<%@ LANGUAGE = JScript %>
// Changes to the HTTP response header, in which cookies
// are sent back to the client, must be made before
// sending any data to the user.
Response.Expires = 0;
// Get the last visit date/time string from the cookie that
// resides in the http request header.
var LastVisitCookie;
LastVisitCookie = Request.Cookies("CookieJScript");
// Send the current date/time string in a cookie enclosed
// in the response header. Note that because IE now uses
// case-sensitive cookie paths, we have explicitly set
// the cookie path to be that of the url path to this
// page. By default, the path would be that of the
// IIS Application context for this page ("IISSAMPLES")
var CurrentDate = new Date();
Response.Cookies("CookieJScript") = CurrentDate.toLocaleString();
Response.Cookies("CookieJScript").Path = "/IIsSamples";
<TITLE>Using Cookies</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="White" topmargin="10" leftmargin="10">
<font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica">
<b>Using Cookies</b></font><br>
<hr size="1" color="#000000">
if (LastVisitCookie == "")
// The cookie has never been set. This must
// be the user's first visit to this page.
Response.Write("Welcome to this page.");
// Remind the user of the last time she/he
// visited this page.
Response.Write("You last visited this page on " + LastVisitCookie);
<p><A href="Cookie_JScript.asp">Revisit This Page</A>