* Module Name: gentex.c
* The Textured Flag style of the 3D Flying Objects screen saver.
* Texture maps .BMP files onto a simulation of a flag waving in the breeze.
* Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL\gl.h>
#include <GL\glu.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ss3dfo.h"

static float winTotalwidth = (float)0.75;
static float winTotalheight = (float)0.75 * (float)0.75;

#define MAX_FRAMES 20

// IPREC is the number of faces in the mesh that models the flag.

#define IPREC 15

static int Frames = 10;
static MESH winMesh[MAX_FRAMES];
static float sinAngle = (float)0.0;
static float xTrans = (float)0.0;
static int curMatl = 0;

// Material properties.

static RGBA matlBrightSpecular = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
static RGBA matlDimSpecular = {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f};
static RGBA matlNoSpecular = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

// Lighting properties.

static GLfloat light0Pos[] = {20.0f, 5.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f};
static GLfloat light1Pos[] = {-20.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
static RGBA light1Ambient = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
static RGBA light1Diffuse = {0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f};
static RGBA light1Specular = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

static RGBA flagColors[] = {{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
{0.94f, 0.37f, 0.13f, 1.0f}, // red

// Default texture resource


* iPtInList
* Add a vertex and its normal to the mesh. If the vertex already exists,
* add in the normal to the existing normal (we to accumulate the average
* normal at each vertex). Normalization of the normals is the
* responsibility of the caller.

static int iPtInList(MESH *mesh, int start,
POINT3D *p, POINT3D *norm, BOOL blend)
int i;
POINT3D *pts = mesh->pts + start;

if (blend) {
for (i = start; i < mesh->numPoints; i++, pts++) {
if ((pts->x == p->x) && (pts->y == p->y) && (pts->z == p->z)) {
mesh->norms[i].x += norm->x;
mesh->norms[i].y += norm->y;
mesh->norms[i].z += norm->z;
return i;
} else {
i = mesh->numPoints;

mesh->pts[i] = *p;
mesh->norms[i] = *norm;
return i;

* getZpos
* Get the z-position (depth) of the "wavy" flag component at the given x.
* The function used to model the wave is:
* 1/2
* z = x * sin((2*PI*x + sinAngle) / 4)
* The shape of the wave varies from frame to frame by changing the
* phase, sinAngle.

float getZpos(float x)
float xAbs = x - xTrans;
float angle = sinAngle + ((float) (2.0 * PI) * (xAbs / winTotalwidth));

xAbs = winTotalwidth - xAbs;
// xAbs += (winTotalwidth / 2.0);

return (float)((sin((double)angle) / 4.0) *
sqrt((double)(xAbs / winTotalwidth )));

* genTex
* Generate a mesh representing a frame of the flag. The phase, sinAngle,
* is a global variable.

void genTex(MESH *winMesh)
POINT3D pos;
POINT3D pts[4];
float w, h;
int i;

newMesh(winMesh, IPREC * IPREC, IPREC * IPREC);

// Width and height of each face

w = (winTotalwidth) / (float)(IPREC + 1);
h = winTotalheight;

// Generate the mesh data. At equally spaced intervals along the x-axis,
// we compute the z-position of the flag surface.

pos.y = (float) 0.0;
pos.z = (float) 0.0;

for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans; i < IPREC; i++, pos.x += w) {
int faceCount = winMesh->numFaces;

pts[0].x = (float)pos.x;
pts[0].y = (float)(pos.y);
pts[0].z = getZpos(pos.x);

pts[1].x = (float)pos.x;
pts[1].y = (float)(pos.y + h);
pts[1].z = getZpos(pos.x);

pts[2].x = (float)(pos.x + w);
pts[2].y = (float)(pos.y);
pts[2].z = getZpos(pos.x + w);

pts[3].x = (float)(pos.x + w);
pts[3].y = (float)(pos.y + h);
pts[3].z = getZpos(pos.x + w);

// Compute the face normal.

