#include <olectl.h> // MsChatPr.idl : IDL source for MsChatPr.ocx 

// This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
// produce the type library (MsChatPr.tlb) and marshalling code.

import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";

helpstring("Microsoft Chat Protocol Control 2.0")
library MsChatPr

// constants and enumerations
typedef enum
stServerMessage= 1,
stChannelAccount= 2,
stChannelClientData= 3,
stChannelHostKey= 4,
stChannelKeyword= 5,
stChannelLanguage= 6,
stChannelName= 7,
stChannelOnJoin= 8,
stChannelOnPart= 9,
stChannelOwnerKey= 10,
stChannelRating= 11,
stChannelSubject= 12,
stChannelTopic= 13
} enumStringType;

typedef enum
etMessageOfTheDay= 0x00,
etUsers= 0x01,
etChannels= 0x02,
etChannelsTruncated= 0x03,
etMembers= 0x04,
etInitialMembers= 0x05
} enumEnumType;

typedef enum
ctIRC= 0x00,
ctIRCX= 0x01
} enumConnectionType;

typedef enum
cvtToUTF8= 0x00,
cvtToUnicode= 0x01
} enumConversionType;

typedef enum
cvsNormal= 0x00,
cvsNickname= 0x01,
cvsChannelName= 0x02
} enumConversionSource;

typedef enum
csDisconnected= 0x00,
csConnecting= 0x01,
csConnected= 0x02,
csLogging= 0x03,
csLogged= 0x04,
csDisconnecting= 0x05
} enumConnectionState;

typedef enum
chsClosed= 0x00,
chsOpening= 0x01,
chsOpen= 0x02
} enumChannelState;

typedef enum
smtNormal= 0x00,
smtNotice= 0x01,
smtMessageOfTheDay= 0x02,
smtServerInfo= 0x03,
smtError= 0x04
} enumServerMessageType;

typedef enum
pmtNormal= 0x0000,
pmtNotice= 0x0001,
pmtData= 0x0002,
pmtDataRequest= 0x0004,
pmtDataReply= 0x0008,
pmtDataRaw= 0x0010,
pmtAway= 0x0020,
pmtVersion= 0x0040,
pmtLagTime= 0x0080,
pmtLocalTime= 0x0100,
pmtAction= 0x0200,
pmtSound= 0x0400,
pmtCTCP= 0x0800,
pmtInfo= 0x1000
} enumPrivateMessageType;

typedef enum
msgtNormal= 0x0000,
msgtNotice= 0x0001,
msgtData= 0x0002,
msgtDataRequest= 0x0004,
msgtDataReply= 0x0008,
msgtDataRaw= 0x0010,
msgtWhisper= 0x0020,
msgtThought= 0x0040,
msgtAction= 0x0080,
msgtSound= 0x0100,
msgtCTCP= 0x0200,
msgtInfo= 0x0400
} enumMessageType;

typedef enum
umNone= 0x00000000,
umClientIgnored= 0x00000001,
umNotClientIgnored= 0x00000002,
umAuthUser= 0x00000004,
umNotAuthUser= 0x00000008,
umAway= 0x00000010,
umNotAway= 0x00000020,
umSysop= 0x00000040,
umNotSysop= 0x00000080,
umAdmin= 0x00000100,
umNotAdmin= 0x00000200,
umInvisible= 0x00000400,
umNotInvisible= 0x00000800,
umNotices= 0x00001000,
umNoNotices= 0x00002000,
umWallops= 0x00004000,
umNoWallops= 0x00008000
} enumUserMode;

typedef enum
mmNone= 0x00000000,
mmClientIgnored= 0x00000001,
mmNotClientIgnored= 0x00000002,
mmAuthMember= 0x00000004,
mmNotAuthMember= 0x00000008,
mmAway= 0x00000010,
mmNotAway= 0x00000020,
mmSysop= 0x00000040,
mmNotSysop= 0x00000080,
mmOwner= 0x00000100,
mmNotOwner= 0x00000200,
mmHost= 0x00000400,
mmNotHost= 0x00000800,
mmVoice= 0x00001000,
mmNoVoice= 0x00002000
} enumMemberMode;

