#include <windows.h> 
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "app.h"

#include "grid.hxx"

// These are global variables set by CFontRange::SetFontRange()
// and used by CTextGrid::SetCharTable(). This is safe as only
// one font is selected at a given time by the program.

int vSegCount;
USHORT * vStartCount;
USHORT * vEndCount;

CSet * vpCSet;

// Class: CFontSelect
// Purpose: Select/Deselect a font
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

// pure inline

// Class: CGridIt
// Purpose: Iterate over a grid
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

// pure inline

// Class: CLineGrid
// Purpose: Create an n x m Grid of lines
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

CLineGrid::CLineGrid(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, SIZE size )
_size = size;
_cCol = cCol;
_cRow = cRow;

void CLineGrid::SetStyle(int iStyle)
_iStyle = iStyle;

void CLineGrid::SetWeight(int nWeight)
_nWeight = nWeight*20; // internal twips, API is points

void CLineGrid::Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt)
int cx, cy;

// set up pen
CBlackPen pen(canvas, _iStyle, _nWeight);

// Draw the grid
for(cx = pt.x, i=0; i<=_cCol; i++, )
if( cx >= rc.left && cx <= rc.right )
canvas.Line(cx, pt.y,
cx, pt.y+_cRow*;
for(cy = pt.y, i=0; i<=_cRow; i++, )
if( cy >= && cy <= rc.bottom )
canvas.Line(pt.x, cy,
pt.x+_cCol*, cy);

// Class: CTextGrid
// Purpose: Create an n x m grid of textual elements
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

void CTextGrid::SetFont(HFONT hfont)
_font = hfont;

void CTextGrid :: Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt)
// Choose text alignment
SetTextAlign(HDC(canvas), TA_BASELINE|TA_CENTER);

CFontSelect fs(canvas, _font);

for( CGridIt It( _cCol, _cRow, _size, pt ); !It.Done(); ++It)
if( It.Cx() > rc.left && It.Cx() < rc.right &&
It.Cy() > && It.Cy() < rc.bottom )
DrawElement(canvas, It.Cx()+_ptOrg.x, It.Cy()+_ptOrg.y,
It.Col(), It.Row());

UINT CTextGrid::Hittest(POINT pt, POINT ptTest)
for( CGridIt It( _cCol, _cRow, _size, pt ); !It.Done(); ++It)
if( It.Cx() <= ptTest.x && It.Cy() <= ptTest.y &&
It.Cx() > ptTest.x && It.Cy() > ptTest.y)
return _cRow* It.Col()+ It.Row() + _iEltOffset;
return 0xFFFF;

void CTextGrid::SetCharTable()
UINT imin = _iEltOffset;
UINT imax = imin + _cCol*_cRow - 1;

// Make sure the block is used by the font
if (_pCharUsed != NULL)
LocalFree (LocalHandle(_pCharUsed));
// Allocate buffer and make it not used (LPTR put zero in memory)
if ((_pCharUsed = (USHORT *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, _cCol*_cRow*sizeof(USHORT))) == NULL)
if (imin > vEndCount[vSegCount-1] || imax < vStartCount[0])
for (i = 0; i < vSegCount; i++)
if (imax < vStartCount[i]) // no more useful cmap ranges
if (imin <= vEndCount[i] && imax >= vStartCount[i]) // check for include
UINT icur = imin;
while (icur++ < vStartCount[i]); // scan until reaching vStartCount
while (icur <= imax && icur <= vEndCount[i])
_pCharUsed[icur++ - imin] = TRUE;

// Class: CCharGrid
// Purpose: Create an n x m Grid of single characters
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

CCharGrid :: CCharGrid(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, SIZE size, UINT iEltOffset)
_size = size;
_cCol = cCol;
_cRow = cRow;
_iEltOffset = iEltOffset;

