** Name: D3DWin.cpp
** Purpose:
**Basic Initialization proceeds as follows:
**1. Enumerate all Driver, modes, D3D devices (see DrvMgr.cpp for details)
**2. Choose a starting driver, mode, D3D device
**- default driver = primary display driver (lpGuidDD = NULL)
**- default mode = current desktop
**- default device = D3D device compatible with desktop mode
**3. Validate driver, mode, D3D device
**4. Create interfaces (from DD driver)
** 5. Set window (from associated window handle)
** 6. Create DD/D3D interfaces (lpDD, lpDD2, lpD3D)
** 7. Create Primary surface (primary palette, if necessary)
**- Attach a clipper to primary surface
** 8. Create Render surface
**- Render surface (and associated Z-buffer)
**- D3D Device
**- D3D Viewport
** After initialization is complete, we have the
**following objects necessary for rendering:
**lpDD2 - DirectDraw interface, used for creating texture surfaces
**lpD3D - Direct3D interface, used for creating materials, lights, viewports
**lpD3DDevice - D3D device (current material, current viewport, etc.)
**lpViewport - current viewport
**lpPrimary - front buffer
**lpRender - render target
** Copyright (c) 1995 - 1997 by Microsoft, all rights reserved

** Includes

#include "D3DWin.h"
#include "WinProc.h"
#include "D3DScene.h"
#include "Debug.h"

**D3DWindow Methods

** Name: D3DWindow::D3DWindow
** Purpose: Default Constructor

D3DWindow::D3DWindow (void)
ZeroMemory (this, sizeof(D3DWindow));
this->dwSize = sizeof(D3DWindow);

// Default to creating a z-buffer
createZBufferOn ();
} // End D3DWindow::D3DWindow ()

** Name: D3DWindow::~D3DWindow
** Purpose: Destructor

D3DWindow::~D3DWindow (void)
// Destroy all objects
Fini ();

// Mark all other pointers as invalid
// In case user tries to reuse this object
lpCurrDriver = NULL;
lpCurrMode = NULL;
lpCurrDevice = NULL;
hWindow = NULL;
lpd3dScene = NULL;

} // End D3DWindow::~D3DWindow

** Name: D3DWindow::Create
** Purpose: Creates a D3DWindow
** Basic Algorithm:
**- Validate parameters
**- Choose (and validate choices) for driver, mode, device
**- Create Interfaces
**- Set Window
**- Set Mode
**- Create Primary surface (and palette)
**- Create Render surface (and D3D device)

HRESULT D3DWindow::Create (
HWND hWnd,/* In: Window */
LPGUID lpGuidDD,/* In: Requested DirectDraw Device */
DWORD dwW,/* In:Requested Mode */
DWORD dwRefresh,
LPGUID lpGuidD3D,/* In: Requested D3D device */
BOOL fUseZBuffer) /* In: Create Z-Buffer */
HRESULT hResult;

// Check parameters
if ((! hWnd) || (! IsWindow (hWnd)))
// Error, Invalid parameters
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Set Current Window
hWindow = hWnd;

// Set Use Z-Buffer On/Off
if (fUseZBuffer)
createZBufferOn ();
createZBufferOff ();

// Choose Default Driver, Mode, device
hResult = ChooseDriverDefaults (lpGuidDD,
dwW, dwH, dwBPP, dwRefresh,
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Create DD/D3D Interface objects
hResult = InitInterfaces ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Attach window to DD interface
hResult = InitWindow ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Set Fullscreen Mode
hResult = InitFullscreenMode ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Create Primary Surface (and palette)
hResult = InitPrimary ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Create the Render Surface (and D3D Device)
hResult = InitRender ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Notify the window of a successful initialization
SendMessage (hWindow, D3DWIN_INIT, 0, (LPARAM)(void *)this);

// Success
return DD_OK;

// Failure

// Cleanup
Fini ();

return hResult;
} // End D3DWindow::Create

** Name: D3DWindow::Init
** Purpose:
** Basic Algorithm:
**- Validate driver, mode, device
**- Create Interfaces
**- Attach Window
**- Set Fullscreen Mode
**- Create Primary surface (and palette)
**- Create Render surface (and D3D device)
** Notes:
**1. Assumes that a valid window handle has already
**been associated with this D3DWindow
**2. Assumes that driver, mode, device already choosen
**- however if not, reasonable defaults will be choosen

HRESULT D3DWindow::Init (void)
HRESULT hResult;

// Check parameters
if ((! hWindow) || (! IsWindow (hWindow)))
// Error, Invalid Initialization
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Validate Curr Driver, mode, device
hResult = ValidateDefaults ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Create DD/D3D Interface objects
hResult = InitInterfaces ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Attach the window to the DD interface
hResult = InitWindow ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Set the Mode
hResult = InitFullscreenMode ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Create Primary Surface (and palette)
hResult = InitPrimary ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Create Render surface (and D3D device)
hResult = InitRender ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Notify the window of a successful initialization
SendMessage (hWindow, D3DWIN_INIT, 0, (LPARAM)(void *)this);

// Success
return DD_OK;

// Failure

// Cleanup
Fini ();
return hResult;
} // End D3DWindow::Init

** Name: D3DWindow::Fini
** Purpose: Destroys a D3DWindow

HRESULT D3DWindow::Fini (void)
// Notify the window that we are cleaning up
SendMessage (hWindow, D3DWIN_FINI, 0, (LPARAM)(void *)this);

// Cleanup
FiniRender ();
FiniPrimary ();
FiniFullscreenMode ();
//FiniWindow ();
FiniInterfaces ();

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::Fini

** Name: D3DWindow::ValidateDefaults
** Purpose: Verify's current driver, mode, and device
** Notes:
**1. Rather than fail completely, this will pick new defaults
** if the current defaults don't work.