typedef enum
cmNone= 0x00000000,
cmPublic= 0x00000000,
cmPrivate= 0x00000001,
cmHidden= 0x00000002,
cmSecret= 0x00000004,
cmModerated= 0x00000008,
cmNoExtern= 0x00000010,
cmTopicop= 0x00000020,
cmInvite= 0x00000040,
cmKnock= 0x00000080,
cmNoWhisper= 0x00000100,
cmRegistered= 0x00000200,
cmService= 0x00000400,
cmAuthOnly= 0x00000800,
cmCloneable= 0x00001000,
cmClone= 0x00002000,
cmAuditorium= 0x00004000,
cmNoFormat= 0x00008000,
cmCreateOnly= 0x10000000
} enumChannelMode;

helpstring("IChatItems Interface"),
interface IChatItems : IDispatch
[propget, id(1)] HRESULT AssociatedType([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
[propput, id(1)] HRESULT AssociatedType([in] BSTR newVal);
[propget, id(2)] HRESULT ValidItems([out, retval] VARIANT *pVal);
[propget, id(3)] HRESULT ItemValid([in] BSTR ItemName, [out, retval] BOOL *pVal);
[propget, id(4)] HRESULT Item([in] BSTR ItemName, [out, retval] VARIANT *pVal);
[propput, id(4)] HRESULT Item([in] BSTR ItemName, [in] VARIANT newVal);
[id(55)] HRESULT InvalidateItem([in] BSTR ItemName);

helpstring("Microsoft ChatItems Object")
coclass ChatItems
[default] interface IChatItems;

helpstring("IChannelObject Interface"),
interface IChannelObject : IDispatch
[propget, id(10)] HRESULT Index([out, retval] long *pVal);
[propget, id(11)] HRESULT ChannelState([out, retval] enumChannelState *pVal);
[propget, id(12)] HRESULT ChannelName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
[propput, id(12)] HRESULT ChannelName([in] BSTR newVal);
[propget, id(13)] HRESULT ChannelTopic([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
[propget, id(14)] HRESULT MemberCount([out, retval] long *pVal);
[propget, id(15)] HRESULT MemberIdentity([in,optional] VARIANT vMemberNickname, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
[propget, id(16)] HRESULT MemberModes([in,optional] VARIANT vMemberNickname, [out, retval] long *pVal);
[propget, id(17)] HRESULT ChannelProperty([in] BSTR ChannelPropertyName, [out, retval] IChatItems* *pVal);
[propget, id(18)] HRESULT MemberProperty([in] BSTR MemberPropertyName, [in,optional] VARIANT vMemberNickname, [out, retval] IChatItems* *pVal);
[id(60)] HRESULT CreateChannel([in,optional] VARIANT ChannelName, [in,optional] VARIANT ChannelKeyword, [in,optional] VARIANT ChannelModes, [in,optional] VARIANT MaxMemberCount);
[id(61)] HRESULT JoinChannel([in,optional] VARIANT ChannelName, [in,optional] VARIANT ChannelKeyword);
[id(62)] HRESULT LeaveChannel();
[id(63)] HRESULT SendMessage([in] long MessageType, [in] VARIANT Message, [in,optional] VARIANT RecipientNicknames, [in,optional] VARIANT DataMessageTag);
[id(64)] HRESULT SendInvitation([in] BSTR Nickname);
[id(65)] HRESULT ListMembers([in] ChatItems* MemberQueryItems);
[id(66)] HRESULT QueryMemberProperty([in] BSTR MemberPropertyName, [in,optional] VARIANT MemberNickname);
[id(67)] HRESULT ChangeMemberProperty([in] BSTR MemberPropertyName, [in] VARIANT NewMemberProperty, [in,optional] VARIANT MemberNickname);
[id(68)] HRESULT BanMembers([in] ChatItems* MemberItems, [in] BOOL Set);
[id(69)] HRESULT KickMember([in] BSTR MemberNickname, [in,optional] VARIANT Reason);
[id(70)] HRESULT QueryChannelProperty([in] BSTR ChannelPropertyName);
[id(71)] HRESULT ChangeChannelProperty([in] BSTR ChannelPropertyName, [in] VARIANT NewChannelProperty);

