<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> 
<% Option Explicit%>


<TITLE>Query to Fill HTML Table (using ADO Table Component)</TITLE>

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<!-- Display Header -->

<font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica">
<b>Query to Fill HTML Table</b> (using ADO Table Component)
<hr size="1" color="#000000">

Dim Conn' The connection object
Dim SQLstatement
Dim RecSet' The record set returned
Dim oHTMLTable' The HTML Table Formatter object
Dim iRows' The place holder for the number of rows returned in the record set

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

' You must first create the file DSN for this sample to look at.
' This SDK comes with an authors.mdb in the same directory as this file
' Go to Control Panels | ODBC | File DSN
' Select Add and Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
' Name the DSN "Authors.dsn" and point it to the authors.mdb
Conn.Open "FILEDSN=Authors.dsn"

SQLstatement = "SELECT * From Authors"

Set RecSet = Conn.Execute(SQLstatement,iRows)

' This sample does NOT include the HTMLTable object. You will need to get this
' component from the Microsoft Web Site. Follow the installation instructions
' which come with the component to install the component.
Set oHTMLTable = Server.CreateObject("IISSample.htmlTbl")
oHtmlTable.Borders = True
oHtmlTable.Caption = "<b>Authors of These Samples</b>"
oHtmlTable.CaptionStyle = "align=left"