#define NBSP 0x00A0// no break space

void CCharGrid::DrawElement(CCanvas& canvas, COORD x, COORD y, UINT i, UINT j)
WORD iChar = _cRow*i+j+_iEltOffset;
#ifdef UNICODE
static CCTypeSet Combining(0,0,C3_NONSPACING || C3_DIACRITIC || C3_VOWELMARK);
static CCTypeSet Alpha(C1_ALPHA, 0, 0);

if ( vpCSet && vpCSet->In(iChar) )
SetTextColor(canvas, RGB(128,0,128));
if (_pCharUsed == NULL || _pCharUsed[_cRow*i+j]) // if char exists draw it
#ifdef UNICODE
if( Combining.In(iChar) && !Alpha.In(iChar) )
TCHAR pch[2] = { iChar,0 };
CFontSelect fs(canvas, _font);
//SIZE size;
//GetTextExtentPoint(canvas, pch, 2, &size);
//canvas.Text(x, y, pch, 2 );
canvas.Char(**/,y, iChar);

// set up pen
CBlackPen pen(canvas, PS_DOT, 0);
CBrush brush(canvas);

// draw dotted circle
int r = 7*;
canvas.Circle(x, y-r/2, r);
canvas.Char(x, y, iChar);
canvas.Char(x, y, iChar);
SetTextColor(canvas, RGB(0,0,0));

// Class: CCodeGrid
// Purpose: Create an n x m Grid, numbered in sequence
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created
CCodeGrid :: CCodeGrid(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, SIZE size, UINT iEltOffset)
_size = size;
_cCol = cCol;
_cRow = cRow;
_iEltOffset = iEltOffset;

void CCodeGrid :: SetFormat(UINT fuFormat, UINT cDigits)
_cDigits = cDigits;

if( fuFormat == DECIMAL )
_cDigits = 4; // Constraint:
// This format for Decimal
_szFormat[1]='3'; // really only works with _cDigits == 4
_szFormat[2]='d'; //
_szFormat[3]=' '; // (blank padding for better positioning)
else //

void CCodeGrid::DrawElement(CCanvas &canvas, COORD x, COORD y, UINT i, UINT j)
TCHAR sz[10];
if (_pCharUsed == NULL || _pCharUsed[_cRow*i+j]) // if char exists draw it
wsprintf( sz,_szFormat, (_cRow*i+j+_iEltOffset));
canvas.Text(x, y, sz, _cDigits);

// Class: CCharBlock
// Purpose: Create an n x m lined block of characters and codes
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

CCharBlock::CCharBlock(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, UINT iBlockOffset, const CBlockFormat &bf) :
_Line(cCol, cRow, bf._size),
_Char(cCol, cRow, bf._size, iBlockOffset),
_Code(cCol, cRow, bf._size, iBlockOffset)

// LARGE CHARACTER each cell

// CODE POINT label each cell
_Code.SetTextOrg(, 9*;

void CCharBlock::Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt)
_Line.Paint(canvas, rc, pt);
#ifdef UNICODE
_Char.Paint(canvas, rc, pt);
_Code.Paint(canvas, rc, pt);

UINT CCharBlock::Hittest(POINT pt, POINT ptTest)
return _Code.Hittest(pt, ptTest);

void CCharBlock :: SetFormat(UINT fuFormat)

void CCharBlock::SetFont(HFONT font)

// Class: CBlockFrame
// Purpose: Create an n x m frame around a block of characters
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

CBlockFrame::CBlockFrame(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, POINT pt, UINT iBlockOffset,
TCHAR * szHeader, const CFrameFormat &ff):
CCharBlock(cCol, cRow, iBlockOffset, ff ),
_Cols(cCol, 1, ff._size, iBlockOffset/16),

// COLUMN label above first row

// if not first block on page, suppress row labels
if( iBlockOffset % 0x100 )
_pRows = NULL;
// ROW label to left of first column
_pRows = new CCodeGrid(1, cRow, ff._size);