helpstring("Microsoft Channel Object")
coclass Channel
[default] interface IChannelObject;

helpstring("IChannelsCollection Interface"),
interface IChannelsCollection : IDispatch
[propget, id(DISPID_VALUE)] HRESULT Item([in,optional] VARIANT vIndex, [out, retval] IChannelObject* *pVal);
[propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM)] HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown* *pVal);
[propget, id(30)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *pVal);
[id(80)] HRESULT Add([in,optional] VARIANT vIndex, [in,optional] VARIANT vKey, [out, retval] IChannelObject** ppChannelObject);
[id(81)] HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT vIndex);

helpstring("Microsoft Channels Collection Object")
coclass Channels
[default] interface IChannelsCollection;

helpstring("IMsChatPr Interface"),
interface IMsChatPr : IDispatch
[propget, id(40)] HRESULT ConnectionState([out, retval] enumConnectionState *pVal);
[propget, id(41)] HRESULT ConnectionType([out, retval] enumConnectionType *pVal);
[propget, id(42)] HRESULT OpeningChannels([out, retval] long *pVal);
[propget, id(43)] HRESULT PropertyAccessTimeOut([out, retval] long *pVal);
[propput, id(43)] HRESULT PropertyAccessTimeOut([in] long newVal);
[propget, id(44)] HRESULT ProcessProtocolMessages([out, retval] BOOL *pVal);
[propput, id(44)] HRESULT ProcessProtocolMessages([in] BOOL newVal);
[propget, id(45)] HRESULT ConvertedString([in] enumConversionType ConversionType, [in] enumConversionSource ConversionSource, [in] BSTR Source, [in] BOOL PostProcess, [out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
[propget, id(46)] HRESULT Channels([out, retval] IDispatch* *pVal);
[propget, id(47)] HRESULT NewChatItems([out, retval] IChatItems* *pVal);
[propget, id(48)] HRESULT MaxStringLength([in] enumStringType StringType, [out, retval] long *pVal);
[propget, id(49)] HRESULT ServerName([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
[propget, id(50)] HRESULT Nickname([out, retval] BSTR *pVal);
[propget, id(51)] HRESULT UserProperty([in] BSTR UserPropertyName, [in,optional] VARIANT Nickname, [out, retval] IChatItems* *pVal);
[propget, id(52)] HRESULT ChannelProperty([in] BSTR ChannelPropertyName, [in,optional] VARIANT ChannelName, [out, retval] IChatItems* *pVal);
[propget, id(53)] HRESULT ServerProperty([in] BSTR ServerPropertyName, [out, retval] IChatItems* *pVal);
[id(90)] HRESULT AboutBox();
[id(91)] HRESULT Connect([in] BSTR ServerName);
[id(92)] HRESULT Login([in] BSTR ServerName, [in] BSTR Nickname, [in,optional] VARIANT UserName, [in,optional] VARIANT RealName, [in,optional] VARIANT Password, [in,optional] VARIANT SecurityPackages);
[id(93)] HRESULT Disconnect();
[id(94)] HRESULT CancelConnectLogin();
[id(95)] HRESULT ListChannels([in] ChatItems* ChannelQueryItems);
[id(96)] HRESULT QueryChannelProperty([in] BSTR ChannelPropertyName, [in,optional] VARIANT ChannelName);
[id(97)] HRESULT KillChannel([in] BSTR ChannelName, [in,optional] VARIANT Reason);
[id(98)] HRESULT ListUsers([in] ChatItems* UserQueryItems);
[id(99)] HRESULT QueryUserProperty([in] BSTR UserPropertyName, [in,optional] VARIANT Nickname);
[id(100)] HRESULT ChangeUserProperty([in] BSTR UserPropertyName, [in] VARIANT NewUserProperty, [in,optional] VARIANT Nickname);
[id(101)] HRESULT IgnoreUsers([in] ChatItems* UserItems, [in] BOOL Set);
[id(102)] HRESULT BanUsers([in] ChatItems* UserItems, [in] BOOL Set, [in,optional] VARIANT Reason, [in,optional] VARIANT Duration);
[id(103)] HRESULT KickUser([in] BSTR Nickname, [in,optional] VARIANT Reason);
[id(104)] HRESULT ChangeNickname([in] BSTR NewNickname);
[id(105)] HRESULT SetAway([in] BOOL Away, [in,optional] VARIANT TextMessage);
[id(106)] HRESULT QueryServerProperty([in] BSTR ServerPropertyName);
[id(107)] HRESULT SendInvitation([in] BSTR Nickname, [in,optional] VARIANT ChannelName);
[id(108)] HRESULT SendPrivateMessage([in] long PrivateMessageType, [in] VARIANT Message, [in] VARIANT RecipientNicknames, [in,optional] VARIANT DataMessageTag);
[id(109)] HRESULT SendProtocolMessage([in] BSTR TextMessage);