HRESULT D3DWindow::ValidateDefaults (void)
LPGUIDlpGuidDD, lpGuidD3D;

// Initialize Driver Manager, if necessary
if (! DDDrvMgr::isInitialized ())
hResult = DDDrvMgr::Init ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Get DD Guid
if (lpCurrDriver)
lpGuidDD = lpCurrDriver->GetGuid ();
lpGuidDD = NULL;

// Get D3D Guid
if (lpCurrDevice)
lpGuidD3D = &(lpCurrDevice->guid);
lpGuidD3D = NULL;

// Get Driver corresponding to DD Guid
lpDrvNew = ValidateDriver (lpGuidDD);
if (! lpDrvNew)
// Error, invalid DD Guid
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

DWORD w, h, bpp, refresh;

// Get Current mode info
if (lpCurrMode)
lpCurrMode->GetMode (w, h, bpp, refresh);
w = h = bpp = refresh = 0;

// Get Fullscreen D3D device and compatible mode
if (! GetFullscreenMode (lpDrvNew, lpGuidD3D,
w, h, bpp, refresh,
&lpModeNew, &lpDevNew))
// Couldn't find a valid mode and/or device
REPORTERR (hResult);

// Note: Instead of complaining let's go ahead
// and use the new defaults
// Save new defaults
lpCurrDriver = lpDrvNew;
lpCurrMode = lpModeNew;
lpCurrDevice = lpDevNew;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::ValidateDefaults

** Name: D3DWindow::CreateInterfaces
** Purpose: Creates DD/D3D interfaces from specified Guid

HRESULT D3DWindow::CreateInterfaces (LPGUID lpDDGuid)
LPDDDrvInfo lpDrvNew;

// Verify Guid
lpDrvNew = ValidateDriver (lpDDGuid);
if (! lpDrvNew)
// Invalid Params
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

lpCurrDriver = lpDrvNew;

hResult = D3DWindow::InitInterfaces ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::CreateInterfaces

** Name: D3DWindow::InitInterfaces
** Purpose: Creates DD/D3D interfaces

HRESULT D3DWindow::InitInterfaces (void)
HRESULT hResult;
LPGUID lpGuid;

// Do we have a current DD Driver
if (! lpCurrDriver)
// So, Grab the Primary DD driver
lpCurrDriver = ValidateDriver (NULL);
if (! lpCurrDriver)
// Error, No current Driver
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Get DD Guid
lpGuid = lpCurrDriver->GetGuid ();

// Create DD interface
hResult = DirectDrawCreate (lpGuid, &lpDD, NULL);
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error
REPORTERR (hResult);
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Get DD2 interface
hResult = lpDD->QueryInterface ((REFIID)IID_IDirectDraw2, (void **)&lpDD2);
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error
REPORTERR (hResult);

// Inform User that they Need DX 5.0 installed
MessageBox (hWindow, TEXT ("This app requires DirectX 5.0"), TEXT("Error"), MB_OK);
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Get D3D interface
hResult = lpDD2->QueryInterface ((REFIID)IID_IDirect3D2, (void **)&lpD3D);
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error
REPORTERR (hResult);
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Mark this stage as done
turnValidInterfaceOn ();

// Success
return DD_OK;

// Failure
FiniInterfaces ();

return hResult;
} // End InitInterfaces

** Name: D3DWindow::FiniInterfaces
** Purpose: Destroys DD/D3D interfaces

HRESULT D3DWindow::FiniInterfaces (void)
// Mark this stage as invalid
turnValidInterfaceOff ();

// Release Direct3D Interface
if (lpD3D)
lpD3D->Release ();
lpD3D = NULL;

// Release DirectDraw2 Interface
if (lpDD2)
lpDD2->Release ();
lpDD2 = NULL;

// Release DirectDraw Interface
if (lpDD)
lpDD->Release ();
lpDD = NULL;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::FiniInterfaces

** Name: D3DWindow::InitWindow
** Purpose: Attaches Window to Direct Draw Interface

HRESULT D3DWindow::InitWindow (void)
HRESULT hResult;

// Check Initialization
if ((! hWindow) || (! IsWindow (hWindow)))
// Error, we need a valid window to continue
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Get Cooperative Flags

// Set Cooperative Level
hResult = lpDD2->SetCooperativeLevel (hWindow, dwFlags);
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::InitWindow

** Name: D3DWindow::FiniWindow
** Purpose: Cleanups window

HRESULT D3DWindow::FiniWindow (void)
// Currently does nothing

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::FiniWindow

**Purpose:Switches to requested fullscreen mode

HRESULT D3DWindow::InitFullscreenMode (void)
HRESULT hResult;
DWORD dwFlags = 0;

// Check Initialization
if ((! lpCurrMode) || (! lpDD2))
// Error, we need a valid mode and DirectDraw 2 interface to proceed
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Calculate Mode info
DWORD w, h, bpp, refresh;
lpCurrMode->GetMode (w, h, bpp, refresh);

// Special check for mode 320 x 200 x 8
if ((w == 320) && (h == 200) && (bpp == 8))
// Make sure we use Mode 13 instead of Mode X

