// Microsoft OLE DB
// (C) Copyright 1994 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// @doc
// @module FILEIO.CPP | This module contains the File Manipulation code
// for a Comma Seperated Value (CSV) Simple Provider.
#include "headers.h"
#include "fileio.h"
static const ARRAY_INIT_SIZE = 1000;
// Data Types supported
static const TYPE_CHAR = 1;
static const TYPE_SLONG = 3;
// Data Type Parse strings and lengths
static const char CHAR_STRING[] = "CHAR";
static const CHAR_STRING_SIZE = 4;
static const char SLONG_STRING[] = "SLONG";
static const SLONG_STRING_SIZE = 5;
// @mfunc Constructor for this class
// @rdesc NONE
m_pColNames = NULL;
m_pvInput = NULL;
m_ulDataTypeOffset = 0;
m_dwColumns = 0;
m_cRows = 0;
// @mfunc Destructor for this class
// @rdesc NONE
CFileIO:: ~CFileIO()
// Close file
if (is_open())
// Delete buffers
delete[] m_pColNames;
delete[] m_pvInput;
// @mfunc Initialization routine, opens file specified and creates
// buffers
// @rdesc HRESULTs
// @flag S_OK | Succeeded
// @flag E_FAIL | Failed to Initialize
LPSTR ptstrFileName //@parm IN | File Name to Open
// Allocate Stream Buffer
m_pvInput = new char[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER ];
if (NULL == m_pvInput)
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Open the File
//@DEVNOTE: csv file must not be read only, else E_FAIL will be returned.
open( ptstrFileName, ios::in | ios::out | ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_none );
if (!is_open())
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Obtain the Column Names, Data Types, and Indexes
// for each of the rows
if (FAILED( GenerateFileInfo()))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Retrieve the Name associated with a particular column. If
// names have not been read from the file yet, retrieve those names.
// If a name does not exist for a column, fabricate one.
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Succeeded
// @flag E_FAIL | Invalid Column Number
HRESULT CFileIO::GetColumnName
DWORD dwCol, //@parm IN | Column Number
LPSTR* pptstrName //@parm OUT | Pointer to Column Name
// Column number greater than MAX
if (dwCol > MAX_COLUMNS)
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// If Column Names have not been retrieved,
// then retrieve them into the internal array
if (!m_pColNames)
// Save Current Position and move to beginning of file
seekg( 0L );
// Retrieve the column names record
getline( m_pvInput, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER );
if (good() && 0 < gcount())
m_pColNames = new char[gcount() ];
memcpy( m_pColNames, m_pvInput, gcount());
//Invalid Table, first line does not contain
//column metadata.
return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);
ParseColumnNames( m_pColNames );
return ResultFromScode( S_FALSE );
ASSERT( pptstrName );
// If the column number is in range then return
// the pointer
if ((0 == dwCol) || (m_dwColumns < dwCol))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
*pptstrName = m_rgpColNames[dwCol];
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Tokenize the column names
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Parsing yielded no Error
HRESULT CFileIO::ParseColumnNames
LPTSTR ptstrInput
LPTSTR pvInput = ptstrInput;
ASSERT( pvInput );
// Set first column pointer
if ('\0' != *pvInput)
m_rgpColNames[++m_dwColumns] = pvInput;
// Null Terminate each column
while ('\0' != *pvInput)
// Check for Comma
if (0 == strncmp( ",", pvInput, sizeof( char )))
memcpy( pvInput, "", sizeof( char ));
if (0 != strncmp( "", (LPTSTR) ((ULONG) pvInput + 1), sizeof( char )))
m_rgpColNames[++m_dwColumns] = (LPTSTR) ((ULONG) pvInput + 1);
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Retrieves the columns data characteristics
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Succeeded
// @flag E_FAIL | Invalid Column Number
HRESULT CFileIO::GetDataTypes
DWORD dwCol, //@parm IN | Column number
SWORD* pswType, //@parm OUT | Data Type
UDWORD* pudwColDef, //@parm OUT | Precision of the column
BOOL* pfSigned //@parm OUT | Is the columns signed
// Column number greater than MAX
if (dwCol > MAX_COLUMNS)
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// If Data Types have not been retrieved,
// then retrieve them into the internal array
if (0 == m_ulDataTypeOffset)
seekg( 0L );
// To retrieve the Column Data Types, we need
// to skip the first row and get to the 2nd row
getline( m_pvInput, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER );
m_ulDataTypeOffset = tellg();
getline( m_pvInput, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER );
// Check Stream status
if (bad() || 0 == gcount())
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Parse the datatypes from the stream.
