* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1992 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.

* dialogs.c -- module for the two dialogs (LOGFONT & TEXTMETRIC)
* Includes the window procedure and an initialization routine.
* the LogFontWndProc is actually used for multiple dialogs.

#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ttfonts.h"

int initDlg(HWND hwndMain)
/* load three dialogs and position them. Set the minimize icon for
* this CLASS and it affects all dialog windows.

hwndDlgLF = CreateDialog (hInst, TEXT("logfontDlg"), hwndMain,
if (hwndDlgLF == NULL) return FALSE;

SetWindowPos (hwndDlgLF, NULL,

hwndDlgTM = CreateDialog (hInst, TEXT("textmetricDlg"), hwndMain,
if (hwndDlgTM == NULL) return FALSE;

SetWindowPos (hwndDlgTM, NULL,

hwndDlgOLTM = CreateDialog (hInst, TEXT("oltextmetricDlg"), hwndMain,
if (hwndDlgOLTM == NULL) return FALSE;
ShowWindow (hwndDlgOLTM, SW_MINIMIZE);

hwndDlgFD = CreateDialog (hInst, TEXT("getfontdataDlg"), hwndMain,
if (hwndDlgFD == NULL) return FALSE;
ShowWindow (hwndDlgFD, SW_MINIMIZE);
SetWindowPos (hwndDlgFD, HWND_TOP,
0, 0,
0,0, SWP_NOSIZE );

SetClassLong (hwndDlgLF, GCL_HICON, (LONG)LoadIcon(hInst, TEXT("ttfontsIcon")));

return TRUE;

/* first and last string IDs from string table in RC file */
#define LASTSTRING 20

* function: FontDataWndProc
* input parameters: normal window procedure parameters.
* Allow the user to select a table, an offset, and a byte count.
* on command message, post self a user message (allows the user
* message to come in from other sources too). On the user message,
* just call GetFontData and display the results.
// Parts of this are held as ANSI because the dwTable
// in the fontdata is stored with four 8 bit chars.
// And because there is not yet a wide char version of sscanf().
LRESULT CALLBACK FontDataWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
#define NCHAR 255
TCHAR buffer[NCHAR];
HDC hdc;
int nBytes, nStrings, i;

switch (message) {

/* fill combo box w/ table names, and
* entry fields w/ meaningful initial values.
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DID_DWOFFSET, 0, TRUE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DID_CBDATA, 50, TRUE);
for (i = FIRSTSTRING; i<= LASTSTRING; i++) {
LoadString (GetModuleHandle (NULL), i, buffer, NCHAR);
SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_DWTABLE, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)buffer);

return TRUE;

/* If the user hits the DOIT button, post message back to the
* main window. It will get an HDC and then post us the proper
* user message.
if (wParam == DID_DOIT)
PostMessage (hwndMain, WM_COMMAND, TBID_GETFONTDATA, 0);
break; /* end WM_COMMAND */

* lParam - HDC.
* User message. Parse the contents of the entry fields, and make the
* GetFontData() call. Put results in the listbox.
DWORD dwTable, dwOffset, cbData;
LPBYTE lpDataBuffer;
DWORD dwNBytes;

hdc = (HDC) lParam;
SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);

// UNICODE NOTICE. GetDlgItemTextA returns ANSI strings.
// we are doing manipulation on a byte by byte basis

CHAR fourbytes[5];
CHAR sbBuffer[NCHAR];

nBytes = GetDlgItemTextA (hwnd, DID_DWTABLE, fourbytes, 5);
if (nBytes == 0) {
dwTable = 0;
} else {
dwTable = (DWORD) ((fourbytes[3] << 24)
+ (fourbytes[2] << 16)
+ (fourbytes[1] << 8)
+ (fourbytes[0]));

// UNICODE NOTICE. GetDlgItemTextA returns ANSI strings.
// sscanf expects single byte strings.

GetDlgItemTextA (hwnd, DID_DWOFFSET, sbBuffer, NCHAR);
sscanf (sbBuffer, "%x", &dwOffset);
GetDlgItemTextA (hwnd, DID_CBDATA , sbBuffer, NCHAR);
sscanf (sbBuffer, "%x", &cbData);

lpDataBuffer = (LPBYTE) LocalAlloc (LPTR, cbData);
if (lpDataBuffer == NULL) {
MessageBox (NULL, szAllocFailed, szMBERROR, MBERRORFLAGS);
return 0;

dwNBytes = GetFontData (hdc, dwTable, dwOffset, (LPVOID) lpDataBuffer, cbData);

if (dwNBytes == -1) {
MessageBox (NULL, szFontDataErr, szMBERROR, MBERRORFLAGS);
} else {

nStrings = dwNBytes / 16;
for (i = 0; i< nStrings; i++) {
wsprintf (buffer,
TEXT("%02x%02x %02x%02x %02x%02x %02x%02x %02x%02x %02x%02x %02x%02x %02x%02x"),
SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG) buffer);

