* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.
* PURPOSE: Given an HDC and a pointer to a bounding rectangle
* draw all graphics/fonts based on the flags set in
* the dwGraphicsOptions global variable.
* FUNTIONS: Paint - main painting routine
* GetFirstGraphicSlot- computes bounding rect of 1st
* graphic
* GetNextGraphicSlot - computes bounding rect of next
* graphic
* DrawFonts - draws enumerated fonts
* BuildFontList - builds a list of fonts of fonts
* supported by a given DC
* MyEnumFaces - enumerates the font facenames
* supported by a given DC
* MyEnumCopy - copies LOGFONT & TEXTMETRIC info
* to a global variable
* MyEnumCount - counts total number of fonts
* supported by a given DC
* FreeFontList - frees a (BuildFontList-) font list
* COMMENTS: Most of the font-enumeration code "lifted" from NTF.EXE
* sample. For more complete documentation have a look a
* that.
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "paint.h"
#include "resource.h"
* INPUTS: hdc - device context to paint
* lpRect - bounding rectangle of device to paint
* RETURNS: TRUE if painting went ok, or
* FALSE if error while painting
BOOL Paint (HDC hdc, LPRECT lpRect)
RECT rect;
HPEN hpenSave;
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & DRAWAXIS)
// draw axis
rect = *lpRect;
hpenSave = SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (BLACK_PEN));
// if giMapMode == MM_TEXT, MM_ANISOTROPIC then (0,0) is upper left corner
if (giMapMode == MM_TEXT || giMapMode == MM_ANISOTROPIC)
MoveToEx (hdc, rect.left - glcyMenu/2, rect.bottom, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, rect.left, rect.bottom + glcyMenu/2);
LineTo (hdc, rect.left + glcyMenu/2, rect.bottom);
MoveToEx (hdc, rect.left, rect.bottom + glcyMenu/2, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, rect.left, rect.top);
LineTo (hdc, rect.right + glcyMenu/2, rect.top);
MoveToEx (hdc, rect.right, rect.top - glcyMenu/2, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, rect.right + glcyMenu/2, rect.top);
LineTo (hdc, rect.right, rect.top + glcyMenu/2);
// else (0,0) is lower left corner
MoveToEx (hdc, rect.left - glcyMenu/2, rect.bottom, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, rect.left, rect.bottom + glcyMenu/2);
LineTo (hdc, rect.left + glcyMenu/2, rect.bottom);
MoveToEx (hdc, rect.left, rect.bottom + glcyMenu/2, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, rect.left, rect.top);
LineTo (hdc, rect.right + glcyMenu/2, rect.top);
MoveToEx (hdc, rect.right, rect.top + glcyMenu/2, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, rect.right + glcyMenu/2, rect.top);
LineTo (hdc, rect.right, rect.top - glcyMenu/2);
SelectObject (hdc, hpenSave);
// look at bits in gdwGraphicsOptions & determine which graphics to draw
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & ENUMFONTS)
DrawFonts (hdc, lpRect);
return TRUE;
giDeltaX = (int) ((lpRect->right - BORDER) / NUM_GRAPHICS_XSLOTS);
giDeltaY = (int) ((lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top - BORDER)
GetFirstGraphicSlot (lpRect, &ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & ARC)
Arc (hdc, ri.left, ri.top, ri.right, ri.bottom,
ri.left, ri.top, ri.right-10, ri.bottom-10);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & ELLIPSE)
Ellipse (hdc, ri.left, ri.top, ri.right, ri.bottom);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & LINETO)
int i;
for (i = PS_SOLID; i <= PS_DASHDOTDOT; i++)
MoveToEx (hdc, ri.left, ri.top + (i+1)*giDeltaY/7, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, ri.right, ri.top + (i+1)*giDeltaY/7);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & PIE)
Pie (hdc, ri.left, ri.top, ri.right, ri.bottom,
ri.left, ri.top, ri.right-10, ri.bottom-10);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & PLG_BLT)
HDC hdcMem;
POINT ap[3];
hbm = LoadBitmap (ghInst, "printer");
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
SelectObject (hdcMem, hbm);
GetObject (hbm, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bm);
// special case here because PlgBlt requires coordinates
// of upper left, upper right, & lower left
ap[0].x = (LONG) (ri.left + (ri.right - ri.left)/4);
ap[0].y = (LONG) (ri.top + (ri.bottom - ri.top)/4);
ap[1].x = (LONG) ri.right;
ap[1].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[2].x = (LONG) ri.left;
ap[2].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
PlgBlt (hdc, ap, hdcMem, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, NULL, 0, 0);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & POLYBEZIER)
POINT ap[4];