hr = ParseDataTypes();
if (FAILED( hr ))
return hr;
return ResultFromScode( S_FALSE );
assert( pswType || pudwColDef || pfSigned );
// If the column number is in range then return
// the pointer
if ((0 == dwCol) || (m_dwColumns < dwCol))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
*pswType = m_rgswColType[dwCol];
*pudwColDef = m_rgudwColSize[dwCol];
*pfSigned = m_rgfSigned[dwCol];
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Tokenize the DataTypes and Lengths
// Valid Data Types are CHAR(n), INTEGER, and LONG
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Parsing yielded no Error
HRESULT CFileIO::ParseDataTypes()
ULONG ulColumn = 0;
LPSTR pVal, pOpen;
assert( m_pvInput );
pVal = strtok( m_pvInput, ",\0" );
if (NULL == pVal)
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
while (NULL != pVal)
if (0 == _strnicmp( pVal, CHAR_STRING, CHAR_STRING_SIZE ))
m_rgswColType[ulColumn] = TYPE_CHAR;
pOpen = strstr( pVal, "(" );
m_rgudwColSize[ulColumn] = atol( ++pOpen ) + 1;
m_rgfSigned[ulColumn] = FALSE;
else if (0 == _strnicmp( pVal, SLONG_STRING, SLONG_STRING_SIZE ))
m_rgswColType[ulColumn] = TYPE_SLONG;
m_rgudwColSize[ulColumn] = 4;
m_rgfSigned[ulColumn] = TRUE;
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
pVal = strtok( NULL, ",\0" );
// should have exactly the same number of types as we have columns
if (ulColumn != m_dwColumns)
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Obtain the offsets into the file that each row exists at.
// Ignore any deleted rows while reading the file.
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Got the offsets, Column Names and Data Types
// @flag E_FAIL | Could not obtain all the necessary info
HRESULT CFileIO::GenerateFileInfo()
ULONG ulDex = 0;
ULONG ulSavePos;
// Generate Column Info, if NULL is returned, a problem
// was encountered while reading the Column Names.
if (S_FALSE != GetColumnName( 0, NULL ))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Generate DataType Mapping, if FALSE is returned, a problem
// was encountered while reading the DataTypes
if (S_FALSE != GetDataTypes( 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Create and Initialize the Index Array
if (FALSE == m_FileIdx.fInit())
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Obtain the starting offset for each row
seekg( m_ulDataTypeOffset );
ulSavePos = tellg();
getline( m_pvInput, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER );
while (good() && !eof())
//Ignore Deleted Lines
if ('@' != *m_pvInput && '\0' != *m_pvInput)
m_FileIdx.SetIndex( ulDex++, ulSavePos );
ulSavePos = tellg();
getline( m_pvInput, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER );
// Store the number of rows
m_cRows = ulDex - 1;
#ifdef _DEBUG
for (ULONG i=0; i < ulDex; i++)
// printf("%d - %u\r\n", i, m_FileIdx.GetRowOffset(i));
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Check if the row has already been deleted
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Row already deleted
// @flag S_FALSE | Row not deleted
HRESULT CFileIO::IsDeleted
ULONG ulRow //@parm IN | Row to Check
// Already deleted
if (TRUE == m_FileIdx.IsDeleted( ulRow ))
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
return ResultFromScode( S_FALSE );
// @mfunc Fill the row with '@' characters, the deletion pattern..
