// FILE: textcopy.cpp
// Text and image copy application
// main() - Main application

#include <afx.h> // MFC
#include <iostream.h> // iostream
#include <stdlib.h> // C run-time

#if defined (_DEBUG)
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#define DBNTWIN32 // Win32 DB-Library for Windows NT
#include <sqlfront.h> // DB-Library
#include <sqldb.h> // DB-Library

extern "C"
#include "getopt.h" // GetOption

#include "textcopy.h" // specific to this program

BOOL bDebug = FALSE; // debug info
BYTE* aBuf;

// FUNCTION: main()
// Main application
// argc - count of command line arguments
// argv - array of command line argument strings
// envp - array of environment strings

int main (
int argc,
char** argv,
char** envp)
char chOpt; // gotten option character
char* pszParam; // gotten parameter
int nChunkSize = 4096; // chunk size
CString strChunkSize = "4096"; // chunk size
CString strColumnType;

CString strServer, // SQL Server
strLogin, // login
strPassword, // password
strDatabase, // database
strTable, // table
strColumn, // column
strWhere, // where clause
strFile; // file
BOOL bServer = FALSE, // flags for tracking options
bLogin = FALSE,
bPassword = FALSE,
bDatabase = FALSE,
bTable = FALSE,
bColumn = FALSE,
bWhere = FALSE,
bFile = FALSE,
bIn = FALSE,
bOut = FALSE;

// banner
cout << "TEXTCOPY Version 1.0" << endl;

// initialize DB-Library, get DB-Library version number
CString strDblibVersion;
strDblibVersion = dbinit();
if (strDblibVersion.IsEmpty())
cout << err << "Could not initialize DB-Library" << endl;
return (1);
cout << strDblibVersion << endl;

// get command-line options and parameters
while (TRUE)
// all the following command-line options are valid, they
// are neither case sensitive nor white-space sensitive, and
// both '/' and '-' are valid switch characters
// /S [sqlserver] SQL Server
// /U [login] Login
// /P [password] Password
// /D [database] Database
// /T table Table
// /C column Column
// /W "where clause" Where clause in double quotes
// /F file File
// /I Into SQL Server from file
// /O Out of SQL Server into file
// /K chunksize Chunk size in bytes
// /Z Debug information
// /? Usage information
// for example, all of the following are valid ways to specify
// a connection to a SQL Server named 'gizmo'
// /Sgizmo /sgizmo -Sgizmo -sgizmo
// /S gizmo /s gizmo -S gizmo -s gizmo

chOpt = GetOption(argc, argv, "s:S:u:U:p:P:d:D:t:T:c:C:w:W:f:F:k:K:iIoOzZ?", &pszParam);
if (chOpt > 1)
// chOpt is valid argument
switch (chOpt)
case 's': // SQL Server
case 'S':
bServer = TRUE;
strServer = pszParam;
case 'u': // login
case 'U':
bLogin = TRUE;
strLogin = pszParam;
case 'p': // password
case 'P':
bPassword = TRUE;
strPassword = pszParam;
case 'd': // database
case 'D':
bDatabase = TRUE;
strDatabase = pszParam;
case 't': // table
case 'T':
bTable = TRUE;
strTable = pszParam;
case 'c': // column
case 'C':
bColumn = TRUE;
strColumn = pszParam;
case 'w': // where clause
case 'W':
bWhere = TRUE;
strWhere = pszParam;
case 'f': // file
case 'F':
bFile = TRUE;
strFile = pszParam;
case 'i': // direction: into SQL Server from file
case 'I':
bIn = TRUE;
case 'o': // direction: out of SQL Server into file
case 'O':
bOut = TRUE;
case 'k': // chunk size in bytes
case 'K':
if (pszParam != NULL)
nChunkSize = atoi (pszParam);
_itoa (nChunkSize, strChunkSize.GetBuffer(20), 10);
if (strChunkSize != pszParam)
cout << err << "Converted chunk size '" << pszParam << "' to " << nChunkSize << endl;
return (0);
case 'z': // debug
case 'Z':
bDebug = TRUE;
case '?': // usage info
if (chOpt == 0)
// end of argument list
if ((chOpt == 1) || (chOpt == -1))
// standalone param or error
cout << err << "Argument '" << pszParam << "' not recognized" << endl;

if ((chOpt == 1) || (chOpt == -1))
// exit on error
return (1);