ap[0].x = (LONG) ri.left; ap[0].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[1].x = (LONG) ri.left; ap[1].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
ap[2].x = (LONG) ri.right; ap[2].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[3].x = (LONG) ri.right; ap[3].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
PolyBezier (hdc, ap, 4);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & POLYGON)
POINT ap[5];
ap[0].x = (LONG) ri.left; ap[0].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[1].x = (LONG) ri.right; ap[1].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
ap[2].x = (LONG) ri.right; ap[2].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[3].x = (LONG) ri.left; ap[3].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
ap[4].x = (LONG) ri.left; ap[4].y = (LONG) ri.top;
Polygon (hdc, ap, 4);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & POLYLINE)
POINT ap[4];
ap[0].x = (LONG) ri.left; ap[0].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[1].x = (LONG) ri.left; ap[1].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
ap[2].x = (LONG) ri.right; ap[2].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[3].x = (LONG) ri.right; ap[3].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
Polyline (hdc, ap, 4);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & POLYPOLYGON)
POINT ap[8];
int ai[2] = { 4, 4 };
ap[0].x = (LONG) ri.left;
ap[0].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[1].x = (LONG) (ri.left + giDeltaX/4);
ap[1].y = (LONG) ri.top;
ap[2].x = (LONG) (ri.left + giDeltaX/4);
ap[2].y = (LONG) (ri.top + giDeltaY/4);
ap[3].x = (LONG) ri.left;
ap[3].y = (LONG) (ri.top + giDeltaY/4);
ap[4].x = (LONG) (ri.right - 2*giDeltaX/3);
ap[4].y = (LONG) (ri.bottom - 2*giDeltaY/3);
ap[5].x = (LONG) ri.right;
ap[5].y = (LONG) (ri.bottom - 2*giDeltaY/3);
ap[6].x = (LONG) ri.right;
ap[6].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
ap[7].x = (LONG) (ri.right - 2*giDeltaX/3);
ap[7].y = (LONG) ri.bottom;
PolyPolygon (hdc, ap, ai, 2);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & RECTANGLE)
Rectangle (hdc, ri.left, ri.top, ri.right, ri.bottom);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & ROUNDRECT)
RoundRect (hdc, ri.left, ri.top, ri.right, ri.bottom, 15, 25);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
if (gdwGraphicsOptions & STRETCH_BLT)
HDC hdcMem;
hbm = LoadBitmap (ghInst, "printer");
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
SelectObject (hdcMem, hbm);
GetObject (hbm, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bm);
StretchBlt (hdc, ri.left, ri.top, ri.right-ri.left,
ri.bottom - ri.top, hdcMem, 0, 0,
bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY);
GetNextGraphicSlot (&ri);
return TRUE;
* FUNCTION: GetFirstGraphicSlot
* INPUTS: pri - pointer to a RECTI
void GetFirstGraphicSlot (LPRECT lpRect, PRECTI pri)
pri->left = BORDER;
pri->top = lpRect->top + BORDER;
pri->right = giDeltaX;
pri->bottom = giDeltaY;
giColumn = 1;
* FUNCTION: GetNextGraphicSlot
* INPUTS: pri - pointer to a RECTI
void GetNextGraphicSlot (PRECTI pri)
if (++giColumn <= NUM_GRAPHICS_XSLOTS)
pri->left += giDeltaX;
pri->right += giDeltaX;
giColumn = 1;
pri->left = BORDER;
pri->top += giDeltaY;
pri->right = giDeltaX;
pri->bottom += giDeltaY;
* FUNCTION: DrawFonts
* INPUTS: hdc - device context to enumerate from & draw on
* pRect - pointer to bounding rect to draw fonts in
* LOCAL VARS: i, j - loop variables
* xText - starting x position to draw text
* yText - starting y position to draw text
* iMaxStrLen - length in pels of string to draw
void DrawFonts (HDC hdc, LPRECT lpRect)
int i, j, xText, yText, iMaxStrLen = 0;
paf = BuildFontList (hdc);
xText = yText = 2;
// set the appropriate text align mode depending on
// whether we're drawing from top down or bottom up
if (giMapMode == MM_TEXT | giMapMode == MM_ANISOTROPIC)
SetTextAlign (hdc, TA_TOP);
SetTextAlign (hdc, TA_BOTTOM);
for (i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
for (j = 0; j < (paf + i)->nFonts; j++)
HFONT hFont, hSaveFont;
SIZE size;
POINT LogPtExtent;
LogPtExtent.x = lpRect->right;
LogPtExtent.y = lpRect->bottom;
hFont = CreateFontIndirect ((paf + i)->lf + j);
hSaveFont = SelectObject (hdc, hFont);
TextOut (hdc, xText, yText, ((paf + i)->lf + j)->lfFaceName,
strlen(((paf + i)->lf + j)->lfFaceName));
GetTextExtentPoint (hdc, ((paf + i)->lf + j)->lfFaceName,
size.cx += 2;
iMaxStrLen = iMaxStrLen > (int)size.cx ? iMaxStrLen: (int) size.cx;
if (!(i == (nFaces - 1) && j == ((paf + i)->nFonts - 1)))
pNextTM = j < ((paf+i)->nFonts-1) ?