LocalFree ( LocalHandle ((LPVOID)lpDataBuffer));
} return TRUE; /* end WMU_GETFONTDATA */

} /* end switch */
return 0;

* function: LogFontWndProc
* input parameters: normal window procedure parameters.
* global variables:
* This window procedure is used for two completely different dialog boxes.
LRESULT CALLBACK LogFontWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
static LPLOGFONT lplf;
static LPTEXTMETRIC lptm;

switch (message) {

* lParam - pointer to LOGFONT structure.
* User message. Take the input LOGFONT and fill the edit fields of the
* dialog box.
lplf = (LPLOGFONT) lParam;

SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDHEIGHT , lplf->lfHeight, TRUE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDWIDTH , lplf->lfWidth, TRUE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDESCAPE , lplf->lfEscapement, TRUE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDORIENT , lplf->lfOrientation, TRUE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDWEIGHT , lplf->lfWeight, TRUE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDITALIC , lplf->lfItalic, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDUNDERL , lplf->lfUnderline, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDSTRIKE , lplf->lfStrikeOut, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDCHARSE , lplf->lfCharSet, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDOUTPRE , lplf->lfOutPrecision, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDCLIPPR , lplf->lfClipPrecision, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDQUALIT , lplf->lfQuality, FALSE);
SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDPITCHA , lplf->lfPitchAndFamily,FALSE);
SetDlgItemText (hwnd, DIDFACENA, lplf->lfFaceName);

} break;

* lParam - pointer to LOGFONT structure.
* User message. Fill the input LOGFONT with the contents of the
* edit fields of dialog box.
BOOL success;
lplf = (LPLOGFONT) lParam;

lplf->lfHeight = GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDHEIGHT, &success , TRUE);
lplf->lfWidth = GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDWIDTH , &success , TRUE);
lplf->lfEscapement = GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDESCAPE, &success , TRUE);
lplf->lfOrientation = GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDORIENT, &success , TRUE);
lplf->lfWeight = GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDWEIGHT, &success , TRUE);
lplf->lfItalic = (BYTE) GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDITALIC, &success , FALSE);
lplf->lfUnderline = (BYTE) GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDUNDERL, &success , FALSE);
lplf->lfStrikeOut = (BYTE) GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDSTRIKE, &success , FALSE);
lplf->lfCharSet = (BYTE) GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDCHARSE, &success , FALSE);
lplf->lfOutPrecision = (BYTE) GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDOUTPRE, &success , FALSE);
lplf->lfClipPrecision = (BYTE) GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDCLIPPR, &success , FALSE);
lplf->lfQuality = (BYTE) GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDQUALIT, &success , FALSE);
lplf->lfPitchAndFamily =(BYTE) GetDlgItemInt (hwnd, DIDPITCHA, &success , FALSE);
GetDlgItemText (hwnd, DIDFACENA, lplf->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE);

} break;

* lParam - pointer to TEXTMETRIC structure.
* User message. Take the input LOGFONT and fill the list box with
* strings. Turn off update before hand, then reenable when complete.
TCHAR buffer[100];

lptm = (LPTEXTMETRIC) lParam;

SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);

#define LBPUT SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG) buffer);

wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmHeight \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmHeight ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmAscent \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmAscent ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmDescent \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmDescent ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmInternalLeading\t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmInternalLeading ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmExternalLeading\t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmExternalLeading ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmAveCharWidth \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmAveCharWidth ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmMaxCharWidth \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmMaxCharWidth ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmWeight \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmWeight ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmOverhang \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmOverhang ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmDigitizedAspectX\t%d"),(int) lptm->tmDigitizedAspectX ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmDigitizedAspectY\t%d"),(int) lptm->tmDigitizedAspectY ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmItalic \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmItalic ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmUnderlined \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmUnderlined ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmStruckOut \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmStruckOut ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmFirstChar \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmFirstChar ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmLastChar \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmLastChar ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmDefaultChar \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmDefaultChar ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmBreakChar \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmBreakChar ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmPitchAndFamily\t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmPitchAndFamily ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("tmCharSet \t%d") ,(int) lptm->tmCharSet ); LBPUT

SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
UpdateWindow (hwnd);

} break;

* lParam - HDC.
* User message. With the input HDC, allocate space for OUTLINETEXTMETRIC
* structure, query it from the HDC, and fill the listbox. (Allocate the
* OUTLINETEXTMETRIC structure dynamically since it is variable size.)
HDC hdc;
TCHAR buffer[100];
UINT cbData;
LPBYTE lptStr;

hdc = (HDC) lParam;