// prompt the user for any unspecified options
if (!bServer)
cout << "Type the SQL Server to connect to: ";
cinstr (strServer);

if (!bLogin)
cout << "Type your login: ";
cinstr (strLogin);

if (!bPassword)
cout << "Type your password: ";
cinstr (strPassword);

if (!bDatabase)
cout << "Type the database: ";
cinstr (strDatabase);

if (!bTable)
cout << "Type the table: ";
cinstr (strTable);

if (!bColumn)
cout << "Type the text or image column: ";
cinstr (strColumn);

if (!bWhere)
cout << "Type the where clause: ";
cinstr (strWhere);

if (!bFile)
cout << "Type the file: ";
cinstr (strFile);

if (!bIn && !bOut)
while (TRUE)
CString strDirection;
cout << "Type the direction ('I' for in, 'O' for out): ";
cinstr (strDirection);
if (strDirection.CompareNoCase("i") == 0)
bIn = TRUE;
if (strDirection.CompareNoCase("o") == 0)
bOut = TRUE;
cout << err << "The value '" << strDirection << "' is invalid." << endl;

// parameter validation
if (strTable.IsEmpty())
cout << err << "You did not specify a table." << endl;
return (1);

if (strColumn.IsEmpty())
cout << err << "You did not specify a column." << endl;
return (1);

if (strWhere.IsEmpty())
cout << err << "You did not specify a where clause." << endl;
return (1);

CString strLowerWhere = strWhere;
if (strLowerWhere.Find ("where ") == -1)
cout << err << "Your where clause '" << strWhere << "' did not contain the keyword 'where'." << endl;
return (1);

if (strFile.IsEmpty())
cout << err << "You did not specify a file." << endl;
return (1);

if (bIn && bOut)
cout << err << "You cannot specify both 'in' and 'out' directions." << endl;
return (1);

if (nChunkSize < 1024)
cout << err << "Your specified chunk size of " << nChunkSize << " bytes is too small." << endl;
return (1);

if (bDebug)
cout << dbg << "Final parameters:" << endl;
cout << dbg << " Server: " << strServer << endl;
cout << dbg << " Login: " << strLogin << endl;
cout << dbg << " Password: " << strPassword << endl;
cout << dbg << " Database: " << strDatabase << endl;
cout << dbg << " Table: " << strTable << endl;
cout << dbg << " Column: " << strColumn << endl;
cout << dbg << " Where clause: " << strWhere << endl;
cout << dbg << " File: " << strFile << endl;
cout << dbg << " Direction: ";
if (bIn)
cout << "Into SQL Server from file." << endl;
if (bOut)
cout << "Out of SQL Server into file." << endl;
cout << dbg << " Chunk size: " << nChunkSize << " bytes" << endl;

// install error and message handlers
dberrhandle (ErrorHandler);
dbmsghandle (MessageHandler);

// set DB-Library options

// get login record
pLoginRec = dblogin();
if (pLoginRec == NULL)
cout << err << "Could not allocate a login record" << endl;
return (1);

// fill the login record
DBSETLUSER (pLoginRec, strLogin); // set the login
DBSETLPWD (pLoginRec, strPassword); // set the password
DBSETLAPP (pLoginRec, "textcopy"); // set the app name
DBSETLHOST (pLoginRec, "textcopy"); // set the host name

// attempt to connect to SQL Server
pDbproc = dbopen (pLoginRec, strServer);
dbfreelogin (pLoginRec);
if (pDbproc == NULL)
cout << err << "Could not connect to SQL Server '" << strServer << "'" << endl;
return (1);

// re-used DB-Library return code

// set textlimit and textsize options for this connection
if (bOut)
dbsetopt (pDbproc, DBTEXTLIMIT, strChunkSize);
dbsetopt (pDbproc, DBTEXTSIZE, "2147483647");

if (bIn)
dbsetopt (pDbproc, DBTEXTSIZE, "1024");

// must send and execute batch to set options
r = dbsqlexec (pDbproc);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Query execution failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// get empty result set(s) from setting options
while (TRUE)
r = dbresults (pDbproc);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Query results failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);
break; // while loop

// use specified database
if (!strDatabase.IsEmpty())
r = dbuse (pDbproc, strDatabase);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Could not use database '" << strDatabase << "'" << endl;
return (1);

// build query
CString strQuery;

strQuery = "select " + strColumn + " from " + strTable + " " + strWhere;
D(cout << "Query: " << strQuery << endl);

r = dbcmd (pDbproc, strQuery);

// send and execute query
r = dbsqlexec (pDbproc);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Query execution failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// get first result set
r = dbresults (pDbproc);
if (r != SUCCEED)
cout << err << "Query results failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// verify that only a single column was selected
if (dbnumcols (pDbproc) != 1)
cout << err << "More than one column specified." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// verify that the single column selected is either text or image
int nColumnType;
nColumnType = dbcoltype (pDbproc, 1);
if ((nColumnType != SQLTEXT) && (nColumnType != SQLIMAGE))
cout << err << "Specified column is not a text or image column." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);
if (nColumnType == SQLTEXT)
strColumnType = "text";
if (nColumnType == SQLIMAGE)
strColumnType = "image";

