<% Option Explicit%>

<!--#include File=""-->

<TITLE>MultiScrolling Database Sample</TITLE>

<BODY BGCOLOR="White" topmargin="10" leftmargin="10">

<!-- Display Header -->

<font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica">
<b>MultiScrolling Database Sample</b></font><br>

<hr size="1" color="#000000">

Contacts within the Authors Database:<br><br>

Dim oConn
Dim oRs
Dim curDir
Dim Mv
Dim PageNo
Dim i

' Map authors database to physical path

curDir = Server.MapPath("\iissamples\sdk\asp\database\authors.mdb")

' Create ADO Connection Component to connect with
' sample database

Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open "DBQ="& curDir &";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;"

' Create ADO Recordset Component

Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

' Determine what PageNumber the scrolling currently is on

Mv = Request("Mv")

If Request("PageNo") = "" Then
PageNo = 1
PageNo = Request("PageNo")
End If

' Setup Query Recordset (4 records per page)

oRs.Open "SELECT * FROM Authors", oConn, adOpenStatic
oRs.PageSize = 4

' Adjust PageNumber as Appropriate

If Mv = "Page Up" or Mv = "Page Down" Then
Select Case Mv
Case "Page Up"
If PageNo > 1 Then
PageNo = PageNo - 1
PageNo = 1
End If
Case "Page Down"
If oRs.AbsolutePage < oRs.PageCount Then
PageNo = PageNo + 1
PageNo = oRs.PageCount
End If
Case Else
PageNo = 1
End Select
End If

oRs.AbsolutePage = PageNo

<!-- Draw Table of Contacts in DB -->

<% For j = 1 to oRs.PageSize %>
<% For i = 0 to oRs.Fields.Count - 1 %>
<TD VALIGN=TOP><%= oRs(i) %></TD>
<% Next %>


' Don't try to print the EOF record.
If oRs.EOF Then
Exit For
End If
Next %>

<!-- Scrolling Navigation Control for Sample -->

<Form Action=MultiScrolling_VBScript.asp Method="POST">
<Input Type="Hidden" Name="PageNo" Value="<%= PageNo %>">
<!-- Only show appropriate buttons -->
<% If PageNo < oRs.PageCount Then %>
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" Name="Mv" Value="Page Down">
<% End If %>

<% If PageNo > 1 Then %>
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" Name="Mv" Value="Page Up">
<% End If %>