// Set Requested Fullscreen mode
hResult = lpDD2->SetDisplayMode (w, h, bpp, refresh, dwFlags);
if (SUCCEEDED (hResult))
// Save Surface Rectangle
rSurf.left = 0;
rSurf.top = 0;
rSurf.right = w;
rSurf.bottom = h;

// Success
turnValidFullscreenOn ();
return hResult;

DPF (DEBUG_ERROR, "SetDisplayMode failed (%d x %d x %d), trying (640 x 480 x %d)", w, h, bpp, bpp);

// Don't give up!
// Try 640 x 480 x bpp mode instead
if ((w != 640 || h != 480))
w = 640;
h = 480;

lpCurrMode = ValidateMode (lpCurrDriver, w, h, bpp, 0, lpCurrDevice);
if (lpCurrMode)
hResult = lpDD2->SetDisplayMode (w, h, bpp, 0, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED (hResult))
// Save Surface Rectangle
rSurf.left = 0;
rSurf.top = 0;
rSurf.right = w;
rSurf.bottom = h;

// Success
turnValidFullscreenOn ();
return hResult;

// Keep trying
// Try 640 x 480 x 16 mode instead
if (bpp != 16)
DPF (DEBUG_ERROR, "SetDisplayMode failed (640 x 480 x %d), trying (640 x 480 x 16)", bpp);
bpp = 16;

lpCurrMode = ValidateMode (lpCurrDriver, w, h, bpp, 0, lpCurrDevice);
if (lpCurrMode)
hResult = lpDD2->SetDisplayMode (w, h, bpp, 0, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED (hResult))
// Save Surface Rectangle
rSurf.left = 0;
rSurf.top = 0;
rSurf.right = w;
rSurf.bottom = h;

// Success
turnValidFullscreenOn ();
return hResult;

// Failure
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;
} // End D3DWindow::InitFullscreenMode

**Purpose:Restores mode to original desktop
**Notes:This does nothing if we are windowed
**I.E. the user already is restored

HRESULT D3DWindow::FiniFullscreenMode (void)
turnValidFullscreenOff ();

// Restore original desktop mode
if (lpDD2)

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::FiniFullscreenMode

** Name: D3DWindow::InitPrimary
** Purpose: Creates a primary surface (desktop surface)
** Notes: Also creates and attaches palette, if necessary

HRESULT D3DWindow::InitPrimary (void)

// Check Initialization
if ((! lpCurrMode) || (! lpDD2))
// Error, Need a valid mode and DD interface to proceed
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Note: There is no need to fill in width, height, bpp, etc.
// This was taken care of in the SetDisplayMode call.

// Setup Surfaces caps for a front buffer and back buffer
ddsd.dwSize= sizeof(ddsd);
DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE;// Create a D3D compatible surface
ddsd.dwBackBufferCount= 1;

// Create Primary surface
hResult = lpDD2->CreateSurface (&ddsd, &lpddsPrimary, NULL);
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Create and attach palette, if necessary
hResult = InitPalette ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Mark as Valid
turnValidPrimaryOn ();

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::InitPrimary

** Name: D3DWindow::FiniPrimary
** Purpose: Destroys the Primary Surface

HRESULT D3DWindow::FiniPrimary (void)
// Mark as Invalid
turnValidPrimaryOff ();

// Cleanup palette
FiniPalette ();

// Release Primary Surface Object
if (lpddsPrimary)
lpddsPrimary->Release ();
lpddsPrimary = NULL;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::FiniPrimary

** Name: D3DWindow::InitPalette
** Purpose: Creates a primary palette if necessary

HRESULT D3DWindow::InitPalette ()
HRESULT hResult;
HDC hdc;
DWORD cbSize;
DWORD dwFlags;

// Destroy old palette
FiniPalette ();

// Make sure we are properly intialized
// for this to work
if ((! lpDD2) || (! lpddsPrimary))
// Error, need a valid DD interfac and a primary surface to continue
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Get primary surface caps
ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
hResult = lpddsPrimary->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd);
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Make sure it is a palettized surface
if (! isPalettized (&(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat)))
// Success, primary isn't palettized
// So we don't need to create a palette
return DD_OK;

// Create and save System palette
hdc = GetDC (NULL);
cPalette = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, SIZEPALETTE);
if (cPalette)
if (cPalette > 256)
cPalette = 256;

// Get memory for system palette
lppeSystem = new PALETTEENTRY[cPalette];
if (! lppeSystem)
ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc);

// Error, not enough memory
REPORTERR (hResult);
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Get Memory for current palette
lppeCurr = new PALETTEENTRY[cPalette];
if (! lppeCurr)
ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc);

// Error, not enough memory
REPORTERR (hResult);
goto lblCLEANUP;


// Save system palette
GetSystemPaletteEntries (hdc, 0, cPalette, lppeSystem);

// Copy system palette to temporary values
cbSize = cPalette * sizeof (PALETTEENTRY);
CopyMemory (lppeCurr, lppeSystem, cbSize);
ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc);

if (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED1)
dwFlags = DDPCAPS_1BIT;

// Only 2 palette entries, we need them all
for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++)
lppeCurr[ii].peFlags = D3DPAL_FREE | PC_RESERVED;

else if (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED2)
// Only 4 palette entries, we need them all
for (ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++)
lppeCurr[ii].peFlags = D3DPAL_FREE | PC_RESERVED;

dwFlags = DDPCAPS_2BIT;
else if (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED4)
// Only 16 palette entries, we will save black and white
// and keep the rest for ourselves.

lppeCurr[0].peFlags = D3DPAL_READONLY;
lppeCurr[15].peFlags = D3DPAL_READONLY;

for (ii = 1; ii < 15; ii++)
lppeCurr[ii].peFlags = D3DPAL_FREE | PC_RESERVED;

dwFlags = DDPCAPS_4BIT;
else if (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8)
// 256 palette entries, we can afford to be nice
// and save the first 10 and last 10 palette entries
// for system use
for (ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++)
lppeCurr[ii].peFlags = D3DPAL_READONLY;
lppeCurr[246+ii].peFlags = D3DPAL_READONLY;

for (ii = 10; ii < 246; ii++)
lppeCurr[ii].peFlags = D3DPAL_FREE | PC_RESERVED;

dwFlags = DDPCAPS_8BIT;
// Error, programming (unknown palette type)
REPORTERR (hResult);
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Create Primary Palette
hResult = lpDD2->CreatePalette (dwFlags,
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Attach palette to primary surface
hResult = lpddsPrimary->SetPalette (lpddpPalette);
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error
REPORTERR (hResult);
goto lblCLEANUP;

// Success
return DD_OK;

// Failure

// Cleanup
FiniPalette ();
return hResult;
} // D3DWindow::InitPalette

** Name: D3DWindow::FiniPalette
** Purpose: Destroys primary palette

HRESULT D3DWindow::FiniPalette (void)
// Note: Should we Detach Palette object from surfaces
// No way to do this that I know of...

// Cleanup up DD Palette object
if (lpddpPalette)
lpddpPalette->Release ();
lpddpPalette = NULL;

// Cleanup Current Palette
if (lppeCurr)
delete [] lppeCurr;
lppeCurr = NULL;

// Cleanup System Palette
if (lppeSystem)
// Note: Should we try and restore system palette here ?!?

// Destroy system palette
delete [] lppeSystem;
lppeSystem = NULL;

cPalette = 0;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End FiniPalette

** Name: D3DWindow::CreateRender
** Purpose: Creates the rendering surface and D3D device

HRESULT D3DWindow::CreateRender (LPGUID lpD3DGuid)
HRESULT hResult;
LPD3DDevInfo lpDevNew;
LPDDModeInfo lpModeNew;

// Check Initialization
if ((! lpCurrDriver) || (! lpCurrMode))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Validate D3D Device
lpDevNew = ValidateDevice (lpCurrDriver, lpD3DGuid, NULL);
if (! lpDevNew)
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

DWORD w, h, bpp, refresh;
lpCurrMode->GetMode (w, h, bpp, refresh);

// Validate Mode with this D3D Device
lpModeNew = ValidateMode (lpCurrDriver, w, h, bpp, 0, lpDevNew);
if (! lpModeNew)
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Do we need to Change the Mode as well
// to stay in synch with the new D3D device ?!?
if (lpModeNew != lpCurrMode)
// Save old mode
LPDDModeInfo lpModeOld = lpCurrMode;

// Try to switch modes
lpCurrMode = lpModeNew;
hResult = InitPrimary ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Try to restore old mode and exit with error
lpCurrMode = lpModeOld;
InitPrimary ();
return hResult;

// Successfully switched modes

// Save new D3D device
lpCurrDevice = lpDevNew;

// Create new Render surface (using new Device)
hResult = InitRender ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Success
return DD_OK;

** Name: D3DWindow::InitRender
** Purpose: Creates the rendering surface and D3D device
** Notes:
**1. Catch 22: To creating a D3D device you need it's render surface
**First. But in order to create a render surface properly you need
** to know the D3D device desc characteristics first. Fortunately we
**already have this information. Because we store it awy in the
**Driver Manager.
** 2. This same catch 22 prevented us from enumerating Texture formats
** easily in the Driver Manager. So, we do it here once we have a
**valid D3D device.
** Basic Algorithm:
**1. Get pointer to back buffer and use as render surface
** 2. Create Z-buffer (optional)
**3. Create D3D Device (enumerate Texture Formats)
**4. Create Viewport
**5. InitScene (optional)

HRESULT D3DWindow::InitRender (void)
HRESULT hResult;
DWORD dwMemType;
DWORD dwWidth, dwHeight, dwBPP;

// Check Initialization
if ((! hWindow) || (! IsWindow (hWindow)) ||
(! lpCurrDevice) || (! lpCurrMode) ||
(! lpDD2) || (! lpD3D) || (! lpddsPrimary))
// Error, Not initialized properly before calling this method

REPORTERR (hResult); 
return hResult;

// Step 1. Grab the Render surface (back buffer)
//from the Primary surface (front buffer)
ddscaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER;
hResult = lpddsPrimary->GetAttachedSurface (&ddscaps, &lpddsRender);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Step 2.Create and attach Z-buffer (optional)

// Get D3D Device description
if (lpCurrDevice->isHardware ())
// Hardware device
// Z-buffer has to be in Video memory
lpDeviceDesc = &(lpCurrDevice->d3dHalDesc);
// Software device
// Z-Buffer has to be in System memory
lpDeviceDesc = &(lpCurrDevice->d3dHelDesc);

