<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> 
<% Option Explicit %>

<TITLE>Variable Sample</TITLE>

<BODY BGCOLOR="White" topmargin="10" leftmargin="10">

<!-- Display Header -->

<font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica">
<b>Variable Sample</b></font><br>

<H3> Integer Manipulaiton </h3>

' Declare variable
Dim intVariable

' Assign the variable an integer value
intVariable = 5

<P><%=intVariable%> + <%=intVariable%> =
<%=intVariable + intVariable%></p>

<H3> String Manipulation </h3>

' Declare variable
Dim strVariable

' Assign the variable a string value
strVariable = "Jemearl"

<P>This example was done by<%=strVariable + " Smith" %></p>

<H3> Boolean Manipulation </h3>

' Declare variable
Dim blnVariable

' Assign the variable a boolean value
blnVariable = true

' Output message based on value
If (blnVariable = true) Then
Response.Write "<P>The boolean value is True.</P>"
Response.Write "<P>The boolean value is False.</P>"
End If

<H3> Date and Time </h3>

' Declare variable
Dim dtmVariable

' Assign the variable a value
dtmVariable = #08 / 27 / 97 5:11:42pm#

<P>The date and time is <%=dtmVariable%> </p>

' Set the variable to the web server date and time
dtmVariable = Now

<P>The <STRONG>system</strong> date and time is