_szHeader = new TCHAR[lstrlen(szHeader)+sizeof(TCHAR)];
lstrcpy(_szHeader, szHeader);
_fontHeader = ff._fontHeader;


delete _pRows;
delete _szHeader;

void CBlockFrame::Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt)
Draw(canvas, pt);
POINT ptCols = {pt.x,};
_Cols.Paint(canvas, rc, ptCols);
CCharBlock::Paint(canvas, rc, pt);

// these two are optional. Test first, then draw
if(_pRows )
POINT ptRows = {, pt.y};
_pRows->Paint(canvas, rc, ptRows);

void CBlockFrame::Draw(CCanvas& canvas, POINT pt)
UINT dy = 3*; // height of short uprights
UINT cx = _cCol*;
UINT cy = _cRow*;
RECT rc;

// set up pen
CBlackPen pen(canvas, PS_SOLID, 40); // Solid Black 40/20 points

//Draw block divider lines

canvas.Line(pt.x, pt.y-dy, pt.x, pt.y+cy); // left edge
canvas.Line(pt.x+cx, pt.y-dy, pt.x+cx, pt.y+cy); // right edge
canvas.Line(pt.x, pt.y, pt.x+cx, pt.y); // top edge
canvas.Line(pt.x, pt.y+cy, pt.x+cx, pt.y+cy); // bottom

CFontSelect fs(canvas, _fontHeader);

SetTextAlign(canvas, TA_BASELINE|TA_LEFT);
rc.left = pt.x +; = pt.y - 6*;
rc.right = pt.x + cx -;
rc.bottom = pt.y;

// The following Array contains the widhts of the Unicode blocks in
// columns. Each Block has a corresponding entry in the stringtable
// giving its block header. "Unassigned" blocks can span page boun-
// daries.

static UINT aBlockWidth[]=
2,6,2,6, // 0000
8,8, // 0100
5,6,5, // 0200
7,6,3, // 0300
16, // 0400
3,6,7, // 0500
16, // 0600
32, // 0700 - 08FF
8,8, // 0900
8,8, // 0A00
8,8, // 0B00
8,8, // 0C00
8,8, // 0D00
8,8, // 0E00
16, // 0F00
10,6, // 1000
16, // 1100
192, // 1200 - 1DFF
16, // 1E00
16, // 1F00
7,3,3,3, // 2000
5,4,7, // 2100
16, // 2200
16, // 2300
4,2,10, // 2400
8,2,6, // 2500
16, // 2600
12,4, // 2700
128, // 2800 - 2FFF
4,6,6, // 3000
3,6,1,6, // 3100
16, // 3200
16, // 3300
144, // 3400 - 3CFF
3,13, // 3D00
96, // 3E00 - 43FF
16, // 4400
144, // 4500 - 4DFF
82*16, // 4E00 - 9FFF
64*16, // A000 - DFFF
25*16, // E000 - F8FF
32, // F900 - FAFF
5,11, // FB00
32, // FC00 - FDFF
2,5,9, // FE00
15,1, // FF00
200 // Sentinel

// Class: CBlockFormat
// Purpose: Block formatting
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

CBlockFormat::CBlockFormat() :
_fontCode (TEXT("Arial Narrow"), -6),
#ifdef UNICODE
_fontChar (TEXT("Lucida Sans Unicode"), -16, TRUE)
_fontChar (TEXT("Lucida Sans"), -16, TRUE)

// Class: CFrameFormat
// Purpose: Frame formatting
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created

CFrameFormat::CFrameFormat() :
_fontHeader (TEXT("Arial"), -12, TRUE),
_fontLabel (TEXT("Arial"), -10, TRUE)

// Class: CPageFormat
// Purpose: Page formatting
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created
CPageFormat::CPageFormat(UINT fuFormat) :
_fontPageNum (TEXT("Times New Roman"), -10, FALSE)
{ = 4*INCH2/5; = INCH2;


void CPageFormat::SetFormat(UINT fuFormat)
_fuFormat = fuFormat;

if( fuFormat & PAGEPRINT )
_pt.x= INCH2+(INCH2*7)/10;
_pt.y= INCH1+(INCH1*7)/10;
_pt.x= INCH2;
_pt.y= INCH1;