/* figure out how large the structure is, alloc, and re-query
* unless cbData ==0, then post no-op string and exit.
cbData = GetOutlineTextMetrics (hdc, 0, NULL);
if (cbData == 0) {
SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("cbData == 0")); LBPUT
return 0;
lpoltm = (LPOUTLINETEXTMETRIC)LocalAlloc (LPTR, cbData);
GetOutlineTextMetrics (hdc, cbData, lpoltm);

/* freeze redraw of listbox, and clear contents. */
SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);

wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmSize \t%d"),(int) lpoltm->otmSize ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmTextMetrics { }")); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmFiller \t%d"),(int)(BYTE) lpoltm->otmFiller ); LBPUT

wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmPanoseNumber ")); LBPUT
// removed for beta 2. wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t ulCulture \t%d"), (int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.ulCulture ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bFamilyType \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bFamilyType ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bSerifStyle \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bSerifStyle ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bWeight \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bWeight ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bProportion \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bProportion ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bContrast \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bContrast ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bStrokeVariation \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bStrokeVariation ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bArmStyle \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bArmStyle ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bLetterform \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bLetterform ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bMidline \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bMidline ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("\t bXHeight \t0x%lx"),(int) lpoltm->otmPanoseNumber.bXHeight ); LBPUT

wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmfsSelection \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmfsSelection ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmfsType \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmfsType ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmsCharSlopeRise \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmsCharSlopeRise ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmsCharSlopeRun \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmsCharSlopeRun ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmItalicAngle \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmItalicAngle ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmEMSquare \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmEMSquare ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmAscent \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmAscent ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmDescent \t%d"),(int) lpoltm->otmDescent ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmLineGap \t%d"),(int) lpoltm->otmLineGap ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmsCapEmHeight \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmsCapEmHeight ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmsXHeight \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmsXHeight ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmrcFontBox \t (%d, %d, %d, %d)"),
(int) lpoltm->otmrcFontBox.left,
(int) lpoltm->otmrcFontBox.top,
(int) lpoltm->otmrcFontBox.right,
(int) lpoltm->otmrcFontBox.bottom ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmMacAscent \t%d"),(int) lpoltm->otmMacAscent ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmMacDescent \t%d"),(int) lpoltm->otmMacDescent ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmMacLineGap \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmMacLineGap ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmusMinimumPPEM \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmusMinimumPPEM ); LBPUT

wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmptSubscriptSize \t(%d, %d)"),
(int) lpoltm->otmptSubscriptSize.x,
(int) lpoltm->otmptSubscriptSize.y ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmptSubscriptOffset \t(%d, %d)"),
(int) lpoltm->otmptSubscriptOffset.x,
(int) lpoltm->otmptSubscriptOffset.y ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmptSuperscriptSize \t(%d, %d)"),
(int) lpoltm->otmptSuperscriptSize.x,
(int) lpoltm->otmptSuperscriptSize.y ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmptSuperscriptOffset \t(%d, %d)"),
(int) lpoltm->otmptSuperscriptOffset.x,
(int) lpoltm->otmptSuperscriptOffset.y); LBPUT

wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmsStrikeoutSize \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmsStrikeoutSize ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmsStrikeoutPosition \t%d"),(int) lpoltm->otmsStrikeoutPosition ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmsUnderscoreSize \t%d"),(int) lpoltm->otmsUnderscoreSize ); LBPUT
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmsUnderscorePosition \t%d"),(UINT) lpoltm->otmsUnderscorePosition); LBPUT

/* the last 4 fields are incorrectly typed as PSTR,
* they are in fact offsets from the top of the
* OUTLINETEXTMETRIC structure, to the location of the string.
lptStr = (LPBYTE)lpoltm;
lptStr += (UINT) (PBYTE) lpoltm->otmpFamilyName;
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmpFamilyName: %s"),lptStr); LBPUT

lptStr = (LPBYTE)lpoltm;
lptStr += (UINT) (PBYTE) lpoltm->otmpFaceName;
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmpFaceName: %s"),lptStr); LBPUT

lptStr = (LPBYTE)lpoltm;
lptStr += (UINT) (PBYTE) lpoltm->otmpStyleName;
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmpStyleName: %s"),lptStr); LBPUT

wsprintf (buffer, TEXT("otmpFullName:")); LBPUT
lptStr = (LPBYTE)lpoltm;
lptStr += (UINT) (PBYTE) lpoltm->otmpFullName;
wsprintf (buffer, TEXT(" %s"),lptStr); LBPUT

SendDlgItemMessage (hwnd, DID_LISTBOX, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
UpdateWindow (hwnd);

/* balance LocalAlloc(), release memory. */
LocalFree (LocalHandle (lpoltm));

} break;

* In order for these MDI child windows (dialogs) to be activated
* correctly, the dialog procedure here must call the Win32 API
* DefMDIChildProc ().
DefMDIChildProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
return TRUE;

} /* end switch */
return 0;