<%@ LANGUAGE = JScript %> 

<TITLE>Query to Fill HTML Table (using ADO Table Component)</TITLE>

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<!-- Display Header -->

<font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica">
<b>Query to Fill HTML Table</b> (using ADO Table Component)
<hr size="1" color="#000000">

var oConn;// The connection object
var SQLstatement;
var RecSet;// The record set returned
var oHTMLTable;// The HTML Table Formatter object
var iRows;// The place holder for the number of rows returned in the record set

oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");

// You must first create the file DSN for this sample to look at.
// This SDK comes with an authors.mdb in the same directory as this file
// Go to Control Panels | ODBC | File DSN
// Select Add and Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
// Name the DSN "Authors.dsn" and point it to the authors.mdb

SQLstatement = "SELECT * From Authors";

RecSet = oConn.Execute(SQLstatement,iRows);

// This sample does NOT include the HTMLTable object. You will need to get this
// component from the Microsoft Web Site. Follow the installation instructions
// which come with the component to install the component.
oHTMLTable = Server.CreateObject("IISSample.htmlTbl");
oHTMLTable.Borders = true;
oHTMLTable.Caption = "<b>Authors of These Samples</b>";
oHTMLTable.CaptionStyle = "align=left";
