#ifndef SFX_HEADER 
#define SFX_HEADER
* Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* File: sfx.h
* Content: Routines

#include <dsound.h>
#include "ds3dutil.h"
/******************* DEFINITIONS ***************************
These will be used to index the array of CSound3D objects.
#define BFIRE 0 //Bullet Firing
#define SBOOM 1 //Ship Exploding
#define SENGINE 2 //Ship Engine
#define SSTART 3 //Starting Engine
#define SSTOP 4 //Stopping Engine (key 5)
#define SBOUNCE 5 //Bouncing off a block or window edge
#define LBOOM 6 //Block destruction

#define MAX_SOUNDS 7

/******************* DEFINITIONS FOR SHARED INFO ************/
#define ENGINE_STATE 0x00000001l // Set if Engine is running

/**************** CONVERSION MACROS **************************
These would be faster if hard-coded, but are left like this
for readability.
#define SCREEN_METERS D3DVAL(6) //(How many meters wide is the screen?)
#define PPM D3DVAL(640/SCREEN_METERS) //How many pixels per meter?
#define MPP D3DVAL(SCREEN_METERS/640.f) //How many meters per pixel?
#define P2M(x) D3DVAL(D3DVAL(x) * MPP) //converts pixels to meters
#define M2P(x) D3DVAL(D3DVAL(x) * PPM) //converts meters to pixels

/****************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *********************/
BOOL InitSfx(void);
void CleanupSfx(void);
/************************ VARIABLES *************************/
extern LPWAVEDATA gSoundEffect[MAX_SOUNDS];
extern BOOL gbSoundInitialized;
extern CHAR * gszResourceName[MAX_SOUNDS];
extern LPDIRECTSOUND glpDirectSound;
extern LPDIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER glpDirectSound3DListener;
extern LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER glpPrimaryBuffer;
