Notes for Driller

Driller is an MFC based control host, that hosts the
WebBrowser Control. Built Using VC++5.0.

The functionality of drilling into the document hosted
and listing the tags found in the listbox is discussed
in the readme file for Drill which additionally covers
the DrillVB sample.

Addtional functionality that is present in the Driller
sample is providing extra control through the implementation
of the IDocHostUIHandler interface. This interface is
documented in the SDK, this sample shows how this
interface can be used to control the context menu's
and extend the Dynamic HTML Object Model.

The Context menu's that appear as standard for a
right mouse click are disabled within the Driller
sample. This is achieved by returning S_OK from the
ShowContextMenu method of the IDocHostUIHandler
interface, indicating that the host has handled the
call and the IE4 components need not perform the
standard processing.

The Dynamic HTML Object Model is also extended in the
Driller sample by providing an IDispatch interface to
the getExternal method of the IDocHostUIhandler
interface. This IDispatch is used whenever the script
within the HTML document refers to window.external,
whatever follows this will be handed to the GetIDsof
Names member function of the IDispatch interface to be
This can be seen by loading the extend.htm file supplied
into Driller and pressing the Extend button.

To implement the IDocHostUIHandler, the client site needs
to implement the interface. In MFC, the class COleControlSite
encapsulates the client site. In this example we are subclassing
MFC, a class CCustomControlSite, is derived from COleControlSite
and CCustomControlSite implements IDocHostUIHandler. To hook
in the CCustomControlSite, a class CCustomOccManager is derived
from COccManager. Subclassing COccManager and
COleControlSite in such a manner is implementation specific
to MFC. So, if future versions of MFC change the implementation
of COleControlSite or COccManager, this sample (and your code
if you use this technique) might not work. We are looking at
possible ways to have MFC expose the client site for
customization. If in future MFC does expose the client
site, then we will modify this sample to use that functionality.

If you are using this sample, to design your code please be
advised that you may have to change your code in the future.

It is possible that this sample will not compile because
an include directory has not been identified. The program
looks for the file called occimpl.h. Prepended to
the header file is the directory where that file
was located on the test machine. This maybe different
than most users. The solution is to delete the prepended
directory and under project==> settings, go to the C/C++ tab,
look under Preprocessor and then add the
include directory to the additional include directories. An
example of what that might look like is:
c:\program files\devstudio\vc\mfc.