// Microsoft OLE DB Sample Provider
// (C) Copyright 1994 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// @doc
// @module BITARRAY.CPP | This contains an implementation of a bit array
// class currently used by the Internal Buffer to mark released or
// unreleased rows.
#include "headers.h"
#include "bitarray.h"
// @mfunc Constructor for this class
// @rdesc NONE
m_rgbBit = NULL;
m_cPageMax = 0;
m_cPageCurrent = 0;
m_cslotCurrent = 0;
// @mfunc Destructor for this class
// @rdesc NONE
CBitArray:: ~CBitArray
if (m_rgbBit)
if (m_cPageCurrent)
VirtualFree((VOID *) m_rgbBit, m_cPageCurrent *m_cbPage, MEM_DECOMMIT );
VirtualFree((VOID *) m_rgbBit, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
// @mfunc Allocate and Initialize the array of bits
// @rdesc HRESULT indicating routines status
// @flag S_OK | Initialization succeeded
// @flag E_OUTOFMEMORY | Not enough memory to allocate bit array
ULONG cslotMax, //@parm IN | Maximum number of slot
ULONG cbPage //@parm IN | Count of bytes per page
ULONG cPage;
cPage = (cslotMax / 8 + 1) / cbPage + 1;
m_rgbBit = (BYTE *) VirtualAlloc( NULL, cbPage *cPage, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE );
if (m_rgbBit == NULL)
return ResultFromScode( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
m_cPageMax = cPage;
m_cbPage = cbPage;
for (ib =0; ib < 8; ib++)
m_rgbBitMask[ib] = (1 << ib);
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Set a range of bit slots
// @rdesc HRESULT indicating routines status
// @flag S_OK | Initialization succeeded
// @flag E_OUTOFMEMORY | Not enough memory to allocate bit array
ULONG islotFirst, //@parm IN | First slot in range to set
ULONG islotLast //@parm IN | Last slot in range to set
ULONG islot;
if (islotLast >= m_cslotCurrent)
ULONG cPageAdd;
cPageAdd = ((islotLast - m_cslotCurrent + 1) / 8 + 1) / m_cbPage + 1;
if ((cPageAdd + m_cPageCurrent) > m_cPageMax
|| VirtualAlloc( m_rgbBit + m_cPageCurrent*m_cbPage, cPageAdd *m_cbPage, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ) == NULL)
return ResultFromScode( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
memset( m_rgbBit + m_cPageCurrent*m_cbPage, 0x00, cPageAdd *m_cbPage );
m_cPageCurrent += cPageAdd;
m_cslotCurrent += cPageAdd *m_cbPage *8;
// Only do this top section
// if we have at least 2 byte's worth of bits to set.
// Although no real speedup until we have 3 byte's worth.
// Note really ought to be ((ilast-ifirst+1) >= 2*8).
// (Note could use CHAR_BIT, num bits in a char.)
// Also optimized end cases, so nothing is done
// if the start or end is byte aligned.
// Need this copied into ResetSlots.
