//| ODBC System Administrator
//| This code is furnished on an as-is basis as part of the ODBC SDK and is
//| intended for example purposes only.
//| Title: STRINGS.H
//| This file contains the defines for the string table error and
//| information messages. Load these strings using the GetidsString
//| function.
#ifndef strings_DEFS
#define strings_DEFS

//| Macros and Defines
#define idsFileClosed 8000
#define idsSuccessConnect 8001
#define idsDisconnectSuccess 8002
#define idsErrorString 8003
#define idsMsgErrorString 8004
#define idsCloseFile 8005
#define idsOpenFileFailed 8006
#define idsSaveFileFailed 8007
#define idsSQLAllocHandleFailed 8008
#define idsMaxRecords 8009
#define idsStmtProcessed 8010
#define idsAffectedRows 8011
#define idsNoDataFound 8012
#define idsNumTooSmall 8013
#define idsTerminatorNotFound 8014
#define idsExecutingFile 8015
#define idsInvalidTerminator 8016
#define idsPipeNotFound 8017
#define idsInvalidParamValue 8018
#define idsOutOfMemory 8019
#define idsInvalidCmdLine 8020
#define idsCmdLineTooBig 8021
#define idsDftFileFilter 8022
#define idsExpression 8023
#define idsInvalidInt 8024
#define idsTooManyParms 8025
#define idsInvalidName 8026
#define idsTooManyConnects 8027
