Function Logon% (pServer$, pLoginId$, pPassword$, pWorkSta$, pAppName$)
' Open connection to SQL Server. Returns channel number
' to use in further communication with SQL Server through
' this channel.
' This function can be called one or several times from
' each form.

Logon% = SqlOpenConnection(pServer$, pLoginId$, pPassword$, pWorkSta$, pAppName$)

End Function

Function SQLComm% (pChannel%, pCmd$)
' Generalized function to send SQL statements to SQL
' Server. If global variable ShowSql is set to True,
' the SQL statement is shown in a messagebox before
' it is sent to SQL Server

Dim Res%

If ShowSql Then
MsgBox pCmd$
End If
Res% = SqlCancel(pChannel%)
If Res% <> SUCCEED% Then
Exit Do
End If
Res% = SQLCmd(pChannel%, pCmd$)
If Res% <> SUCCEED% Then
Exit Do
End If
Res% = SqlExec(pChannel%)
If Res% <> SUCCEED% Then
Exit Do
End If
Res% = SqlResults%(pChannel%)
If Res% <> SUCCEED% Then
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until True
SQLComm% = Res%

End Function