// buffer for data transfer between DB-Library and file
aBuf = new BYTE[nChunkSize];
if (aBuf == 0)
cout << err << "Unable to allocate transfer buffer of '" << nChunkSize << "' bytes." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// if the data is coming out of SQL Server and into a file, use dbreadtext
// (instead of dbnextrow) to read the text or image data from the row
// in chunks
if (bOut)
// set up file
CFile file (strFile, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite);
D(cout << "File '" << strFile << "' opened for write" << endl);

DBINT lWriteBytes;
while (TRUE)
// read chunk of text or image data from SQL Server into aBuf
lWriteBytes = dbreadtext (pDbproc, aBuf, nChunkSize);
switch (lWriteBytes)
case 0:
// end of text or image row
//D(cout << "End of row" << endl);
case -1:
// dbreadtext failed
cout << err << "Text or image data retrieval failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);
//D(cout << "No more rows" << endl);
// dbreadtext has placed lBytes of text or image data
// into aBuf, now write that chunk to the file
file.Write (aBuf, lWriteBytes);
D(cout << "Wrote " << lWriteBytes << " bytes to file" << endl);
if ((lWriteBytes == -1) || (lWriteBytes == NO_MORE_ROWS))
break; // while loop
D(cout << "File closed" << endl);
catch (CFileException* e)
//if (e->m_cause == CFileException::fileNotFound)
cout << err << "Problem with file '" << strFile << "'." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);


DBBINARY aTextPointer[DBTXPLEN], aTextTimestamp[DBTXTSLEN];
DBBINARY *pTextPointer, *pTextTimestamp;

// if the data is going into SQL Server from a file, copy the text
// pointer and text timestamp values into private buffers
if (bIn)
// get the single row
s = dbnextrow (pDbproc);
if (s != REG_ROW)
cout << err << "Row retrieval failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// get the pointers to the text pointer and text timestamp values
pTextPointer = dbtxptr (pDbproc, 1);
pTextTimestamp = dbtxtimestamp (pDbproc, 1);
if ((pTextPointer == NULL) || (pTextTimestamp == NULL))
cout << err << "Text or image pointer and timestamp retrieval failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// copy the actual text pointer and text timestamp values into
// private buffers
memcpy (aTextPointer, pTextPointer, DBTXPLEN);
memcpy (aTextTimestamp, pTextTimestamp, DBTXTSLEN);

// we should only have received one row, so call dbnextrow
// to get NO_MORE_ROWS
s = dbnextrow (pDbproc);
switch (s)
// this is what we expect
case REG_ROW:
cout << err << "Where clause returned more than one row." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);
cout << err << "Row retrieval failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// get NO_MORE_RESULTS to clear out all results
r = dbresults (pDbproc);
cout << err << "Query results failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// if the data is going into SQL Server from a file, use dbwritetext
// (with the private copies of the text or image pointer and timestamp
// values) and dbmoretext to write the text or image data to
// SQL Server in chunks
if (bIn)
// set up file
CFile file (strFile, CFile::modeRead);
D(cout << "File '" << strFile << "' opened for read" << endl);
D(cout << "File is " << file.GetLength() << " bytes long" << endl);

// call dbwritetext will NULL text value to indicate that the text
// values will be sent in chunks using dbmoretext
r = dbwritetext (pDbproc, strTable + "." + strColumn,
aTextPointer, DBTXPLEN, aTextTimestamp,
TRUE, file.GetLength(), NULL);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Text or image write failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// call dbsqlok and dbresults to prepare for calling dbmoretext
r = dbsqlok (pDbproc);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Text or image write failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);
r = dbresults (pDbproc);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Query results failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

// read each chunk from the file and write it to SQL Server
UINT nReadBytes = nChunkSize;
while (nReadBytes == UINT(nChunkSize))
// read chunk from file into aBuf
nReadBytes = file.Read (aBuf, nChunkSize);
D(cout << "Read "<< nReadBytes << " bytes from file" << endl);

// write chunk of text or image data from aBuf to SQL Server
r = dbmoretext (pDbproc, nReadBytes, aBuf);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Text or image write failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);

D(cout << "File closed" << endl);

// call dbsqlok and dbresults to signal end of calls to
// dbmoretext and completion of text or image write
r = dbsqlok (pDbproc);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Text or image write failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);
r = dbresults (pDbproc);
if (r == FAIL)
cout << err << "Query results failed." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);
catch (CFileException* e)
//if (e->m_cause == CFileException::fileNotFound)
cout << err << "Problem with file '" << strFile << "'." << endl;
Cleanup (pDbproc);
return (1);


// display success message
if (bIn)
cout << "Data copied into SQL Server " << strColumnType << " column from file '" << strFile << "'." << endl;
if (bOut)
cout << "Data copied out of SQL Server " << strColumnType << " column into file '" << strFile << "'." << endl;