// locations of headers / footers
_ptPE[0].x =;
_ptPE[0].y =;
_ptPE[1].x =*16;
_ptPE[1].y =;
_ptPE[2].x = _pt.x+(*15)/2;
_ptPE[2].y = _pt.y+(*33)/2;

// Class: CPage
// Purpose: One or more blocks
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created
CPage::CPage(HINSTANCE hInst, CPageFormat &pf, UINT nPage) :
_PageHeadL (1, 1, pf._size,nPage*256 ),
_PageHeadR (1, 1, pf._size,(nPage+1)*256-1),
_PageNums (1, 1, pf._size,nPage+1 )
// page numbers are 1 based on output
// Set up page elementss


InitPage( nPage);

while( _cBlock )
delete _apBlock[--_cBlock];

void CPage::SetFormat(UINT fuFormat)
// set it

// apply it
for( UINT i = 0; i < _cBlock ; ++i )

_PageHeadL.SetFormat(HEXADECIMAL, 4);
_PageHeadR.SetFormat(HEXADECIMAL, 4);

void CPage::Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc)
for( UINT i = 0; i < _cBlock; ++i )
_apBlock[i]->Paint(canvas, rc, _aptBlock[i]);

if( _pf._fuFormat & PAGEELEMS )
_PageHeadL.Paint(canvas, rc, _pf._ptPE[0]);
_PageHeadR.Paint(canvas, rc, _pf._ptPE[1]);
_PageNums.Paint (canvas, rc, _pf._ptPE[2]);

UINT CPage::Hittest(POINT ptTest)
UINT uHit = 0xFFFF;

for( UINT i = 0; i < _cBlock && uHit ==0xFFFF ; ++i )
uHit = _apBlock[i]->Hittest(_aptBlock[i], ptTest);
return uHit;

//-- protected member functions...

UINT CPage::InitPage(UINT nPage)
UINT iEnd = 0;
TCHAR szBlockHeader[40];
POINT ptBlock=_pf._pt;

// Set up blocks

for( i=0; i < sizeof(aBlockWidth)/sizeof(UINT); i++ )
if( nPage*16 < (iEnd+=aBlockWidth[i]) )
UINT iStart = max(nPage*16, iEnd-aBlockWidth[i]);

LoadString(_hInst, i, szBlockHeader, 40);
_apBlock[_cBlock]= new CBlockFrame(
min( aBlockWidth[i], // grid width in columns
(nPage+1)*16-iStart),// (but at most to end of page)
16, // cRow always 16
ptBlock, // grid origin
iStart*16, // first char offset
szBlockHeader, // header string
_pf); // common formatting

_aptBlock[_cBlock] = ptBlock;
(i++ < sizeof(aBlockWidth)/sizeof(UINT))
((nPage+1)*16 >= (iEnd+=aBlockWidth[i]))
(_cBlock < 4)

return _cBlock;

void CPage::SetFont(HFONT hfont)
for( UINT i = 0; i < _cBlock ; ++i )

// Class: CModel
// Purpose: Iterator over pages
// History: 22-Jan-1993 asmusf created
CModel::CModel(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwnd, UINT fuFormat, UINT fPageMode) :
#ifdef UNICODE
_pPage = new CPage(hInst, _pf, _iPage);
_fr.SetFontRange(hwnd, _pf._fontChar);

delete _pPage;

void CModel::NextPage()

if (_fPageMode == ALLPAGES)
SetPage(_iPage+=(_iPage+1<_macPage? 1 : 0));
int iNewPage = _iPage;
while (!_fr.IsPageUsed(++iNewPage) && iNewPage < (int)_macPage);// scan until first found
if (iNewPage < (int)_macPage) // change only if under boundary
SetPage(_iPage = (UINT)iNewPage);