//if((islotLast -islotFirst) > 2*sizeof(BYTE))
if (islotLast - islotFirst > 2 * 8)
ULONG ibFirst, ibLast;
int iFixFirst, iFixLast;
ibFirst = islotFirst / 8;
ibLast = islotLast / 8;
iFixFirst = (islotFirst % 8 != 0); // set to 1 if first byte not totally set
iFixLast = (islotLast % 8 != 7); // set to 1 if last byte not totally set
if (iFixFirst)
for (islot = islotFirst; (islot / 8) == ibFirst; islot++)
m_rgbBit[islot / 8] |= m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8];
memset( &m_rgbBit[ibFirst + iFixFirst], 0xff, ibLast - ibFirst + 1 - iFixFirst - iFixLast );
if (iFixLast)
for (islot = islotLast; (islot / 8) == ibLast; islot--)
m_rgbBit[islot / 8] |= m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8];
for (islot = islotFirst; islot <= islotLast; islot++)
m_rgbBit[islot / 8] |= m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8];
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Clear all bit slots
// @rdesc NONE
VOID CBitArray::ResetAllSlots
memset( m_rgbBit, 0x00, m_cPageCurrent*m_cbPage );
// @mfunc Reset a range of slots
// @rdesc HRESULT indicating routines status
// @flag S_OK | Reset Succeeded
STDMETHODIMP CBitArray::ResetSlots
ULONG islotFirst, //@parm IN | First slot in range to reset
ULONG islotLast //@parm IN | Last slot in range to reset
ULONG ibFirst, ibLast, islot;
if (islotFirst < m_cslotCurrent)
if (islotLast >= m_cslotCurrent)
islotLast = m_cslotCurrent - 1;
if ((islotLast - islotFirst) > 2*8)
ibFirst = islotFirst / 8;
ibLast = islotLast / 8;
for (islot = islotFirst; (islot / 8) == ibFirst; islot++)
m_rgbBit[islot / 8] &= ~m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8];
memset( &m_rgbBit[ibFirst + 1], 0x00, ibLast - ibFirst - 1 );
for (islot = islotLast; (islot / 8) == ibLast; islot--)
m_rgbBit[islot / 8] &= ~m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8];
for (islot = islotFirst; islot <= islotLast; islot++)
m_rgbBit[islot / 8] &= ~m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8];
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Determines if any bits are set
// @rdesc HRESULT indicating routines status
// @flag S_OK | Array is Empty
// @flag S_FALSE | Array contains set bits
STDMETHODIMP CBitArray::ArrayEmpty
if (m_cPageCurrent)
ULONG idw, cdw, *rgdw;
cdw = m_cPageCurrent * (m_cbPage / sizeof( ULONG ));
rgdw = (ULONG *) m_rgbBit;
for (idw =0; idw < cdw; idw++)
if (rgdw[idw])
return ResultFromScode( S_FALSE );
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Determine if a particular bit slot is set
// @rdesc HRESULT indicating routines status
// @flag S_OK | Slot is set
// @flag E_OUTOFMEMORY | Slot is not set
ULONG islot //@parm IN | Bit slot to check
if (islot >= m_cslotCurrent || (m_rgbBit[islot / 8] & m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8]) == 0x00)
return ResultFromScode( S_FALSE ); // not set
return ResultFromScode( S_OK ); // is set
// @mfunc Find the first set slot within the bit array given a starting
// position
// @rdesc HRESULT indicating routines status
// @flag S_OK | Initialization succeeded
// @flag E_OUTOFMEMORY | Not enough memory to allocate bit array
ULONG islotStart, //@parm IN | Starting slot to search from
ULONG islotLimit, //@parm IN | Number of slots to check
ULONG *pislot //@parm OUT | Index of first set slot
ULONG ibStart, ibLimit, idwStart, idwLimit, ibEnd, ib, islot, islotEnd, idw, *pdw;
if (islotStart > islotLimit)
ibStart = islotStart / 8;
ibLimit = islotLimit / 8;
if ((ibStart - ibLimit) > 1)
islotEnd = ibStart*8;
for (islot = islotStart; islot >= islotEnd; islot--)
if (m_rgbBit[islot / 8] & m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8])
*pislot = islot;
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
idwStart = islotStart / 32;
idwLimit = islotLimit / 32;
if (idwStart - idwLimit > 1)
ibEnd = idwStart*4;
for (ib = ibStart - 1; ib >= ibEnd; ib--)
if (m_rgbBit[ib])
islot = ib*8 + 7;
goto Found1;
for (pdw = (ULONG *) & m_rgbBit[ (idwStart - 1) *4], idw = idwStart - 1; idw > idwLimit; idw--, pdw--)
if (*pdw)
islot = idw*32 + 31;
goto Found1;
ib = (idwLimit*4 + 3);
ib = ibStart - 1;
for (; ib > ibLimit; ib--)
if (m_rgbBit[ib])
islot = ib*8 + 7;
goto Found1;
islot = (ibLimit*8 + 7);
islot = islotStart;
for (; islot >= islotLimit; islot--)
if (m_rgbBit[islot / 8] & m_rgbBitMask[islot % 8])
*pislot = islot;
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
return ResultFromScode( S_FALSE ); // not found
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );