This is a simple chat program to demonstrate usage of the DirectPlay APIs.
Note: MSVC may include older versions of the DirectX header files and
libraries. This sample requires DirectX 5. In order to avoid compile errors,
make sure the path to the DirectX 5 header files and libraries are listed
BEFORE the MSVC header files and libraries through the
Tools -> Options -> Directories menu.
Note: The DPLAUNCH or BELLHOP sample that is part of the DirectX 5 SDK can be
used to exercise the lobby functionality of DPCHAT.
dpchat.mak - MSVC workspace to compile DPCHAT.
lobby.cpp - sample code for enabling a DirectPlay application to be launched
and connected to a session by a lobby.
dialog.cpp - sample code for establishing a session connection by asking
the user to supply information and make choices
dpchat.cpp - the core chat application
dpchat.reg - Adds entries to the registry to make DPCHAT visible to lobby