#ifndef __DBLIST_H__ 
#define __DBLIST_H__

#include "debug.h"

#ifndef __cplusplus
#error DBList.h included from a C file!

//forward declaration of template used as friend class
template <class T> class DbLinkedList;

template<class A>
class DblNode
friend class DbLinkedList<A>;

class DblNode<A> *pNext;
class DblNode<A> *pPrev;

A value;

template <class T>
class DbLinkedList

DbLinkedList( T emptyElt );

inline void SetEmpty( T emptyElt ) { m_emptyT = emptyElt; }

inline BOOL IsAtTail() { ASSERT( NULL != m_pCurrent );
return (m_pCurrent->pNext == NULL); }

void Clear( void );
void RemoveCurrent();
void Remove( T );
BOOL InsertAfterCurrent( T val );
BOOL InsertBeforeCurrent( T val );
T GetCurrent();
void Append( T );

inline void SetAtHead() { m_pCurrent = m_pHead; }
inline void SetAtTail() { m_pCurrent = m_pTail; }

void AssertValid();

inline int GetElementCount( void ) { return m_nElementCount; }

DbLinkedList<T> &operator++()
{ if( m_pCurrent && m_pCurrent->pNext ) m_pCurrent = m_pCurrent->pNext; return *this; }
DbLinkedList<T> &operator++( int )
{ if( m_pCurrent && m_pCurrent->pNext ) m_pCurrent = m_pCurrent->pNext; return *this; }
DbLinkedList<T> &operator--()
{ if( m_pCurrent && m_pCurrent->pPrev ) m_pCurrent = m_pCurrent->pPrev; return *this; }
DbLinkedList<T> &operator--( int )
{ if( m_pCurrent && m_pCurrent->pPrev ) m_pCurrent = m_pCurrent->pPrev; return *this; }

DblNode<T> *m_pHead;
DblNode<T> *m_pTail;
DblNode<T> *m_pCurrent;

int m_nElementCount;
T m_emptyT;

// Because of the way templates work, we must include the code from the
// header file.
#include "DbList.cpp"