helpstring("IMsChatPrEvent Interface")
dispinterface _IMsChatPrEvent
// Event interface has no properties
void OnConnectionState(enumConnectionState NewConnectionState);

void OnConnectionError(long ErrorCode,
BSTR Description,
VARIANT ChannelName);

void OnChannelState(Channel* Channel,
enumChannelState NewChannelState);

void OnChannelError(Channel* Channel,
long ErrorCode,
BSTR Description);

void OnBeginEnumeration(Channel* Channel,
enumEnumType EnumType);

void OnEndEnumeration(Channel* Channel,
enumEnumType EnumType);

void OnAddMember(Channel* Channel,
BSTR Nickname,
ChatItems* MemberItems);

void OnDelMember(Channel* Channel,
BSTR Nickname);

void OnUserProperty(ChatItems* UserItems);

void OnUserPropertyChanged(BSTR ModifiedNickname,
BSTR ModifierNickname,
BSTR UserPropertyName,
VARIANT OldUserProperty,
VARIANT NewUserProperty);

void OnMemberProperty(Channel* Channel, ChatItems* MemberItems);

void OnMemberPropertyChanged(Channel* Channel,
BSTR ModifiedNickname,
BSTR ModifierNickname,
BSTR MemberPropertyName,
VARIANT OldMemberProperty,
VARIANT NewMemberProperty);

void OnMemberKicked(Channel* Channel,
BSTR KickedNickname,
BSTR KickerNickname,
BSTR Reason);

void OnChannelProperty(Channel* Channel,
ChatItems* ChannelItems);

void OnChannelPropertyChanged(Channel* Channel,
BSTR ModifierNickname,
BSTR ChannelPropertyName,
VARIANT OldChannelProperty,
VARIANT NewChannelProperty);

void OnServerProperty(ChatItems* ServerItems);

void OnInvitation(BSTR ChannelName,
ChatItems* InviterItems);

void OnKnock(Channel* Channel,
ChatItems* KnockerItems,
long ErrorCode);

void OnPrivateMessage(BSTR SenderNickname,
long PrivateMessageType,
VARIANT Message,
VARIANT DataMessageTag);

void OnServerTextMessage(enumServerMessageType ServerMessageType,
BSTR Text);

void OnMessage(Channel* Channel,
BSTR SenderNickname,
long MessageType,
VARIANT Message,
VARIANT RecipientNicknames,
VARIANT DataMessageTag);

void OnProtocolMessage(BSTR MessagePrefix,
BSTR MessageCommand,
VARIANT MessageParameters,

helpstring("Microsoft Chat Protocol Control")
coclass MsChatPr
[default] interface IMsChatPr;
[default, source] interface _IMsChatPrEvent;