// prepare DB-Library for exit
Cleanup (pDbproc);

return (0);

// FUNCTION: Cleanup()
// Prepare DB-Library for exit
// pDbproc - pointer to DBPROCESS connection

int Cleanup (PDBPROCESS pDbproc)
delete [] aBuf;
dbcancel (pDbproc);
dbclose (pDbproc);
return (0);

// FUNCTION: ErrorHandler()
// Called when a DB-Library error occurs
// pDbproc - pointer to DBPROCESS connection
// nDblibSeverity - DB-Library error severity
// nDblibErrorNo - DB-Library error number
// nOSErrorNo - operating system error number
// lpstrDblibError - DB-Library error string
// lpstrOSError - operating system error string
// RETURNS: One of three DB-Library return continuation codes:

extern "C" int ErrorHandler (
INT nSeverity,
INT nDBLibError,
INT nOSError,
LPCSTR pszDBLibError,
LPCSTR pszOSError)
// display DB-Library error information
cout << "DB-Library Error " << nDBLibError << ": " << pszDBLibError << endl;

if ((pDbproc == NULL) || (DBDEAD(pDbproc)))
if (nOSError != DBNOERR)
// this DB-Library error was caused by an operating system
// error, so display OS error information
cout << "Operating System Error " << nOSError << ": " << pszOSError << endl;


// FUNCTION: MessageHandler()
// Called when a SQL Server message is received
// pDbproc - pointer to DBPROCESS connection
// lMessage - SQL Server message number
// nState - SQL Server message state
// nSeverity - SQL Server message severity
// pszMessage - SQL Server message string
// pszServer - the SQL Server that sent this message
// pszProcedure - the stored procedure (if any) where the message
// occurred
// usLine - the line number (if any) of the batch or stored procedure
// where the message occurred

extern "C" int MessageHandler (
DBINT lMessage,
INT nState,
INT nSeverity,
LPCSTR pszMessage,
LPCSTR pszServer,
LPCSTR pszProcedure,
// only display certain SQL Serve messages when debug info enabled
switch (lMessage)
case 5701:
if (!bDebug)
return (0);

// display SQL Server message information
cout << "SQL Server";

if (pszServer != NULL)
if (*pszServer != '\0')
cout << " '" << pszServer << "'";

cout << " Message " << lMessage << ": " << pszMessage;

if (usLine != 0)
cout << " (Concerning line " << usLine;
if (pszProcedure != NULL)
cout << " of stored procedure '" << pszProcedure << "'";
cout << ")";

cout << endl;


// FUNCTION: DisplayUsage()
// Display usage information

int DisplayUsage (void)
cout << endl;
cout << "Copies a single text or image value into or out of SQL Server. The value" << endl;
cout << "is a specified text or image 'column' of a single row (specified by the" << endl;
cout << "\"where clause\") of the specified 'table'." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "If the direction is IN (/I) then the data from the specified 'file' is" << endl;
cout << "copied into SQL Server, replacing the existing text or image value. If the" << endl;
cout << "direction is OUT (/O) then the text or image value is copied from" << endl;
cout << "SQL Server into the specified 'file', replacing any existing file." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "TEXTCOPY [/S [sqlserver]] [/U [login]] [/P [password]]" << endl;
cout << " [/D [database]] [/T table] [/C column] [/W\"where clause\"]" << endl;
cout << " [/F file] [{/I | /O}] [/K chunksize] [/Z] [/?]" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " /S sqlserver The SQL Server to connect to. If 'sqlserver' is not" << endl;
cout << " specified, the local SQL Server is used." << endl;
cout << " /U login The login to connect with. If 'login' is not specified," << endl;
cout << " a trusted connection will be used." << endl;
cout << " /P password The password for 'login'. If 'password' is not" << endl;
cout << " specified, a NULL password will be used." << endl;
cout << " /D database The database that contains the table with the text or" << endl;
cout << " image data. If 'database' is not specified, the default" << endl;
cout << " database of 'login' is used." << endl;
cout << " /T table The table that contains the text or image value." << endl;
cout << " /C column The text or image column of 'table'." << endl;
cout << " /W \"where clause\" A complete where clause (including the WHERE keyword)" << endl;
cout << " that specifies a single row of 'table'." << endl;
cout << " /F file The file name." << endl;
cout << " /I Copy text or image value into SQL Server from 'file'." << endl;
cout << " /O Copy text or image value out of SQL Server into 'file'." << endl;
cout << " /K chunksize Size of the data transfer buffer in bytes. Minimum" << endl;
cout << " value is 1024 bytes, default value is 4096 bytes." << endl;
cout << " /Z Display debug information while running." << endl;
cout << " /? Display this usage information and exit." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "You will be prompted for any required options you did not specify." << endl;

return (0);