Begin VB.Form frmBrwsTree
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "Active Directory VB Browser"
ClientHeight = 7065
ClientLeft = 4125
ClientTop = 2790
ClientWidth = 7575
FillStyle = 0 'Solid
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 7470
Left = 4065
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
MinButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 7065
ScaleWidth = 7575
Top = 2445
Width = 7695
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdAbort
Caption = "Stop"
Height = 375
Left = 6360
TabIndex = 4
Top = 720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 1095
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdProperties
Caption = "Properties..."
Height = 375
Left = 6360
TabIndex = 3
Top = 240
Width = 1095
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit
Caption = "Exit"
Height = 375
Left = 6360
TabIndex = 2
Top = 1200
Width = 1095
Begin VB.Label txtPath
Appearance = 0 'Flat
AutoSize = -1 'True
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Path"
BeginProperty Font
name = "Times New Roman"
charset = 0
weight = 400
size = 11.25
underline = 0 'False
italic = 0 'False
strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 255
Left = 360
TabIndex = 7
Top = 6720
Width = 405
Begin VB.Label txtName
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "ADS:"
BeginProperty Font
name = "Times New Roman"
charset = 0
weight = 400
size = 12
underline = 0 'False
italic = 0 'False
strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H80000008&
Height = 375
Left = 360
TabIndex = 6
Top = 6000
Width = 6255
Begin VB.Label Label3
Caption = "Path:"
BeginProperty Font
name = "Times New Roman"
charset = 0
weight = 400
size = 11.25
underline = 0 'False
italic = 0 'False
strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 375
Left = 240
TabIndex = 5
Top = 6360
Width = 855
Begin VB.Label Label1
Caption = "Name:"
BeginProperty Font
name = "Times New Roman"
charset = 0
weight = 400
size = 12
underline = 0 'False
italic = 0 'False
strikethrough = 0 'False
Height = 375
Left = 240
TabIndex = 1
Top = 5640
Width = 855
Begin ComctlLib.ImageList ImageList1
Left = 11160
Top = 6960
_Version = 65536
_ExtentX = 1005
_ExtentY = 1005
_StockProps = 1
BackColor = -2147483643
MaskColor = 12632256
Begin ComctlLib.TreeView TreeView1
Height = 5535
Left = 0
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 6135
_Version = 65536
_ExtentX = 10821
_ExtentY = 9763
_StockProps = 196
Appearance = 1
ImageList = ""
MousePointer = 1
PathSeparator = "\"
Sorted = -1 'True
Style = 7
Attribute VB_Name = "frmBrwsTree"
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdAbort_Click()
' Allows the user to cancel a tree expand
bAbort = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
' Allows user to end program
End Sub

Private Sub cmdProperties_Click()
' Allows viewing of Active Directory object properties
Dim Class As IADsClass
Dim Property As IADsProperty
Dim v As Variant
Dim Value As Variant
Dim EmptyVar As Variant

' Set Error handler
On Error Resume Next

' Don't allow exit while getting properties
cmdExit.Visible = False

' Set cursor to wait/arrow
Screen.MousePointer = 13

' Get the object and its properties
Set currentADsObj = GetObject(TreeView1.SelectedItem.Key)
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not get object"
GoTo skip
End If
frmProp.lblName.Caption = currentADsObj.Name
frmProp.lblPath.Caption = currentADsObj.ADsPath
frmProp.lblClass.Caption = currentADsObj.Class
' Namespaces object and Schema object are the only two objects that
' do not have an associated schema
If currentADsObj.Class = "Schema" Or _
currentADsObj.Class = "NameSpaces" Then
MsgBox "Please chose non schema object"
GoTo skip
End If