ss_calcNorm(&winMesh->faces[faceCount].norm, pts + 2, pts + 1, pts);

// Add the face to the mesh.

winMesh->faces[faceCount].material = 0;
winMesh->faces[faceCount].p[0] = iPtInList(winMesh, 0, pts,
&winMesh->faces[faceCount].norm, TRUE);
winMesh->faces[faceCount].p[1] = iPtInList(winMesh, 0, pts + 1,
&winMesh->faces[faceCount].norm, TRUE);
winMesh->faces[faceCount].p[2] = iPtInList(winMesh, 0, pts + 2,
&winMesh->faces[faceCount].norm, TRUE);
winMesh->faces[faceCount].p[3] = iPtInList(winMesh, 0, pts + 3,
&winMesh->faces[faceCount].norm, TRUE);


// Normalize the vertex normals in the mesh.

ss_normalizeNorms(winMesh->norms, winMesh->numPoints);

* initTexScene
* Initialize the screen saver.
* This function is exported to the main module in ss3dfo.c.

void initTexScene()
int i;
float angleDelta;
float aspectRatio;

// Initialize the transform.

glOrtho(-0.25, 1.0, -0.25, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0);
glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.5f);

// Initialize and turn on lighting.

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light0Pos);

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, (GLfloat *) &light1Ambient);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, (GLfloat *) &light1Diffuse);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPECULAR, (GLfloat *) &light1Specular);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, light1Pos);

// Leave OpenGL in a state ready to accept the model view transform (we
// are going to have the flag vary its orientation from frame to frame).


// Define orientation of polygon faces.

// glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);

Frames = (int)((float)(MAX_FRAMES / 2) * fTesselFact);

// Load user texture - if that fails load default texture resource

glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
if( ss_LoadTextureFile( &gTexFile, &tex ) ||
ss_LoadTextureResource( &gTexRes, &tex) )


ss_SetTexture( &tex );

// Correct aspect ratio of flag to match image.
// The 1.4 is a correction factor to account for the length of the
// curve that models the surface ripple of the waving flag. This
// factor is the length of the curve at zero phase. It would be
// more accurate to determine the length of the curve at each phase,
// but this is a sufficient approximation for our purposes.

aspectRatio = ((float) tex.height / (float) tex.width)
* (float) 1.4;

if (aspectRatio < (float) 1.0) {
winTotalwidth = (float)0.75;
winTotalheight = winTotalwidth * aspectRatio;
} else {
winTotalheight = (float) 0.75;
winTotalwidth = winTotalheight / aspectRatio;

if (Frames < 5)
Frames = 5;
if (Frames > MAX_FRAMES)
Frames = MAX_FRAMES;

// Generate the geometry data (stored in the array of mesh structures),
// for each frame of the animation. The shape of the flag is varied by
// changing the global variable sinAngle.

angleDelta = (float)(2.0 * PI) / (float)Frames;
sinAngle = (float) 0.0;

for (i = 0; i < Frames; i++) {
sinAngle += angleDelta;

* delTexScene
* Cleanup the data associated with this screen saver.
* This function is exported to the main module in ss3dfo.c.

void delTexScene()
int i;

for (i = 0; i < Frames; i++)

* updateTexScene
* Generate a scene by taking one of the meshes and rendering it with
* OpenGL.
* This function is exported to the main module in ss3dfo.c.

void updateTexScene(int flags)
MESH *mesh;
MFACE *faces;
int i;
static double mxrot = 23.0;
static double myrot = 23.0;
static double mzrot = 5.7;
static double mxrotInc = 0.0;
static double myrotInc = 3.0;
static double mzrotInc = 0.0;
static int h = 0;
static int frameNum = 0;
POINT3D *pp;
POINT3D *pn;
int lastC, lastD;
int aOffs, bOffs, cOffs, dOffs;
int a, b;
GLfloat s = (GLfloat) 0.0;
GLfloat ds;

