
#define _SGWADMIN_H_

#pragma message("Including " __FILE__)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "ExAdmin.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "EditExt.h"
#include "SGWData.h"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class CSGWDlg : public CAdminDialog
// A default constructor is the only one we will need.

// Validate that a string is not empty and modify the extension data property
// in memory.
BOOL bIsValidString(
IN ULONG iProp, // Index of property
IN CEditExt& editCtrl); // Edit control containing data to validate.

// Validate that a ulong is within a specified range and modify the extension
// data property in memory.
BOOL bIsValidULong(
IN ULONG iProp, // Index of property
IN CEditExt& editCtrl, // Edit control containing data to validate.
IN ULONG ulLow, // Lowest valid value.
IN ULONG ulHigh, // Highest valid value.
IN int idErrMsg); // Index of error message resource string.

// Called when a different property sheet has been selected or when either the
// OK or APPLY NOW button is pressed. Returns TRUE if data has been validated
// and saved.
// When we call the CAdminDialog::bSaveData() function it gets saved in an
// admin memory space. This makes it available to other property sheets that
// might be viewing the same data.
virtual BOOL bSaveData();

// Called when either the OK or APPLY NOW button is pressed and after bSaveData().
// Return TRUE if data has been committed.
virtual BOOL bCommitData();

// Called to determine if you supply help. Return TRUE if you do, defaults to FALSE.
virtual BOOL bHasHelp();

// Called to start help. Default does nothing.
virtual VOID DoHelp();

// Called when our property sheet is brought into focus to refresh data that
// may have been altered by other property sheets.
virtual void Refresh();

// This boolean is used to keep the apply button from being enabled when
// we are just repainting the data on the form.
BOOL m_bRefresh;

// All of the controls of this dialog.
CButton m_CheckInBound;
CButton m_CheckOutBound;
CEditExt m_EditAddrType;
CEditExt m_EditDispName;
CEditExt m_EditEmailAddr;
CEditExt m_EditThreadsIn;
CEditExt m_EditThreadsOut;
CEditExt m_EditMsgsIn;
CEditExt m_EditMsgsOut;
CEditExt m_EditSleepIn;
CEditExt m_EditSleepOut;
CEditExt m_EditPollingIn;
CEditExt m_EditPollingOut;
CEditExt m_EditDirIn;
CEditExt m_EditDirOut;
CEditExt m_EditConverterIn;
CEditExt m_EditConverterOut;

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Class wizard stuff.
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add data members here

// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides

// Generated message map functions
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
afx_msg void OnEnChange();
afx_msg void OnBnClicked();


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma message("Declaration of global objects for: " __FILE__)

// Declare an instance of a CAdminDialog derived class.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#endif // _SGWADMIN_H_