// MainFrm.h : interface of the CMainFrame class 

class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd
protected: // create from serialization only

// Attributes

// Operations

// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);

// Implementation
virtual ~CMainFrame();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;

protected: // control bar embedded members
CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;
CToolBar m_wndToolBar;

// Generated message map functions
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnApiCreateQueue();
afx_msg void OnApiDeleteQueue();
afx_msg void OnApiOpenQueue();
afx_msg void OnApiCloseQueue();
afx_msg void OnApiSendMessage();
afx_msg void OnApiReceiveMessage();
afx_msg void OnApiLocate();


void OnUpdateFrameTitle(BOOL bAddToTitle);

// An array to hold the pathnames of the queues that were created so far.

// Holds information about all "located" queues
CArray<ARRAYQ*, ARRAYQ*> m_PathNameArray;

// Holds information about all "opened" queues
CArray<ARRAYQ*, ARRAYQ*> m_OpenedQueuePathNameArray;


// Utility function to display status string based on received msg Class property
void ClassToString(unsigned short MsgClass,LPTSTR pszStatus);

// functions to manipulate the path names array.

// Adds a given ARRAYQ pointer to the PathName array.
void Add2PathNameArray(ARRAYQ* NewPath) {m_PathNameArray.Add(NewPath);}
// Removes an ARRAYQ pointer whose pathname matches
// the given pathname form the PathName array.
ARRAYQ* RemoveFromPathNameArray(TCHAR szPathName[MAX_Q_PATHNAME_LEN]);
// Empties the PathName array and frees all allocated memory.
void CleanPathNameArray();
// Looks for an ARRAYQ pointer whose pathname matches the given one,
// and returns the formatname of that ARRAYQ.
BOOL TranslatePathNameToFormatName(TCHAR szPathName[MAX_Q_PATHNAME_LEN],
// Prints to screen the pathname of all ARRAYQ's in the PathName array.
void DisplayPathNameArray();

// functions to manipulate the opened queues path name array.

// Adds a given ARRAYQ pointer to the Opened Queue PathName array.
void Add2OpenedQueuePathNameArray(ARRAYQ* NewPath)
// Removes an ARRAYQ pointer whose pathname matches
// the given pathname form the Opened Queue PathName array.
ARRAYQ* RemoveFromOpenedQueuePathNameArray(TCHAR szPathName[MAX_Q_PATHNAME_LEN]);
// Checks if the Opened Queue PathName array is Empty.
BOOL IsOpenedQueueArrayEmpty();
// Looks for an ARRAYQ pointer whose pathname matches the given one,
// and returns the formatname of that ARRAYQ.
BOOL TranslateOpenedQueuePathNameToFormatName(
// Looks for an ARRAYQ pointer whose pathname matches the given one,
// and returns the Queue Handle of that ARRAYQ.
QUEUEHANDLE* phClosedQueueHandle);
// Prints to screen the pathname of all ARRAYQ's in the PathName array.
void DisplayOpenedQueuePathNameArray();

// functions to manipulate both of the queues.

// Moves an ARRAYQ pointer from the PathName array to the Opened Queue PathName array.
void MoveToOpenedQueuePathNameArray(TCHAR szPathName[MAX_Q_PATHNAME_LEN],
QUEUEHANDLE hQueue, DWORD dwAccess);
// Moves an ARRAYQ pointer from the Opened Queue PathName array array to the PathName.
void MoveToPathNameArray(TCHAR szPathName[MAX_Q_PATHNAME_LEN]);
// Looks for ARRAYQ's that are found in both arrays
// and removes them from the PathName array.
void UpdatePathNameArrays();


extern "C" void PrintToScreen(const TCHAR * Format, ...);
extern CWnd* pMainView;
