#define IDR_MENU1                       101 
#define IDI_CUTLIST 102
#define ID_FILE_EXIT 40001
#define ID_CUTLIST_PLAY 40002
#define IDC_STATIC -1

#define MAX_CLIPS 150
#define SCALE 10000000 // scale for 1 second of reference time

// Forward prototyping
void TearDownTheGraph (void);

// clip (element) details
struct ClipDetails
TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH]; // name of file containing clip
REFERENCE_TIME start; // Start (Trim In) position of clip within file
REFERENCE_TIME stop; // Stop (Trim Out) position of clip within file

// cutlist is a collection of clips (elements)
struct ClipCollection
int nNumClips;
ClipDetails List[MAX_CLIPS];

#define HELPER_RELEASE(x) { if (x) x->Release(); x = NULL; }

#define CLASSNAME "CLText"

HWND ghApp;
HMENU ghMenu;
WORD wDlgRes;
ClipCollection gTheSet; // Cutlist
TCHAR gszScratch[2048]; // General, scratch string (e.g. error msgs)
LONGLONG glTotalLength;
UINT gTimerNum;

#define MBOX(a) MessageBox(ghApp, a, APPLICATIONNAME, MB_OK)