// Should we create a Z-buffer ?!?
if ((isCreateZBuffer ()) && (lpDeviceDesc) &&
(0L != lpDeviceDesc->dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth))
// Get Z-buffer surface info (w, h, bpp, video vs. system memory)
ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
hResult = lpddsPrimary->GetSurfaceDesc (&ddsd);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;
dwWidth = ddsd.dwWidth;
dwHeight = ddsd.dwHeight;
dwBPP = FlagsToBitDepth (lpDeviceDesc->dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth);

// Create the z-buffer.
ZeroMemory (&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS |
ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER | dwMemType;
ddsd.dwWidth = dwWidth;
ddsd.dwHeight = dwHeight;
ddsd.dwZBufferBitDepth = dwBPP;
hResult = lpDD2->CreateSurface (&ddsd, &lpddsZBuff, NULL);
if (FAILED(hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);

// Note: we may be able to continue without a z buffer
// So don't exit
// Attach Z-buffer to rendering surface
hResult = lpddsRender->AddAttachedSurface (lpddsZBuff);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);

if (lpddsZBuff)
lpddsZBuff->Release ();
lpddsZBuff = NULL;

// Note: we may be able to continue without a z buffer
// So don't exit
// Note: We could actually release the reference to the
// Z-Buffer here, if we don't need a pointer to it anymore.
// The back-buffer has an attachment to it now and it
// won't go away until the Back-buffer does.
// lpddsZBuff->Release ();
// lpddsZBuff = NULL;

// Step 4. Create the D3D device interface
hResult = lpD3D->CreateDevice (lpCurrDevice->guid,
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Enumerate all Texture formats associated with this D3D device
hResult = lpCurrDevice->LoadFormats (lpd3dDevice);
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error, no texture formats
// Hope we can run OK without textures

// Mark as valid
turnValidRenderOn ();

// Step 5. Create the viewport
hResult = InitViewport ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Step 6.Allow Scene to create all objects dependent on us
if (lpd3dScene)
hResult = lpd3dScene->Attach ();

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::InitRender

** Name: D3DWindow::FiniRender
** Purpose: Destroys the Rendering surface

HRESULT D3DWindow::FiniRender (void)
// Allow Scene to cleanup all objects dependent on us
if (lpd3dScene)
lpd3dScene->Detach ();

// Cleanup viewport
FiniViewport ();

// Mark as invalid
turnValidRenderOff ();

// Release D3D Device
if (lpd3dDevice)
lpd3dDevice->Release ();
lpd3dDevice = NULL;

// Release Z Buffer
if (lpddsZBuff)
// Detach Z-Buffer from back buffer
if (lpddsRender)
lpddsRender->DeleteAttachedSurface (0L, lpddsZBuff);

// Release Z-Buffer
lpddsZBuff->Release ();
lpddsZBuff = NULL;

// Release rendering surface
if (lpddsRender)
lpddsRender->Release ();
lpddsRender = NULL;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::FiniRender

** Name: D3DWindow::InitViewport
** Purpose:

HRESULT D3DWindow::InitViewport (void)
HRESULT hResult;

// Check Initialization
if ((! lpD3D) || (! lpd3dDevice))
// Error, Not properly initialized before calling this method
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Create Viewport
hResult = lpD3D->CreateViewport (&lpd3dViewport, NULL);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Attach viewport to D3D device
hResult = lpd3dDevice->AddViewport (lpd3dViewport);
if (FAILED (hResult))
lpd3dViewport->Release ();
lpd3dViewport = NULL;

REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Set up Initial Viewport parameters
hResult = UpdateViewport ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
lpd3dDevice->DeleteViewport (lpd3dViewport);
lpd3dViewport->Release ();
lpd3dViewport = NULL;

return hResult;

// Mark as valid
turnValidViewportOn ();

/// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::InitViewport

** Name: D3DWindow::FiniViewport
** Purpose: Cleanup viewport

HRESULT D3DWindow::FiniViewport (void)
// Mark as invalid
turnValidViewportOn ();

// Release D3D viewport
if (lpd3dViewport)
lpd3dDevice->DeleteViewport (lpd3dViewport);
lpd3dViewport->Release ();
lpd3dViewport = NULL;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::FiniViewport

** Name: D3DWindow::UpdateViewport
** Purpose: Keeps viewport updated with current window size
** Notes:
**1. The viewport construction here assumes that you are rendering
**Triangles using the D3DVERTEX and D3DIM is doing Transform,
**lighting, and rasterization for you.
**2. If you are rendering triangles using D3DTLVERTEX and doing your
** own transform and lighting then you need to setup the viewport
** differently. As follows:
** // Replace the following values below:
**dvClipX= 0.0f;
**dvClipY= 0.0f;
**dvClipWidth= dwSurfW;
**dvClipHeight= dvSurfH;
** 3. This perserves the aspect ratio. If you don't need or want to
** perserve the aspect ratio then set inv_aspect = 1.0 below and
** work this constant through the rest of the viewport setup.

