Microsoft RPC Version 2.0
Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992, 1993, 1994- 1996
xmit Example

FILE: xmitp.c

PURPOSE: Remote procedures that are linked with the server
side of RPC distributed application

FUNCTIONS: ModifyListProc() - changes the doubly-linked list
Shutdown() - shuts down the server side

COMMENTS: Related to xmits.c


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xmit.h" // header file generated by MIDL compiler


Function: ModifyListProc

Parameters: pFirst : Pointer to the head of a doubly-linked list.

Returns: none

Purpose: Display the list passed to the function.
For each element in the list, add another element.
Display the modified list.

Comments: This sample is meant to demonstrate a typical use of the
transmit_as attribute: A complex data structure is simplified
for transmission over the network, restored on the server,
then manipulated by the remote function on the server.
The modified data is returned to the client.

Calls InsertNewNode(param1, param2), a utility routine
in xmits.c that creates a new node, assigns to it the
value param1, and inserts it into the list after param2.


DOUBLE_LINK_TYPE * InsertNewNode(short sValue, DOUBLE_LINK_TYPE * pPrevious);

void ModifyListProc(DOUBLE_LINK_TYPE * pFirst)
DOUBLE_LINK_TYPE * pList = pFirst;
short newNumber;

printf("ModifyListProc: Display contents of doubly linked list:\n");
while (pList != NULL) {
printf("pList @0x%x = %d, Next = 0x%x\n",
pList, pList->sNumber, pList->pNext);
pList = pList->pNext;

printf("ModifyListProc: Add one node for every node in tree\n");
for (pList = pFirst; pList != NULL; pList = pList->pNext) {
newNumber = pList->sNumber + 1;
pList = InsertNewNode(newNumber, pList);

printf("ModifyListProc: Display modified contents of doubly linked list:\n");
for (pList = pFirst; pList != NULL; pList = pList->pNext) {
printf("pList @0x%x = %d, Next = 0x%x\n",
pList, pList->sNumber, pList->pNext);


Function: Shutdown

Parameters: none

Returns: none

Purpose: Make the server stop listening for client applications.

Comments: The two NULL parameters passed to RpcServerUnregisterIf are
a show of brute force: they tell the function to turn
off all registered interfaces. See the RPC API function
reference for more information about these functions.


void Shutdown(void)
RPC_STATUS status;

printf("Calling RpcMgmtStopServerListening\n");
status = RpcMgmtStopServerListening(NULL);
printf("RpcMgmtStopServerListening returned: 0x%x\n", status);
if (status) {

printf("Calling RpcServerUnregisterIf\n");
status = RpcServerUnregisterIf(NULL, NULL, FALSE);
printf("RpcServerUnregisterIf returned 0x%x\n", status);
if (status) {

/* end file xmitp.c */