INetAll sample is a client application that can download files using FTP URL, HTTP 
URL or FILE URL. It implements FTP and HTTP URL access using Wininet functions, and
FILE URL access using Win32 CopyFile API.

This sample uses InternetOpenUrl, InternetReadFile to do FTP and HTTP access. When
accessing a FTP server with direct Internet access or a TIS proxy server, it also uses
the INTERNET_FLAG_RAW_DATA flag in InternetOpenUrl and InternetFindNextFile to
enumerate the directories and files on the FTP server. When a CERN proxy is used to do
FTP, the proxy server uses FTP protocol to communication with the FTP server, and HTTP
Protocol with the client. You can not use INTERNET_FLAG_RAW_DATA with a CERN proxy
server. The following diagram show how a FTP request is forwarded using a CERN-compatible
proxy service.

(Better viewed with fixed with font such as Courier.)
Get HTTP 1.0 FTP Request
|=========| |=============| |=============|
| |---------------->| Cern-based |--------->| |
| Client | HTTP | Proxy Server| FTP | Ftp Server |
| |<----------------| |<---------| |
|=========| |=============| |=============|
HTTP/1.0 200 <document> FTP Response

To pass username and password to InternetOpenUrl, the sample internally constructs a
URL in the following format: http://username:password@server:port/path

To enumerate directories and files for a FILE URL, the sample uses WNetOpenEnum,
WNetEnumResource, WNetClose to enumerates shares given a machine name; and
FindFileFile, FindNextFile, FindClose to enumerate sub-directories and files
of a complete UNC name.