HRESULT D3DWindow::UpdateViewport (void)
DWORDdwSurfW, dwSurfH;

// Check Parameters
if ((! lpd3dDevice) || (! lpd3dViewport))
// Not properly initialized before calling this method
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Get Surface Width and Height
dwSurfW = abs (rSurf.right - rSurf.left);
dwSurfH = abs (rSurf.bottom - rSurf.top);

float inv_aspect;

if (dwSurfW)
inv_aspect = (float)dwSurfH/(float)dwSurfW;
inv_aspect = 1.0f;

// Update Viewport
ZeroMemory (&d3dViewport, sizeof(d3dViewport));
d3dViewport.dwSize= sizeof(d3dViewport); // Always set size of structure!!!
d3dViewport.dwX= 0UL;
d3dViewport.dwY= 0UL;
d3dViewport.dwWidth= dwSurfW;
d3dViewport.dwHeight= dwSurfH;
d3dViewport.dvClipX= -1.0f;
d3dViewport.dvClipY= inv_aspect;
d3dViewport.dvClipWidth= 2.0f;
d3dViewport.dvClipHeight = 2.0f * inv_aspect;
d3dViewport.dvMinZ= 0.0f;
d3dViewport.dvMaxZ= 1.0f;

// Update Viewport
hResult = lpd3dViewport->SetViewport2 (&d3dViewport);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Update D3D device to use this viewport
hResult = lpd3dDevice->SetCurrentViewport (lpd3dViewport);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::UpdateViewport

** Name: D3DWindow::DrawFrame
** Purpose: Paints current surface to window
** Notes:
**1. Full screen mode - we render to the back buffer
** and then flip the front and back buffers to make the
** changes visible
** 2. Windowed mode - We blt the render surface onto the primary surface
** 3. This routine is not written for optimal performance

HRESULT D3DWindow::DrawFrame (void)
HRESULT hResult = DD_OK;

// Check Initialization
if (! isValid ())
// Error, not properly initialized
//REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

if (isPaused ())
// Don't draw, if paused
return DD_OK;

// Paint until we truly succeed or error out
while (TRUE)
// Render D3D Scene
if (lpd3dScene)
hResult = lpd3dScene->Render ();

if (SUCCEEDED (hResult))
// Flip Front and Back buffers (Primary, Render)
hResult =lpddsPrimary->Flip (lpddsRender, 1);

// Did it work ?!?
if (SUCCEEDED (hResult))
// Success, exit
return hResult;

// Check if busy or drawing
if ((DDERR_SURFACEBUSY == hResult) ||
// Try again

// Check for lost surfaces
while (DDERR_SURFACELOST == hResult)
// Restore surfaces
hResult = Restore ();

// Check for real error
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Error,
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::DrawFrame

** Name: D3DWindow::Move
** Purpose: Moving full-screen windows not supported

HRESULT D3DWindow::Move (long x, long y)
// Do nothing

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // D3DWindow::Move

** Name: D3DWindow::Resize
** Purpose: Resizes window
** Notes:Resizing Fullscreen windows not supported.
**I.E. The Back buffer needs to stay the same size as the front

HRESULT D3DWindow::Resize (DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight)
// Do nothing

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::Resize

** Name: D3DWindow::RealizePalette
** Purpose:

HRESULT D3DWindow::RealizePalette (void)
HRESULT hResult;

// Realizing the palette using DirectDraw is quite different
// from GDI. To realize the palette we call SetPalette()
// each time our application is activated.
// NOTE: DirectDraw spots the fact that the new palette is the
// same as the old one and so does not increase the reference
// count of the palette.

if ((lpddsPrimary) && (lpddpPalette))
hResult = lpddsPrimary->SetPalette (lpddpPalette);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::RealizePalette

** Name: D3DWindow::toGDI
** Purpose: Setups for drawing to GDI surface

HRESULT D3DWindow::toGDI (void)
HRESULT hResult;

// Step 1. Restore system palette (optional)
if (lpddpPalette)
// Save the current palette
hResult = lpddpPalette->GetEntries (0, 0, cPalette, lppeCurr);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Restore the system palette into our device
hResult = lpddpPalette->SetEntries (0, 0, cPalette, lppeSystem);
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Step 2. Flip to GDI Surface
if (lpDD2)
hResult = lpDD2->FlipToGDISurface ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Step 3. Force window to redraw itself (on GDI surface)
if ((hWindow) && (IsWindow (hWindow)))
DrawMenuBar (hWindow);
RedrawWindow (hWindow, NULL, NULL, RDW_FRAME);

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::toGDI

** Name: D3DWindow::fromGDI
** Purpose: Restores from GDI

HRESULT D3DWindow::fromGDI (void)
HRESULT hResult;

// Restore current palette
if (lpddpPalette)
hResult = lpddpPalette->SetEntries (0, 0, cPalette, lppeCurr);
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::fromGDI

** Name: D3DWindow::Pause
** Purpose: Pause any work on DD/D3D resources
** Notes:
** For Fullscreen apps we need to setup the

HRESULT D3DWindow::Pause (BOOL fPause)
HRESULT hResult;

// Turning pausing on/off ?!?
if (fPause)
// Increment pause semaphore

// Are we pausing for the first time
if (dwPaused == 1L)
// Flip to GDI surface
hResult = toGDI ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

if (dwPaused == 0L)
// Programmer Error, already unpaused
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Are we unpausing for the last time ?!?
if (dwPaused == 1L)
// Restore from GDI surface
hResult = fromGDI ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Decrement pause semaphore

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // D3DWindow::Pause

** Name: D3DWindow::AttachScene
** Purpose:

HRESULT D3DWindow::AttachScene (LPD3DScene lpNewScene)
// Check parameters
if (! lpNewScene)

// Save Scene pointer
lpd3dScene = lpNewScene;

// Inform scene of our existence
lpd3dScene->Init (this);

// Allow scene to create any objects dependent on us
if (isValid ())
lpd3dScene->Attach ();