void CModel::PrevPage()
if (_fPageMode == ALLPAGES)
SetPage(_iPage-=(_iPage? 1 : 0));
int iNewPage = _iPage;
while (!_fr.IsPageUsed(--iNewPage) && iNewPage >= 0); // scan until first found
if (iNewPage >= 0) // change only if above boundary
SetPage(_iPage = (UINT)iNewPage);

void CModel::NextSection()
_iPage+=(_iPage+16<_macPage? 16 : 0); // increment by 16 pages
if (_fPageMode == ALLPAGES || _fr.IsPageUsed(_iPage)) // if in USEDONLY mode and
SetPage(_iPage); // the page is not used
} // we skip to the next

void CModel::PrevSection()
_iPage-=(_iPage >= 16 ? 16 : 0);
if (_fPageMode == ALLPAGES || _fr.IsPageUsed(_iPage)) // if in USEDONLY mode and
SetPage(_iPage); // the page is not used
PrevPage(); // we skip to the previous

void CModel::SetPage(UINT nPage)
delete _pPage;
_pPage = new CPage(_hInst, _pf, nPage);

void CModel::GetFormat(UINT &fuFormat)

void CModel::SetFormat(UINT fuFormat)

HFONT CModel::GetFont()
return _pf._fontChar;

BOOL CModel::CreateFont(LOGFONT &lf)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

BOOL CModel::ChooseFont(HWND hwnd)
_fr.SetFontRange(hwnd, _pf._fontChar);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

UINT CModel::Hittest( POINT pt)
return _pPage->Hittest( pt);

void CModel::GetPageMode(UINT &fPageMode)
fPageMode = _fPageMode;

void CModel::SetPageMode(UINT fPageMode)
_fPageMode = fPageMode;
if (fPageMode == USEDONLY && !_fr.IsPageUsed(_iPage))//if the current page is empty
UINT iCurrentPage = _iPage;
NextPage();//we skip to next
if (iCurrentPage == _iPage)//if there is no next page
PrevPage();//we go to prev (has to be one)

void CModel :: SetCSet(CSet * pCSet)
vpCSet = pCSet;

// ClassCFontRange
// Purpose:Set character coverage of the target font
// History:6-Dec-1993michelsu created
void CFontRange::SetFontRange(HWND hwnd, HFONT hfont)
CScreenCanvas scanvas(hwnd); // provide the DC
CFontSelect fs(scanvas, hfont);


for (i=0;i<256;i++)
_fPageUsed[i]=FALSE; // assume no page used
#ifdef UNICODE
if (CountUCSegments(scanvas)) // set page used flag for relevant pages
for (i=0;i<vSegCount;i++) _fPageUsed[(vStartCount[i] & 0xFF00) >> 8] = TRUE;
else // if the font is not TrueType, set only the 1st page
_fPageUsed[0] =TRUE;
_fPageUsed[0] =TRUE;

if (vStartCount != NULL)
LocalFree (LocalHandle (vStartCount));
if (vEndCount != NULL)
LocalFree (LocalHandle (vEndCount));
// ClassCFontRange
// Purpose:Get character coverage of the target font (_pf._fontChar)
// History:6-Dec-1993michelsu created (borrowed in large from TTFONTS)
BOOL CFontRange::CountUCSegments(HDC hdc)
#define CMAPHEX0x70616d63 // = "cmap" (reversed)
#define NBYTES 256
#define MBERROR TEXT("Application Error.")

typedef struct tagTABLE{
USHORT platformID;
USHORT encodingID;
ULONG offset;

typedef struct tagSUBTABLE{
USHORT format;
USHORT length;
USHORT version;
USHORT segCountX2;
USHORT searchRange;
USHORT entrySelector;
USHORT rangeShift;

