uuid (d6d70ef0-0e3b-11cb-acc3-08002b1d29c3),
version (1.0),
pointer_default (unique)
interface NsiS


* N S I _ B I N D I N G _ E X P O R T
* Export a name service database entry with multiple binding handles
* and multiple objects for a server.

void nsi_binding_export
[in] UNSIGNED32 entry_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T entry_name,
[in] NSI_INTERFACE_ID_T * interface_object,
[in] NSI_UUID_VECTOR_P_T object_uuid_vec,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status

* N S I _ B I N D I N G _ U N E X P O R T
* Removes the binding handles for an interface and/or objects from an
* entry in the name service database.

void nsi_binding_unexport
[in] UNSIGNED32 entry_name_syntax,
[in] STRING_T entry_name,
[in] NSI_INTERFACE_ID_T * interface_object,
[in] NSI_UUID_VECTOR_P_T object_uuid_vec,
[out] UNSIGNED16 * status