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::AttachScene

** Name: D3DWindow::DetachScene
** Purpose:

HRESULT D3DWindow::DetachScene (void)
// Cleanup Scene
if (lpd3dScene)
lpd3dScene->Detach ();
lpd3dScene->Fini ();
lpd3dScene = NULL;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::DetachScene

** Name: D3DWindow::Restore
** Purpose: Restores lost surfaces
** Note: Eventually we should inform the user somehow that
** they need to redraw the surface but for now punt

HRESULT D3DWindow::Restore (void)
HRESULT hResult;

// Check Initialization
if (! isValid ())
// Error, not properly initialized before calling this method
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Restore Primary Surface
if (lpddsPrimary)
hResult = lpddsPrimary->IsLost ();
if (hResult != DD_OK)
hResult = lpddsPrimary->Restore ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Restore Z Buffer
if (lpddsZBuff)
hResult = lpddsZBuff->IsLost ();
if (hResult != DD_OK)
hResult = lpddsZBuff->Restore ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Restore Rendering surface
if (lpddsRender)
hResult = lpddsRender->IsLost ();
if (hResult != DD_OK)
hResult = lpddsRender->Restore ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Allow D3D Scene to restore any surfaces
if (lpd3dScene)
hResult = lpd3dScene->Restore ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::Restore

** Name: D3DWindow::GetSurfaceRect
** Purpose: Get bounding rectangle of surface

HRESULT D3DWindow::GetSurfaceRect (RECT & rSurface)
HRESULT hResult;

if (! isValid ())
// Error, not properly initialized before calling this method
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Return Surface rectangle
rSurface = rSurf;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // D3DWindow::GetSurfaceRect

** Name: D3DWindow::GetPrimaryRect
** Purpose: Get bounding rectangle of primary surface

HRESULT D3DWindow::GetPrimaryRect (RECT & rPrimary)
HRESULT hResult;

if (! isValid ())
// Error, not properly initialized before calling this method
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Return Primary rectangle
rPrimary = rPrim;

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // GetPrimaryRect

** Name: D3DWindow::ChangeDesktop
** Purpose: The Primary Desktop has changed Modes
**1. Since we are a fullscreen app, this shouldn't effect us
**until we restore the desktop mode. Since DirectDraw should
**be tracking this anyway. We can just ignore doing anything

HRESULT D3DWindow::ChangeDesktop (void)
// Do nothing

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // D3DInfo::ChangeDesktop

** Name: D3DWindow::ChangeDriver
** Purpose:

HRESULT D3DWindow::ChangeDriver (
LPD3DDevInfo lpDevHint,
LPDDModeInfo lpModeHint)
HRESULT hResult;
LPDDDrvInfo lpDrvNew, lpDrvOld;
LPDDModeInfo lpModeNew, lpModeOld;
LPD3DDevInfo lpDevNew, lpDevOld;
DWORD w, h, bpp, refresh;

// Get New Driver
lpDrvNew = ValidateDriver (lpGuidDD);
if (! lpDrvNew)
// Error, invalid DD Guid
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Get requested D3D device
if (lpDevHint)
lpGuidD3D = &(lpDevHint->guid);
else if (lpCurrDevice)
lpGuidD3D = &(lpCurrDevice->guid);
lpGuidD3D = NULL;

// Get requested mode
if (lpModeHint)
lpModeHint->GetMode (w, h, bpp, refresh);
// Default to 640 x 480 x 16
w= 640;
h= 480;
bpp= 16;
refresh = 0;

// Get new device and mode compatible with this driver
if (! GetFullscreenMode (lpDrvNew, lpGuidD3D, w, h, bpp, refresh,
&lpModeNew, &lpDevNew))
// Error, unable to find a valid D3D Device
// and Mode that work with this driver.
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Save old defaults
lpDrvOld= lpCurrDriver;
lpModeOld= lpCurrMode;
lpDevOld= lpCurrDevice;

// Destroy almost everything
Fini ();

// Set new defaults
lpCurrDriver = lpDrvNew;
lpCurrMode = lpModeNew;
lpCurrDevice = lpDevNew;

// Re-create almost everything based on new driver, device, and mode
hResult = Init ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Try to restore old defaults
Fini ();

lpCurrDriver = lpDrvOld;
lpCurrMode = lpModeOld;
lpCurrDevice = lpDevOld;

Init ();
return hResult;

// Notify the window of a successful change in Driver
SendMessage (hWindow, D3DWIN_CHANGED_DRIVER, 0, 0);

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::ChangeDriver

** Name: D3DWindow::ChangeMode
** Purpose: Change the mode
**Basic Algorithm:
** 1. Validate new mode request
** 2. Validate that the D3D device is compatible
** 3. Destroy old mode
** 4. Create new mode
**- This can be complicated by the fact that the new mode is not
** compatible with the current D3D device, in which case we need
** to choose a new D3D device that will work with this mode.
** - We don't normally allow mode changes for windowed mode.
**- However the desktop mode could have changed underneath us,
** So make sure the desktop mode and our current mode match.
** If not, then change to the current desktop mode.