DWORD cbData;
USHORT aShort[2];
DWORD nBytes;
USHORT i, nTables;
PTABLE pTable;
ULONG offset,offsetFormat4;
BYTE buffer[NBYTES];

// find number of encoding tables, second long in cmap
nBytes = GetFontData(hdc, CMAPHEX, 0, aShort, 4);
if (nBytes == GDI_ERROR || nBytes == 0)//GDI error or no cmap table
return FALSE;
nTables = aShort[1];
SwapShort (&nTables);

// limit ourself to 32 encoding tables (largely enough)
cbData = nTables * sizeof(TABLE);
if (cbData >NBYTES)
return FALSE;

// get array of encoding tables.
// Check each one for PlatformId = 3, Encoding ID = 1.
nBytes=GetFontData (hdc, CMAPHEX, 4, buffer, cbData);
pTable = (PTABLE)buffer;
offsetFormat4 = OFFSETERROR;
for (i = 0; i< nTables; i++)
SwapShort (&(pTable->encodingID));
SwapShort (&(pTable->platformID));
if ((pTable->platformID == 3)&&(pTable->encodingID == 1))
offsetFormat4 = pTable->offset;
SwapULong (&offsetFormat4);
if (offsetFormat4 == OFFSETERROR) //Can not find 3,1 subtable
return FALSE;

/* Get the beginning of the subtable, especially the segment count */
nBytes=GetFontData (hdc, CMAPHEX, offsetFormat4, buffer, sizeof(SUBTABLE));
pSubTable = (PSUBTABLE) buffer;
SwapShort (&(pSubTable->format));
SwapShort (&(pSubTable->segCountX2));
if (pSubTable->format != 4)
MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("format !=4"), MBERROR, MBERRORFLAGS);
return FALSE;
vSegCount = pSubTable->segCountX2 / 2;

/* Now that we know how many segments that the font contains,
* free up the old memory, and realloc. the two global arrays.
if (vStartCount != NULL)
LocalFree (LocalHandle (vStartCount));
if (vEndCount != NULL)
LocalFree (LocalHandle (vEndCount));
vStartCount = (USHORT *)LocalAlloc (LPTR, vSegCount * sizeof(USHORT));
vEndCount = (USHORT *)LocalAlloc (LPTR, vSegCount * sizeof(USHORT));
if ((vStartCount == NULL) || (vEndCount == NULL))
MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("LocalAlloc failed"), MBERROR, MBERRORFLAGS);
return FALSE;

/* read in the array of endCount values */
offset = offsetFormat4
+ (7 * sizeof (USHORT)); /* skip constant # bytes in subtable */
cbData = vSegCount * sizeof (USHORT);
nBytes=GetFontData (hdc, CMAPHEX, offset, vEndCount, cbData );
for (i = 0; i<vSegCount; i++)
SwapShort (& (vEndCount[i]));

/* read in the array of startCount values */
offset = offsetFormat4
+ (7 * sizeof (USHORT)) /* skip constant # bytes in subtable */
+ (vSegCount * sizeof (USHORT)) /* skip endCount array */
+ sizeof (USHORT); /* skip reservedPad */
cbData = vSegCount * sizeof (USHORT);
nBytes=GetFontData (hdc, CMAPHEX, offset, vStartCount, cbData );
for (i = 0; i<vSegCount; i++)
SwapShort (& (vStartCount[i]));

return TRUE;

void CFontRange::SwapShort (PUSHORT p)
SHORT temp;

temp =(SHORT)( HIBYTE (*p) + (LOBYTE(*p) << 8));
*p = temp;

void CFontRange::SwapULong (PULONG p)
ULONG temp;

temp = (LONG) ((BYTE) *p);
temp <<= 8;
*p >>=8;

temp += (LONG) ((BYTE) *p);
temp <<= 8;
*p >>=8;

temp += (LONG) ((BYTE) *p);
temp <<= 8;
*p >>=8;

temp += (LONG) ((BYTE) *p);
*p = temp;