// In addition to having the flag wave (an effect acheived by switching
// meshes from frame to frame), the flag changes its orientation from
// frame to frame. This is done by applying a model view transform.

glRotatef((float)mxrot, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef((float)myrot, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef((float)mzrot, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

// Divide the texture into IPREC slices. ds is the texture coordinate
// delta we apply as we move along the x-axis.

ds = (GLfloat)1.0 / (GLfloat)IPREC;

// Setup the material property of the flag. The material property, light
// properties, and polygon orientation will interact with the texture.

curMatl = 0;
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, (GLfloat *) &flagColors[0]);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, (GLfloat *) &matlBrightSpecular);
glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, (float) 60.0);

// Pick the mesh for the current frame.

mesh = &winMesh[frameNum];

// Take the geometry data is the mesh and convert it to a single OpenGL
// quad strip. If smooth shading is required, use the vertex normals stored
// in the mesh. Otherwise, use the face normals.
// As we define each vertex, we also define a corresponding vertex and
// texture coordinate.


pp = mesh->pts;
pn = mesh->norms;

for (i = 0, faces = mesh->faces, lastC = faces->p[0], lastD = faces->p[1];
i < mesh->numFaces; i++, faces++) {

a = faces->p[0];
b = faces->p[1];

if (!bSmoothShading) {
// Since flag is a single quad strip, this isn't needed.
// But lets keep it in case we ever change to a more
// complex model (ie., one that uses more than one quad
// strip).
#if 0
if ((a != lastC) || (b != lastD)) {
glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)&(faces - 1)->norm);

glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 0.0);
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp +
(lastC << 3) + (lastC << 2)));
glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 1.0);
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp +
(lastD << 3) + (lastD << 2)));
s += ds;

if (faces->material != curMatl) {
curMatl = faces->material;
(GLfloat *) &matlNoSpecular);
(GLfloat *) &flagColors[curMatl]);

glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)&faces->norm);
glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 0.0);
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (a << 3) + (a << 2)));
glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 1.0);
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (b << 3) + (b << 2)));
s += ds;
} else {
// Since flag is a single quad strip, this isn't needed.
// But lets keep it in case we ever change to a more
// complex model (ie., one that uses more than one quad
// strip).
#if 0
if ((a != lastC) || (b != lastD)) {
cOffs = (lastC << 3) + (lastC << 2);
dOffs = (lastD << 3) + (lastD << 2);

glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 0.0);
glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + cOffs));
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + cOffs));
glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 1.0);
glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + dOffs));
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + dOffs));
s += ds;

aOffs = (a << 3) + (a << 2);
bOffs = (b << 3) + (b << 2);

if (faces->material != curMatl) {
curMatl = faces->material;
(GLfloat *) &matlNoSpecular);
(GLfloat *) &flagColors[curMatl]);

glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 0.0);
glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + aOffs));
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + aOffs));
glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 1.0);
glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + bOffs));
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + bOffs));
s += ds;

lastC = faces->p[2];
lastD = faces->p[3];

if (!bSmoothShading) {
glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)&(faces - 1)->norm);
glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 0.0);
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (lastC << 3) + (lastC << 2)));
glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 1.0);
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (lastD << 3) + (lastD << 2)));
} else {
cOffs = (lastC << 3) + (lastC << 2);
dOffs = (lastD << 3) + (lastD << 2);

glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 0.0);
glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + cOffs));
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + cOffs));
glTexCoord2f(s, (float) 1.0);
glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + dOffs));
glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + dOffs));


// Transfer the image to the floating OpenGL window.

// Determine the flag orientation for the next frame.
// What we are doing is an oscillating rotation about the y-axis
// (mxrotInc and mzrotInc are currently 0).

mxrot += mxrotInc;
myrot += myrotInc;
mzrot += mzrotInc;

if ((myrot < -65.0) || (myrot > 25.0))
myrotInc = -myrotInc;

if (frameNum >= Frames)
frameNum = 0;