' Load the form
Load frmProp
Set Class = GetObject(currentADsObj.Schema)
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not get schema object"
GoTo skip
End If
If Class.Container Then
frmProp.lblIsContainer.Caption = "Yes"
frmProp.lblIsContainer.Caption = "No"
End If
For Each v In Class.MandatoryProperties
Set Property = GetObject(Class.Parent + "\" + v)
Value = EmptyVar
Value = currentADsObj.Get(Property.Name)
If VarType(Value) = vbEmpty Then
frmProp.lstProperties.AddItem Property.Name & "(" & Property.Syntax & _
"):" & "<Empty>"
frmProp.lstProperties.AddItem Property.Name & "(" & Property.Syntax & _
"):" & Value
End If
Next v

'Make form visible
frmProp.Visible = True

cmdExit.Visible = True
'Set cursor to default
Screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Sets up the application main form

' Define indexs for LoadResPicture API
Const idxComputer = 101
Const idxUser = 102
Const idxDomain = 103
Const idxSyntax = 104
Const idxService = 105
Const idxGroup = 106
Const idxPrintQueue = 107
Const idxOU = 108
Const idxFileShare = 109
Const idxOrganization = 110
Const idxCountry = 111
Const idxTop = 112
Const idxNamespace = 113
Const idxDefault = 114
Const idxNamespaces = 115
' App icon index
Const idxApp = 101

' Create temp Node variable
Dim nodX As Node

' Load pictures into ImageList control.
'Dim pic As Picture
'Create Image variable
Dim imgI As ListImage

' Set Error handler
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' Each image/icon is loaded from the resource file. If the image
' is not present, the default image is used.
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgComputer", LoadResPicture(idxComputer, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgUser", LoadResPicture(idxUser, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgDomain", LoadResPicture(idxDomain, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgSchema", LoadResPicture(idxSyntax, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgService", LoadResPicture(idxService, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgGroup", LoadResPicture(idxGroup, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgPrintQueue", LoadResPicture(idxPrintQueue, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgFileShare", LoadResPicture(idxFileShare, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgOrganization", LoadResPicture(idxOrganization, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgCountry", LoadResPicture(idxCountry, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgNameSpace", LoadResPicture(idxNamespace, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgNamespaces", LoadResPicture(idxNamespaces, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgFileService", LoadResPicture(idxDefault, vbResBitmap))
Set imgI = ImageList1.ListImages.Add(, _
"imgDefault", LoadResPicture(idxDefault, vbResBitmap))

frmBrwsTree.Icon = LoadResPicture(idxApp, vbResIcon)

' Set TreeView control properties.
TreeView1.ImageList = ImageList1 ' Initialize ImageList
TreeView1.Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusPictureText ' Style 7
TreeView1.LineStyle = tvwRootLines
TreeView1.Indentation = 50
strPath = "ADS:" ' Default start of browse

Call enumerate_path(nodX)

GoTo finish

errstring = "Had an error:" & Err.Number
ERRNUMB = Err.Number
MsgBox errstring
Resume Next

End Sub

Private Sub TreeView1_Collapse(ByVal Node As Node)
' To do when collapsing a node
txtName.Caption = Node.Text
txtPath.Caption = Node.Key
End Sub

Private Sub TreeView1_Expand(ByVal Node As Node)
' Process a node expand
Dim ChildNode As Node
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

TreeView1.MousePointer = 13
' Only expand once so check for "Dummy" child
If Node.Child = "Dummy" Then

Node.Sorted = True
If bStartup = False Then

cmdExit.Visible = False
txtName.Caption = Node.Text
txtPath.Caption = Node.Key

Set ChildNode = Node.Child
If ChildNode.Text = "Dummy" Then
TreeView1.Nodes.Remove (ChildNode.Key)
End If
cmdAbort.Visible = True

strPath = Node.Key

Call enumerate_path(Node)

End If
End If

GoTo finish

errstring = "Had an error:" & Err.Number
ERRNUMB = Err.Number
MsgBox errstring

cmdExit.Visible = True
Node.Sorted = True
cmdAbort.Visible = False
TreeView1.MousePointer = 0

End Sub

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeClick(ByVal Node As Node)
' Process a node click
txtName.Caption = Node.Text
txtPath.Caption = Node.Key
End Sub