// And set the Deletion status flag in the index class.
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Deleted Row
// @flag E_FAIL | Row Number was invalid or problem deleting.
HRESULT CFileIO::DeleteRow
ULONG ulRow //@parm IN | Row to Delete
assert( is_open());
assert( m_pvInput );
// Check the Row Number
if ((ulRow < 1) || (ulRow > m_cRows))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// If already deleted, just ignore.
if (TRUE == m_FileIdx.IsDeleted( ulRow ))
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// Set the File Pointer
seekg( m_FileIdx.GetRowOffset( ulRow ));
// Delete the row in the file and mark the status
// as deleted in the index Array
getline( m_pvInput, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER );
if (good())
// Set the number bytes in the stream minus
// the null terminator to this pattern
memset( m_pvInput, '@', gcount() - 1 );
seekp( m_FileIdx.GetRowOffset( ulRow ));
write( m_pvInput, gcount() - 1 );
if (bad())
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
m_FileIdx.DeleteRow( ulRow );
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Establish the Binding Information for the given file
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Binding set
// @flag E_FAIL | Problem setting the binding
HRESULT CFileIO::SetColumnBind
DWORD dwCol, //@parm IN | Column Number
PCOLUMNDATA pColumn, //@parm IN | Pointer to the Data Area
SDWORD sdwMaxLen //@parm IN | Maximum size for the value
assert( is_open());
assert( m_rgpColumnData );
assert( m_rgsdwMaxLen );
// If the column number is in range then return
// the pointer
if ((0 == dwCol) || (m_dwColumns < dwCol))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Expect valid pointer
assert( pColumn );
m_rgpColumnData[dwCol] = pColumn;
m_rgsdwMaxLen[dwCol] = sdwMaxLen;
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Fetch the row data from the stream to the internal data
// buffers
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Row Retrieve successfully
// @flag S_FALSE | End of Result Set
// @flag E_FAIL | Row could not be retrieved
ULONG ulRow //@parm IN | Row to retrieve
assert( is_open());
assert( m_rgpColumnData );
assert( m_rgsdwMaxLen );
// Check the Row Number
if ((ulRow < 1))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
//Check end of Result Set
if (ulRow > m_cRows)
return ResultFromScode( S_FALSE );
// Set the File Pointer to the row.
seekg( m_FileIdx.GetRowOffset( ulRow ));
// Retrieve the column names record
getline( m_pvInput, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER );
if (good() && 0 < gcount())
return ParseRowValues();
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// @mfunc Tokenize the Data values and put them into the correct
// binding areas
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Parsing yielded no Error
// @flag E_FAIL | Data value could not be parsed or stored
HRESULT CFileIO::ParseRowValues
DWORD dwColumns = 0;
DWORD cQuotes = 0;
LPTSTR pvCopy,
pLastQuote = NULL;
pvCopy = NULL;
pvInput = m_pvInput;
assert( pvInput );
assert( m_dwColumns > 0 );
while ('\0' != *pvInput)
// Check for Quotes
if (0 == strncmp( "\"", pvInput, sizeof( char )))
pLastQuote = pvInput;
goto TermCheck;
// Check for Comma
// NOTE: THIS won't handle """
if (0 == strncmp( ",", pvInput, sizeof( char )) &&
0 == cQuotes % 2)
if (pLastQuote)
memcpy( pLastQuote, "", sizeof( char ));
memcpy( pvInput, "", sizeof( char ));
// Increment Columns processed
// TRACE(pvCopy ? pvCopy : "<NULL>");
if (FAILED( FillBinding( dwColumns, pvCopy )))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
