#ifndef TIMEDATE_H 
#define TIMEDATE_H

#include "Point.h"

#include <time.h>

class TimeDate {
TimeDate() {};
TimeDate(int hour, int minute = 0, int second = 0, long usecond = 0);
TimeDate(struct tm t2) {t = t2;};

TimeDate operator=(TimeDate a);
TimeDate operator+(TimeDate a);
TimeDate operator+(struct tm t2);
TimeDate operator+=(TimeDate a);
TimeDate operator-(TimeDate a);
TimeDate operator*(float f);

/* This reads the current clock time and returns itself */
TimeDate read_time();

void print();

Point sun_direction(float lon = -93, float lat = 45);
/* Call this if the time can only have gotten bigger */
TimeDate correct_bigger();
/* Call this if the time could have gotten bigger or smaller */
TimeDate correct_smaller();

struct tm t;
/* This won't be quite accurate down to microseconds, but should be
* reasonably close */
long usec;
