/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
returns the value of the board from 'computer_colors' perspective
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
long QualityOfBoard(BOARD b,int t)
/* ----- constants (to be tweaked) ----- */
const int wKing = 32 + 256;
const int wPiece = 256;
const int wBlank = 1;
const int wMoveTheory = 32;
const int wCenterPos = 4;
const int wDoubleCorner = 2;
const int wHoldingKingRow = 2;
const int wEdges = -1;

/* ----- variable factors ----- */
long q=50000; /* quality */

#define co_kings (pieces[computer_color | KING] )
#define op_kings (pieces[next(computer_color) | KING] )
#define co_pieces (pieces[computer_color] )
#define op_pieces (pieces[next(computer_color)] )
#define blanks (pieces[0] )

int pieces[7];
BOARD pb = b + 32;
int mtpis = 0; // movetheory pieces in system

/* ----- number of pieces ----- */
for (;;)
Assert(pb >= b);
Assert(pb >= b);
Assert(pb >= b);
if (pb <= b) break;
q += (co_kings * wKing); /* multiply piece count factor by weights */
q -= (op_kings * wKing);
q += (co_pieces * wPiece);
q -= (op_pieces * wPiece);
q += (blanks * wBlank);

/* ----- move theory ----- */
if (co_pieces == op_pieces && 0==co_kings && 0==op_kings)
int base_of_system=0;
if (BLACK == next(t)) base_of_system=4;
for (;base_of_system < 32; base_of_system += 8)
if (b[1+base_of_system]) mtpis++;
if (b[2+base_of_system]) mtpis++;
if (b[3+base_of_system]) mtpis++;
if (b[4+base_of_system]) mtpis++;
mtpis &= 1;
q += wMoveTheory;
if (next(t) == computer_color)
if (!mtpis) /* opponent has the move */
q -= (wMoveTheory * 2);
if (mtpis) /* opponent has the move */
q -= (wMoveTheory * 2);

/* ----- position of pieces ----- */
static const long weightTable[][3] = { {0,0,0},
{0, wDoubleCorner, -wDoubleCorner}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0},
{0, wDoubleCorner, -wDoubleCorner}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0},
{0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0, wEdges, -wEdges},
{0, wEdges, -wEdges}, {0, wCenterPos, -wCenterPos},
{0, wCenterPos, -wCenterPos}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0},
{0, wCenterPos, -wCenterPos}, {0, wCenterPos, -wCenterPos},
{0, wEdges, -wEdges}, {0, wEdges, -wEdges},
{0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0},
{0, wDoubleCorner, -wDoubleCorner}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0},
{0, wDoubleCorner, -wDoubleCorner}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0},
{0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0} };
long q_posfactor = 0;
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 1][b[ 1] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 5][b[ 5] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 12][b[ 12] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 13][b[ 13] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 14][b[ 14] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 15][b[ 15] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 18][b[ 18] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 19][b[ 19] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 20][b[ 20] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 21][b[ 21] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 28][b[ 28] & 3];
q_posfactor += weightTable[ 32][b[ 32] & 3];
if (BLACK == computer_color)
q_posfactor = -q_posfactor;
q += q_posfactor;

/* ----- king row ----- */
if ((0 == (KING & b[1])) && 0 != b[1]) {if (b[1] & computer_color) q+=wHoldingKingRow; else q-=wHoldingKingRow;}
if ((0 == (KING & b[3])) && 0 != b[3]) {if (b[3] & computer_color) q+=wHoldingKingRow; else q-=wHoldingKingRow;}
if ((0 == (KING & b[30])) && 0 != b[30]) {if (b[30] & computer_color) q+=wHoldingKingRow; else q-=wHoldingKingRow;}
if ((0 == (KING & b[32])) && 0 != b[32]) {if (b[32] & computer_color) q+=wHoldingKingRow; else q-=wHoldingKingRow;}

/* ----- return the results ----- */
pdebug(stddbg,"QualityOfBoard=%ld %s(%d)\n",q,__FILE__,__LINE__);
AssertSz(q > 0,"queue too small");
if (0==rConfig.iGameType) return q;
if (1==rConfig.iGameType) return 100000-q;
AssertSz(0,"what kind of game are you playing anyway?");
return q;