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<TITLE>Simple MSMQ Transmission (Using Express Delivery)</TITLE>

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<font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica">
<b>Simple MSMQ Transmission (Using Express Delivery)</b></font><br>

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This sample demonstrates how to send a simple asynchronous message using
the Microsoft Message Queueing Server (MSMQ). MSMQ is one of the components
that comes with the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack.

<p> For this example to work, MSMQ must be first be installed on the host machine.
Using the MSMQ Explorer, a queue named "IIS_SDK_EXAMPLE" should then be created.
After the example is run, return to the MSMQ Explorer and select "Refresh" from
the "View" menu. The recently sent message will then appear within the "IIS_SDK_EXAMPLE"

Dim QueueInfo
Dim Queue
Dim Msg

' Create MSMQQueueInfo Component to Open
' MessageQueue

Set QueueInfo = Server.CreateObject("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo")

' Open Queue. The queue could be physically located
' on any machine. The period in the line below
' indicates that the queue is located on the local machine.

QueueInfo.pathname = ".\IIS_SDK_EXAMPLE"
Set Queue = QueueInfo.Open(2, 0)

' Create Message Component for Queue

Set Msg = Server.CreateObject("MSMQ.MSMQMessage")

' Construct Message. Note than anything can be passed
' into both the body and label. The developer is
' responsible for marshalling all arguments.

Msg.body = "This is the message body"
Msg.Label = "This is the message label"

' Send Message

Msg.Send Queue

' Close Queue