(paf+i)->tm+j+1 : (paf+i+1)->tm;
// add in the height of the face name we just drew
yText += (int) ((paf + i)->tm + j)->tmHeight;
// if the next facename will be drawn outside the bounding rect then
// start at first line of next column
if (yText + (int) pNextTM->tmHeight > (int) LogPtExtent.y)
yText = 2;
xText += iMaxStrLen + 2;
iMaxStrLen = 0;
SelectObject (hdc, hSaveFont);
DeleteObject (hFont);
if (xText > (int) LogPtExtent.x)
if (GetDeviceCaps (hdc, TECHNOLOGY) & DT_RASDISPLAY)
// If we're drawing to the screen & have run out of
// room then tell user how many fonts there are left
// (that we haven't displayed)
int k;
int iFontsLeft = (paf + i)->nFonts - j - 1;
char buf[40];
SIZE size;
for (k = i + 1; k < nFaces; k++)
iFontsLeft += (paf + k)->nFonts;
wsprintf (buf, GetStringRes(IDS_FMT_MOREDSPFNTNL),
GetTextExtentPoint (hdc, buf, strlen(buf), &size);
if ((xText = lpRect->right - size.cx) < glcyMenu + 1)
xText = glcyMenu/2 + 1;
TextOut (hdc, xText, lpRect->bottom, buf, strlen(buf));
goto done_enumfonts;
// Else we're drawing to a printer & have filled up
// the first page. If there's any fonts left to draw
// then start a new page.
if (!(i == nFaces - 1 && j == (paf + i)->nFonts - 1))
EndPage (hdc);
xText = yText = 2;
StartPage (hdc);
FreeFontList (paf);
/* In the callback functions for the enumerations, there is a limited
* ability to pass in parameters. For that reason, declare the following
* global variables to be used by any of the call back functions.
* HDC hdcGlobal;
* PARFONTS parFontsGlobal;
* int iFace,jFont;
* int nFaces;
* General call structure:
* BuildFontList
* EnumFonts
* MyEnumCount
* LocalAlloc
* EnumFonts
* MyEnumFaces
* EnumFonts
* MyEnumCount
* LocalAlloc
* LocalAlloc
* LocalAlloc
* EnumFonts
* MyEnumCopy
* FUNCTION: BuildFontList
* GLOBAL VARS: (see above)
PARFONTS BuildFontList (HDC hdcIn)
nFaces = 0;
hdcGlobal = hdcIn;
// count the total number of face names.
EnumFonts (hdcGlobal, NULL, (FONTENUMPROC)MyEnumCount, (LPARAM)&nFaces);
// allocate the pointer to the array of PArFont structures.
parFontsGlobal = (PARFONTS) LocalAlloc (LPTR, sizeof(ARFONTS) * (nFaces+1));
// step through all fonts again. For each one fill a LOGFONT and
// a TEXTMETRIC stucture.
iFace = 0;
EnumFonts (hdcGlobal, NULL, (FONTENUMPROC)MyEnumFaces, 0);
return parFontsGlobal;
* FUNCTION: MyEnumFaces
* GLOBAL VARS: (see above)
DWORD fFontType, LPVOID lpData)
int nFonts;
nFonts = 0;
EnumFonts (hdcGlobal, lpLogFont->lfFaceName, (FONTENUMPROC)MyEnumCount,
parFontsGlobal[iFace].lf = (LOGFONT *) LocalAlloc (LPTR,
sizeof(LOGFONT) *
parFontsGlobal[iFace].tm = (TEXTMETRIC *) LocalAlloc (LPTR,
sizeof(TEXTMETRIC) *
parFontsGlobal[iFace].Type = (int *) LocalAlloc (LPTR,
sizeof(int) *
if ((parFontsGlobal[iFace].lf == NULL) ||
(parFontsGlobal[iFace].tm == NULL) ||
(parFontsGlobal[iFace].Type == NULL))
return FALSE;
parFontsGlobal[iFace].nFonts = nFonts;
jFont = 0;
EnumFonts (hdcGlobal, lpLogFont->lfFaceName, (FONTENUMPROC)MyEnumCopy, 0);
return TRUE;
* FUNCTION: MyEnumCopy
* GLOBAL VARS: (see above)
DWORD fFontType, LPVOID lpData)
LOGFONT *lplf;
int *pType;
lplf = parFontsGlobal[iFace].lf;
lptm = parFontsGlobal[iFace].tm;
pType = parFontsGlobal[iFace].Type;
lplf[jFont] = *lpLogFont;
lptm[jFont] = *lpTEXTMETRICs;
pType[jFont] = fFontType;
return TRUE;
* FUNCTION: MyEnumCount
* GLOBAL VARS: (see above)
DWORD fFontType, LPVOID lpData)
return TRUE;
* FUNCTION: FreeFontList
* INPUTS: paf - pointer to ARFONTS struct to free
void FreeFontList (PARFONTS paf)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
LocalFree (LocalHandle ((LPSTR) ((paf + i)->lf )));
LocalFree (LocalHandle ((LPSTR) ((paf + i)->tm )));
LocalFree (LocalHandle ((LPSTR) ((paf + i)->Type)));
LocalFree (LocalHandle ((LPSTR) paf));