* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* File: dxa.cpp
* This file contains functions that make use of DirectX Animation
* to render animation to a ddraw surface.

#include "dxa.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys\timeb.h>
#include <tchar.h>

IDAViewPtr view1 = NULL;
IDAViewPtr view2 = NULL;
* StartOle
* Start the Ole services.
struct StartOle {
StartOle() { CoInitialize( NULL ); }
~StartOle() { CoUninitialize(); }
} _inst_StartOle;

* dump_com_error
* Dump the com error should an exception occurs in InitDXAViewObj.
* This is mainly for debugging purpose.
void dump_com_error( _com_error &e )
char buf[2048];

sprintf(buf, _T( "Oops - hit an error!\n\tCode = %08lx\n\tCode meaning = %s\n" ),
e.Error(), e.ErrorMessage());

* initDXAViewObj
* Create the DAView object, construct the model, then start the model.
BOOL initDXAViewObj(IUnknown *ddsurf)
try {
IDAStaticsPtr e;

// Create the statics object.

// Create the two DAView objects. One will be rendered under
// the donut, the other above it.

// Construct the image for model1, which will be rendered
// under the donut.
IDAColorPtr col1 = e->ColorHslAnim(e->LocalTime, e->DANumber(0.5),
IDAFontStylePtr font = e->Font("Helvetica", 14, col1);
IDAImagePtr txtImg1 = e->StringImage("DXA Under Donut", font);
IDAImagePtr model1 = txtImg1->Transform(e->Rotate2Anim(e->LocalTime));

// Tell the DAView object where to render the model.
view1->SetViewport(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
view1->IDirectDrawSurface = ddsurf;
view1->CompositeDirectlyToTarget = TRUE;
view1->StartModel(e->Overlay(model1, e->SolidColorImage(e->Black)), e->Silence, 0);

// Construct the image for model2, which will be rendered
// above the donut.
IDAImagePtr txtImg2 = e->StringImage("DXA Above Donut", font);
IDAImagePtr model2 = txtImg2->Transform(e->Translate2Anim(

view2->SetViewport(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
view2->IDirectDrawSurface = ddsurf;
view2->CompositeDirectlyToTarget = TRUE;
view2->StartModel(model2, e->Silence, 0);
} catch (_com_error &e) {
dump_com_error( e );
return false;
return true;

BOOL resetDXASurfaces(IUnknown *ddsurf)
try {
view1->IDirectDrawSurface = ddsurf;
view2->IDirectDrawSurface = ddsurf;
} catch (_com_error &e) {
dump_com_error( e );
return false;
return true;

* tick
* Ask DA to sample and display the model.
void tick(IDAViewPtr view) {
static double startTime = 0;
struct _timeb timebuffer;

if (view != NULL) {
_ftime( &timebuffer );
double thisTime = timebuffer.time + ( timebuffer.millitm / 1000.0 );

if ( startTime == 0 ) {
startTime = thisTime;
thisTime = 0;
thisTime -= startTime;
