
Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation


#include <windows.h>
#include <native.h>
#include "JMain.h"
#include "JFoo.h"
#include "JThread1.h"
#include "JThread2.h"

//Called by the virtual machine to determine what level of RNI compatibility
//this DLL offers.
DWORD __cdecl RNIGetCompatibleVersion()
return RNIVER;

//returns the square of its parameter; simple callout from java to
//native code to perform this operation.
__declspec(dllexport) long __cdecl JMain_Square(struct HJMain *pThis, long lVal)
return lVal * lVal ;

//executes a java-implemented method to retrieve the value of an
//instance variable; returns twice the retrieved value.
__declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl JMain_DoubleInstanceVar(struct HJMain *pThis)
long lVal ;

lVal = execute_java_dynamic_method(0, (HObject*) pThis, "GetiVar1", "()I") ;

pThis->iVar1 = lVal << 1 ;

//executes a class method which returns a private member array of
//ints (java); loops through and displays the array members.
__declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl JMain_showMemberArray(struct HJMain *pThis)
ClassArrayOfInt *paiVar1 ;
long*plVar2 ;
intcIndex ;

// get a pointer to an instance array of int, and display it.
paiVar1 = (ClassArrayOfInt *) execute_java_dynamic_method(0, (HObject *) pThis, "GetiCVar2", "()[I") ;
plVar2 = paiVar1->body ;

for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < paiVar1->length; cIndex++)
printf("%5d", *plVar2++) ;
printf("\n") ;

//finds JFoo class; executes a static method in that class
__declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl JMain_Various(struct HJMain *pThis)
_int64 i64Val = 10 ;
ClassClass *pcls = FindClass(NULL, "JFoo", TRUE) ;

if (pcls)
// and exec the static method
execute_java_static_method(NULL, pcls, "StaticMethod", "(J)V", i64Val) ;

//wrapper for win32 API CreateEvent()
__declspec(dllexport) long __cdecl JMain_w32CreateEvent(struct HJMain *pThis, long bInit)
BOOLbInitialState ;
HANDLEhEvent ;

// determine if initial state is signaled or non-signaled.
if (bInit)
bInitialState = TRUE ;
bInitialState = FALSE ;

// create Event object and return handle
return (long) CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, bInitialState, NULL) ;

//wrapper for win32 API PulseEvent()
__declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl JThread1_w32PulseEvent(struct HJThread1 *pThis,long hEvent)
PulseEvent((HANDLE) hEvent) ;

//wrapper for win32 API CloseHandle()
__declspec(dllexport) long __cdecl JThread2_w32CloseHandle(struct HJThread2 *pThis, long hObject)
return (long) CloseHandle((HANDLE) hObject) ;

//method demonstrates GC safe way of performing GC-sensitive operations
//in native code.
__declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl JThread2_GCSafeNative(struct HJThread2 *pThis, long hEvent)
HJFoo *pJFoo1, *pJFoo2 ;
} gcSafe ;// struct holds out pointers to JObjects
GCFrame gcf ;

// GCFramePush() creates storage for GC-sensitive data (JObjects in this case)
GCFramePush(&gcf, &gcSafe, sizeof(gcSafe)) ;

// set our member variables to point to two JObjects
gcSafe.pJFoo1 = (HJFoo *) execute_java_constructor(0, "JFoo", 0, "(I)", 10) ;
gcSafe.pJFoo2 = (HJFoo *) execute_java_constructor(0, "JFoo", 0, "()") ;

// call GCEnable() - we don't know how long we might be blocked
GCEnable() ;

// block
WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE) hEvent, INFINITE) ;

// display instance variable values for above-created JObjects.
printf("gcSafe.pJFoo1->m_iVal = %d\tgcSafe.pJFoo2->m_iVal = %d\n", gcSafe.pJFoo1->m_iVal, gcSafe.pJFoo2->m_iVal) ;

// disable GC and pop our storage
GCDisable() ;
GCFramePop(&gcf) ;