The JavaDraw sample demonstrates how to implement a distributed drawing application  
using Java SDK 2.0 and MSMQ ActiveX components. It sends and receives MSMQ messages
which store drawings using safearrays, charater data as strings, as well as a
"Clear screen" message to both the sender and the receiver. The sample also demonstrates
how to handle MSMQ ActiveX Events in Java.

The sample prepares and sends one message for the entire stroke ( drawing between
mouse-down and mouse-up ). It demonstrates an object oriented approach to send and
receive different data types using Java.

VB and C-based versions of disdraw samples on MSMQ SDK will not
interoperate with this sample since they send one message per pixel of drawing. A
compatible version of JavaDraw can be made by reducing the functionality and removing
the safe-array part with simple text

In order to compile the sample code, you MUST use the latest Java compiler included
in SDK 2.0. Before building the sample, run the JActiveX tool on MSMQ type library
( MQOA.dll ) to generate java wrapper classes for MSMQ ActiveX components. For a
description of JActiveX tool, please refer to the Microsoft SDK for Java 2.0
documentation available at

SafeArrays and Variants are described in the Microsoft SDK for Java 2.0 documentation
which is available from