HRESULT D3DWindow::ChangeMode (
DWORD w,// Mode Width
DWORD h,// Mode Height
DWORD bpp,// Mode Bits Per Pixel
DWORD refresh)// Optional: Mode refresh rate
HRESULT hResult;
LPDDDrvInfo lpOldDrv;
LPDDModeInfo lpOldMode, lpNewMode;
LPD3DDevInfo lpOldDev, lpNewDev;

// Check Initialization
if ((! hWindow) || (! IsWindow (hWindow)))
// Error, Not properly initialized
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

lpOldDrv = lpCurrDriver;
lpOldMode = lpCurrMode;
lpOldDev = lpCurrDevice;

// Step 1. Get New Mode

// Find new mode corresponding to w, h, bpp
lpNewMode = lpOldDrv->FindMode (w, h, bpp, 0, NULL);
if (! lpNewMode)
// Error, Invalid Mode parameters
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Step 2. Check if Device needs to be changed as well
if (lpNewMode->ModeSupported (lpOldDev))
lpNewDev = NULL;
LPD3DDevInfo lpNextBest;
lpNewDev = lpOldDrv->FindDeviceSupportsMode (&lpOldDev->guid,
if (! lpNewDev)
if (! lpNextBest)
// No D3D device is compatible with this new mode
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;
lpNewDev = lpNextBest;

// Step 3.Destroy current Mode
FiniRender ();
FiniPrimary ();
// FiniFullscreenMode ();// Don't do this => unnecessary mode switch

// Step 4. Create new mode
lpCurrMode = lpNewMode;
if (lpNewDev)
lpCurrDevice = lpNewDev;

// Change Mode
hResult = InitFullscreenMode ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
return hResult;

// Create Primary Surface
hResult = InitPrimary ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Try to restore old mode
lpCurrMode = lpOldMode;
lpCurrDevice = lpOldDev;

InitFullscreenMode ();
InitPrimary ();
InitRender ();

return hResult;

// Create Render surface
hResult = InitRender ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
FiniPrimary ();
// FiniFullscreenMode ();// Unnecessary mode switch

// Try to restore old mode
lpCurrMode = lpOldMode;
lpCurrDevice = lpOldDev;

InitFullscreenMode ();
InitPrimary ();
InitRender ();

return hResult;

// Notify the window of a successful change in Mode
SendMessage (hWindow, D3DWIN_CHANGED_MODE, 0, 0);

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::ChangeMode

** Name: D3DWindow::ChangeDevice
** Purpose: Change to a new D3D device (RAMP, RGB, Hardware, etc.)
** Notes:
** Algorithm:
**- Destroy the current D3D Device (and associated surfaces)
**- Recreate a new D3D device from the new GUID
** 1.The new D3D Device may not be supported by the current DD Device.
** 2. The new D3D Device may not be compatible with the current Mode
**- Since we are fullscreen, just pick a new mode that is compatible

HRESULT D3DWindow::ChangeDevice (
LPDDModeInfo lpModeHint)
HRESULT hResult;
LPDDModeInfo lpModeNew, lpModeOld;
LPD3DDevInfolpDevNew, lpDevOld;

// Check Parameters
if (! lpD3DGuid)
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Check Initialization
if (! isValid () || (! lpddsRender))
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Save Original State
lpDrvOld= lpCurrDriver;
lpModeOld = lpCurrMode;
lpDevOld= lpCurrDevice;

// Verify new D3D device belongs to current DD driver
lpDevNew = lpDrvOld->FindDevice (lpD3DGuid, NULL);
if (! lpDevNew)
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

//Step 1. Verify new D3D device is supported with current mode
if (lpModeHint)
lpModeNew = lpModeHint;
lpModeNew = lpModeOld;
if (! lpModeNew->ModeSupported (lpDevNew))
// We are a full screen app, so we can do what we want
// Pick a new mode that is compatible with this device
LPDDModeInfo lpNextBest;
DWORD w, h, bpp, refresh;

lpModeNew->GetMode (w, h, bpp, refresh);

lpModeNew = lpDrvOld->FindModeSupportsDevice (w, h, bpp, 0,

if (! lpModeNew) 
if (! lpNextBest)
// Error , no compatible mode found!!!
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;
lpModeNew = lpNextBest;
if (lpModeNew == lpModeOld)
lpModeNew = NULL;

//Step 2. Destroy Old D3D Device (and mode)
FiniRender ();
if (lpModeNew)
FiniPrimary ();
// FiniFullscreenMode ();// Unnecessary mode switch

//Step 3. Create new D3D Device (new mode optional)

// Set new D3D device (and mode)
if (lpModeNew)
lpCurrMode = lpModeNew;
lpCurrDevice = lpDevNew;

// Create new mode, if necessary
if (lpModeNew)
// Change Mode
hResult = InitFullscreenMode ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Try to restore original mode and device
lpCurrDevice = lpDevOld;
lpCurrMode = lpModeOld;

InitFullscreenMode ();
InitPrimary ();
InitRender ();

return hResult;

// Create Primary
hResult = InitPrimary ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Try to restore original mode and device
lpCurrDevice = lpDevOld;
lpCurrMode = lpModeOld;

InitFullscreenMode ();
InitPrimary ();
InitRender ();

return hResult;

// Create new D3D Device
hResult = InitRender ();
if (FAILED (hResult))
// Try to restore original mode and device
if (lpModeNew)
lpCurrMode = lpModeOld;
lpCurrDevice = lpDevOld;

if (lpModeNew)
FiniPrimary ();
InitFullscreenMode ();
InitPrimary ();

InitRender ();

// Return Error
REPORTERR (hResult);
return hResult;

// Notify the window of a successful change in device
SendMessage (hWindow, D3DWIN_CHANGED_DEVICE, 0, 0);

// Success
return DD_OK;
} // End D3DWindow::ChangeDevice

** End of File