pLastQuote = NULL;
pvCopy = NULL;
cQuotes = 0;
goto TermCheck;
//Valid First character for next column
if (NULL == pvCopy)
pvCopy = pvInput;
// Check for Final Null Terminator
if (0 == strncmp( "", (LPTSTR) ((ULONG) pvInput + 1), sizeof( char )))
//If we are to the null terminator and have unbalanced "'s
//then we fail
if (0 != cQuotes % 2)
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
if (pLastQuote)
memcpy( pLastQuote, "", sizeof( char ));
// Increment Columns processed
// TRACE(pvCopy ? pvCopy : "<NULL>");
if (FAILED( FillBinding( dwColumns, pvCopy )))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Check that we returned the correct number of columns
if (dwColumns < m_dwColumns)
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Based on the given bindings and column data, put the data
// in the correct area, update the status and length fields
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Data copied to the specified location
HRESULT CFileIO::FillBinding
DWORD dwColumn, //@parm IN | Column that value is for
LPTSTR pvCopy //@parm IN | Pointer to data value to transfer
assert( m_rgswColType );
assert( m_rgpColumnData );
assert( m_rgsdwMaxLen );
// Null Value
if (!pvCopy)
m_rgpColumnData[dwColumn]->dwStatus = DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL;
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
switch (m_rgswColType[dwColumn])
lstrcpyn((LPTSTR) m_rgpColumnData[dwColumn]->bData, pvCopy, m_rgsdwMaxLen[dwColumn] );
m_rgpColumnData[dwColumn]->dwLength = lstrlen( pvCopy ) + sizeof( char );
m_rgpColumnData[dwColumn]->dwStatus = DBSTATUS_S_OK;
*(ULONG*) m_rgpColumnData[dwColumn]->bData = atol( pvCopy );
m_rgpColumnData[dwColumn]->dwLength = 4;
m_rgpColumnData[dwColumn]->dwStatus = DBSTATUS_S_OK;
assert( !"Unknown Data Type" );
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
// @mfunc Given a pointer to the new data and the row the the data is
// for, write the data to the file.
// @rdesc HRESULT
// @flag S_OK | Record and Indexes updated
// @flag E_FAIL | Problems updating record
HRESULT CFileIO::UpdateRow
ULONG ulRow, //@parm IN | Row to update
ULONG* ulOffset, //@parm IN | Array of offsets for the columns
BYTE* pbProvRow //@parm IN | Data to update row with.
LPSTR pvInput = m_pvInput;
int nCnt;
LONG lPos;
// Check the Row Number
if ((ulRow < 0) || (ulRow > m_cRows))
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Updated Rows are added to the end of the file, the row number will
// remain the same until the rowset is closed, because the old
// offset is deleted and the new is put in it's place.
for (i = 1; i <= m_dwColumns; i++)
nCnt = 0;
pColData = (PCOLUMNDATA) (pbProvRow + ulOffset[i]);
// Handle NULL Data
if (pColData->dwStatus != DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL)
switch (m_rgswColType[i])
nCnt = wsprintf( pvInput, "\"%s\"",
(LPTSTR) pColData->bData );
nCnt = wsprintf( pvInput, "%d",
(signed long) *pColData->bData );
assert( !"Unknown Data Type" );
//Calculate the next append area
pvInput = (LPTSTR) ((ULONG) pvInput + (nCnt * sizeof( char )));
if (i == m_dwColumns)
lstrcat( pvInput, "\n" );
lstrcat( pvInput, "," );
pvInput = (LPTSTR) ((ULONG) pvInput + sizeof( char ));
// Write Stream to File
seekg( 0, ios::end );
lPos = tellg();
write( m_pvInput, lstrlen( m_pvInput ));
if (bad())
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
// Delete old Row and fix up Row offset value
if (SUCCEEDED( DeleteRow( ulRow )))
m_FileIdx.SetIndex( ulRow, lPos );
return ResultFromScode( E_FAIL );
return ResultFromScode( S_OK );