World Coordinate Transformation 


The WXFORM sample provides a demonstration of the new world-coordinate
transformation. This sample displays a rectangle in world coordinates and a
matrix containing the transform values. Users can directly manipulate the
rectangle and see the effect on the transformation, or they can set the
transformation and see the effect on the rectangle.


The program begins by setting the viewport origin to the center of the
client area. It then draws a rectangle in world-coordinate space from the
point (0, 0) to the point (100, 100). You can directly manipulate this
rectangle by using the left and right mouse buttons. Specific actions are
described more fully in the "Direct Manipulation Help" dialog box.

There is a second dialog box titled "World Transform." This shows the values
of the eM11, eM12, eM21, eM22, eDx, and eDy fields in the XFORM structure
retrieved by calling the GetWorldTransform function. By choosing the buttons
on this dialog box, the user can cause the program to call the
SetWorldTransform function.

There are three coordinate systems of interest in this sample. The first one
is the world-coordinate system, which is new to Win32. These points are
ultimately mapped to the second coordinate system, device coordinates,
before being painted in the window. This program must also use a third
coordinate system, screen coordinates, for certain interactions with the
mouse pointer.

There is a third dialog box titled "Mouse Position" that shows the location
of the cursor in all three coordinate systems. The device coordinates are
relative to the upper-left corner of the client area. They are not relative
to the viewport origin.