FTRANS.dll - File Transfer using Asynchronous TransmitFile() inside ISAPI DLL 

FTRANS.DLL is a sample ISAPI Extension DLL to demonstrate Asynchronous
TransmitFile functionality in the ISAPI interface. This dll illustrates
how one can use the ServerSupportFunction( HSE_REQ_TRANSMIT_FILE) option
to transmit an entire file from inside the ISAPI DLL.

FTRANS.dll sends the file specified on the query string. It also converts
a virtual file-path (given in the URL name-space) into a physical file
name using the ServerSupportFunction( HSE_REQ_MAP_URL_TO_PATH) function.

Build FTRANS.dll and copy the .dll into the virtual directory maked with
"execute" permissions.

To run:

Reference FTRANS.DLL file as a URL from the browser,
specifying a file-name on the query string.

For example, the following URL entered on the address line of your browser
will transfer file SAMPLE.GIF, located in WWW root directory:


This sample is provided for the purpose of demonstrating an ISAPI
extension. It has not been tested for use in a production environment
and no support will be provided for use in a production environment.